View Full Version : My Ideal Next Season Mythic Weapons

10-02-2013, 10:53 AM
1. Sorc

The Mythic Machine Gun

holding the attack button won't charge it, it will make it fire continuously

It has basically low damage but extremely hi DPS

The attacked target slows down due to the barrage of bullets by 50% and the target will have diminishing armor debuff. The Item has a chance to proc Ricochet that has a low chance for bullets to ricochet to other nearby enemies. If only fighting with a single target, it will hit his allies or him/herself reducing the life and armor by a fix amount but will give allies a berserker buff which increases health regen and give allies plus 30 percent damage

2. Rogue

The Mythic Fist

Rogues don't need bows or sword anymore, the fist is enough. With the extreme high skills in martial arts, holding the attack button will create a barrage of fists making it look like multiple hands punching a target

High Damage and High DPS

While holding the attack button the rogue has a high chance to jump throu targets like a ninja and attack them simultaneously. Has a chance to proc drunken fist (This is because punching simultaneously will cause the rogue to be stressed and tired thus he/she drinks) then speed will dramatically slow down by 30% but high chance to instantly kill a creep (Does not apply to boss or pvp) Also Procs a diminishing High dex and crit Buff

3. Warrior

The Mythic Bazooka

Finally, a range weapon for warriors. pressing the attack button one by one will make the warrior use the Bazooka gun as a meelee weapon, holding the hold button will increase the fire power of the bazooka

Extremely high damage, DPS is like a turtle

In melee form, the bazooka can proc fear to the target unit due to how scary the weapon looks like and also has a chance to proc +500 health and 10% armor buff. A charged bazooka at its maximum has an aoe of 12 meters and extremely high damage with a chance of nuclear proc, the enemies caught in the AOE has a chance to be affected with a radiation debuff that reduces armor, life, will to fight of the enemies by 20% (Will-to-fight debuff means they just stop attacking for 3 seconds due to the sadness and pain). Allies that are within the AOE are affected by the aftermath buff, since it's a war, allies within the range will receive +10% loot reroll and 10% morale for 5 seconds (Aftermath buff consist of loot reroll buff and morale buff, morale buff is a buf that increase life, damage, and stats YES STATS for 5 seconds)

It's just my idea, I hope you can post yours too :) just got nothing to do, so my mind runs wild :) Hope you guys enjoyed reading :)

Just want to add New Common items with effects

1. Rogue

The butter knife

I rogue holding a little knife

low dmg low dps

5% chance to pickpocket

2. Sorc
The beginner's Spell handbook

No damage at all, the sorc attacks through words while holding a book

5% Chance to actually cast a correct spell, unleashes a weak range attack that stuns the opponent due to laughter

3. Warrior
The Rock

The warrior throws a rock at an enemy, Rock items are disposable, once thrown to a monster it automatically vanishes and switches to another rock in the inventory or the next usable weapon

5% chance to make enemy channel for 1 second and say "ouch" (It has audio)

10-02-2013, 11:02 AM
This aint borderlands bad idea

10-02-2013, 11:03 AM
^what do you mean?

10-02-2013, 11:04 AM

10-02-2013, 11:07 AM
LOL.. Bazooka to warrior.. aahahahahahah XD

And fists to rogues.. umm.. yea... bad.. baad idea.. i would accept kickboots that fists first... XD

10-02-2013, 11:08 AM
Well it's just a wild thought :))

10-02-2013, 02:51 PM
Just make more mythic bows, daggers, hammers, swords, guns staffs. why every mythic wep haves to be unique?

10-02-2013, 03:02 PM
Well it's just a wild thought :))

Wild, nuff said.

10-02-2013, 03:19 PM
Rogue is not a Monk, why fist lol ? Go play diablo 3 if you want to fight with fist :P

10-02-2013, 03:44 PM
No mythic fists, the last things rogues need is no range on 2 out of 3 mythic weps...bows ftw!

10-02-2013, 08:11 PM
i suggest new mythic o arcane weapon for warrior is not sword or hammer type. make a mage-warrior please. :p

10-03-2013, 03:03 AM
Added ideal common items

10-03-2013, 03:09 AM
No mythic fists, the last things rogues need is no range on 2 out of 3 mythic weps...bows ftw!
This. :)

10-03-2013, 03:33 AM
but mythic fist makes u jump through targets automatically, u just need to hold the attack button

10-04-2013, 11:44 PM
Im sorry its just awefull ideas, this would change the whole game concept, and i like it the way it is more than being soldiers in warld war :/

10-09-2013, 03:51 AM
....just leave AL and go back to call of duty, borderlands...


10-09-2013, 03:54 AM
Wild, nuff said.


10-09-2013, 07:11 AM
Mythic nunchucks! for rogue, range somewhere between bow and dagger

Mythic boomerang for mage!

Mythic two edge swinging sword for warrior

And as for mythic pets, either the mythical Manbearpig or the new age Molebearsloth