View Full Version : Mages: too underpowered. :(

11-06-2010, 11:51 AM
everytime int mages are in PvP theyre one hit koed by archers and bears kills them when mana shield is out or they ran out of mana. in PvE they die too fast so whats the point of supporting the team if theyre always targeted by aliens and bosses. Void armor is better than Cosmo except for the mana.
I think you guys should improve the armor so we dont get killed by archers in a blink of an eye and we have better survivability in both Pve and PvP. I know many mages that want to improve the stats of mages becuase its very annoying dying so quickly and not contributing to the team.

11-06-2010, 12:02 PM
Let me tell you something, but dont laugh. Even bears get 1 hitted by Birds in PvP, you seriously havent tried Lonearcher have you? Mages need to know how to spam skills, you guys will do well if you spam heal skill. Even at Level31 i pwn everyone with my Pure Dex Birdie (players ranged 28-32)

11-06-2010, 12:03 PM
Yeah, a pure DEX archer can pretty much beat any other class.

11-06-2010, 12:28 PM
i fought lone when i was a paladin but when i am 50 now i dont want to fight any archers anymore. i should change the title then to Archer: too overpowered. :)

11-06-2010, 12:31 PM
how about dex bears? are they able to defeat archers?

11-06-2010, 12:50 PM
how about dex bears? are they able to defeat archers?

i bet not. they just spam their skills in right order to take down all armor and make a lot of damage. as dex bear you got even LESS armor lol

11-06-2010, 03:57 PM
hey arterra hows dexmage working out for u?

11-06-2010, 04:02 PM
Let me tell you something, but dont laugh. Even bears get 1 hitted by Birds in PvP, you seriously havent tried Lonearcher have you? Mages need to know how to spam skills, you guys will do well if you spam heal skill. Even at Level31 i pwn everyone with my Pure Dex Birdie (players ranged 28-32)

1) No, good bears don't...

2) Spamming skills is NOT a strategy.

3) Spamming heal isn't it, archers nuke, the likelihood of you healing in between the nuke is slim since it happen so fast, they need to be able to keep alive with mana, which takes strategy and timing.

11-06-2010, 04:08 PM
at levl 31, pure archers suck.

11-06-2010, 04:12 PM
1) No, good bears don't...

2) Spamming skills is NOT a strategy.

3) Spamming heal isn't it, archers nuke, the likelihood of you healing in between the nuke is slim since it happen so fast, they need to be able to keep alive with mana, which takes strategy and timing.

True timing is hard to master.

11-06-2010, 08:05 PM
at levl 31, pure archers suck.

Nahh, you just got to master the skills, archer has best skills in-game anyway. i killed a bear using just break armor and blast shot in PvP.

11-06-2010, 09:32 PM
Nahh, you just got to master the skills, archer has best skills in-game anyway. i killed a bear using just break armor and blast shot in PvP.

You realize at level 31 probably most of the people you play are noobs that aren't geared up, and don't play pvp enough to know tactics. Archer at that level suck, I've pvped them, and I'm not talking the ones with plat stuff, I'm talking geared up twinks.

11-08-2010, 07:38 AM
well there's a general feeling, I can say, and plenty of arguments in Enchantress class discussion, showing that mages feel a bit left alone, especially when reaching lvl 45+. It is especially true for pure INT mages, who should get some kind of benefits for being so fragile.

Such as : get even more devastating damages, or get time-limited invulnerability (or at least greater protection than currently).

11-08-2010, 10:35 AM
Str: tank
Int: heal
Dex: kill

11-08-2010, 11:08 AM
The buffs a mage can do coupled with powerful AOE spells makes it so mages attract a ton of aggro, sometimes enough to override the "taunt" skill.
Since bears and birds almost always can only attack one mob at a time, even a small amount of damage can attract aggro if the bear isn't using taunt. As i said, the damage can be great enough (using a fire/ice staff and hot flash combo) that even with a bear using taunt, a bunch of mobs will suddenly attack a mage, which is usually bad news.
I don't agree that mages should have more damage, mages already deal the most overall damage in pve, and are probably the most useful class (heals and revives).
For people who complain that their mages get one hit ko'ed in pvp: Mages are not for pvp. Mages are healers, not fighters.

My solution:
Taunt should be much stronger.

11-08-2010, 12:56 PM
Taunt should be tweaked to be able to keep aggro better, and longer.

As for Mages, they are indeed underpowered. I made a Mage, and sadly, they are costing more to level than my bird.

Either there be a serious tweak in balance for classes, or make mages deal a whole lot more damage, as they should (comparing other MMOs and their general class definition).

Birds should be more for Fast kills and crit (like they already are) and Bears should be able to keep aggro indefinitely, since they are "meat shields".

11-08-2010, 05:55 PM
The buffs a mage can do coupled with powerful AOE spells makes it so mages attract a ton of aggro, sometimes enough to override the "taunt" skill.
Since bears and birds almost always can only attack one mob at a time, even a small amount of damage can attract aggro if the bear isn't using taunt. As i said, the damage can be great enough (using a fire/ice staff and hot flash combo) that even with a bear using taunt, a bunch of mobs will suddenly attack a mage, which is usually bad news.
I don't agree that mages should have more damage, mages already deal the most overall damage in pve, and are probably the most useful class (heals and revives).
For people who complain that their mages get one hit ko'ed in pvp: Mages are not for pvp. Mages are healers, not fighters.

My solution:
Taunt should be much stronger.

but other mages want to pvp! not just to heal and revive which is a so tedious. we want to do something else more than PvE. Pvp shoudnt be designed only for specific classes but instead for everyone!