View Full Version : Cruel Blast Combo

10-03-2013, 11:08 AM

I just wanna know why people recommends shattering scream 1 and blast shot 9?

and not max shattering and blast to increase more damage?


10-03-2013, 12:55 PM
This recommendation is usually based off of the PvP vs. PvE scope of play. In PvP, because of limitations in skill point allocations, players prefer to have at least 5 points in Aviwn scream to release them from stuns, ices, and roots. Because of the importance of all the other arrows, buffs, and roots, this makes allocating Shattering Scream at "1" more feasible as many birds choose to keep their space , or "kite", which usually means you are out of range for the "Cruel Blast" combo.

In PvE, however, the opposite can be said. Because you are going to be running in groups with either mages or rhinos, there is not a need to free yourself from a stun as "Heal" will do this for you. Thus, PvE players choose to max Shattering Scream to fully maximize the "Cruel Blast" combo.

It is truly all about preference. I will say that the difference in having Shattering Scream maxed and with 1 point is not that noticeable.

Hopr that clears it up a bit.

10-04-2013, 09:42 AM
In a simple way of explaining it.

instead of just using scream alone, go with blast shot too. Gives a lot of damage.

10-04-2013, 11:18 AM
In a simple way of explaining it.

instead of just using scream alone, go with blast shot too. Gives a lot of damage.

If you read his post, he realizes how the combo works. He is asking for assistance into why Shattering Scream isn't always maxed out.

10-05-2013, 03:11 AM
If you read his post, he realizes how the combo works. He is asking for assistance into why Shattering Scream isn't always maxed out.

Aha, didn't really notice that.

Go for it crim lol xD