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10-04-2013, 05:25 PM
Dear Everyone,

I hope this post helps to provide some ideas for guilds in an attempt to help make guilds a bit more special than they already are. Guild functionality is a bit limited and feel that such improvements could foster a more healthy, and happy guild.

1)New Rank
This rank should be above officers. This rank should have all the functions and capability a Master would have excluding disbanding the guild.
Note: This rank would help aleviate the tensions caused when Masters and players play at vastly different Time Zones which is a common occurance in this game.

2)Guild Message of the Day and Guild Message Board
A) MOTD - This function should be allowed to Officers and all ranks above. Inputting this message would appear in the guild chat upon first logging on, as well as when one of the aformentioned ranks posts a new MotD (Message of the Day)
Note: This is a great way to leave constant reminders to guildies who login from different Time Zones or "miss the memo" - Masters can leave message to officers, who in turn can leave a much needed MotD on his/her behalf
B) Guild Message Board - This would be a fully functional message board whereby players in the guild can leave/delete messages . Sort of like an IN-GAME forum.

3)Guild Hall Upgrades
a)The War Room would be reserved for Officers and above.
Note: Some may dispute this and say that /o is an adequate resolution. I disagree. I feel a more interpersonal exchange creates a stronger connection between staff members and even more value to whatever message is being communicated at the time. My Guild and I meet frequently for guild meetings. My officers and I have "pre-meetings" and sometimes having that private room would just be an asset.
b)Training Room would be open to all members
Note: K/D ratio would not be affected in any way. This room is rather only to help devise strategy and train without being torn apart by vet players. This would be a great way to keep people interested in PvP and help mentally and statistically prepare for the real thing. Plus, it would help to get some of that stress out, without sacrificing the -oh so- valuable K/D ratio. Good for anyone.
c) New Guild Halls - perhaps matching the themes of passed and future expansions should now be included.

This one is kind of a no brainer (IMHO). We have mailboxes spotted all across the world. Why can't we use them for what they are intended for. Mail.
Note: I should be able to send gifts, or even just reminders to any given guild member. (Heck, anyone for that matter!) This would be a great way to bridge the gap between players who are in different time zones. When working in conjuction with the aformentioned MotD, communication will be a lot stronger.

5)Guild activity reports
This report should include:
-How many members are currently online, without using the clunky in-game command
-Date and time, name and level of any given member when joining, leaving, booting, promotions and demotions (and by who - if a new rank is included)
-Date and time of the last time an individual logged in on any given character.
Note: Record of this nature help to keep certain unwanted members out of the guild, and in conjuction with MotD would be a valuable resource to ensure that we keep the right members. This also helps us to gauge what we can do differently based on the statistics of each of the aformentioned. It will help identify qualities, needs and trends that can be studied which will inevitably help foster a stronger guild in the long run. This type of resource would also help up weed out the most inactive of players.

6) Waypoint to Guild Hall or "Join" option
Well, I can teleport into the wilderness, deep dark dungeons, or demon infested castles, but I can't teleport home? Heh - sorry for the note of sarcasm, but I think it's only fair that if we have a waypoint to the wildes, in all fairness we should have a waypoint back to the Guild hall too.

7) Guild Leaderboard
So that we can better evaluate some of our prestiged members and better assess reward and recognition programs from within the guild.
Guild Leaderboard can include Key Performance Indicators (Or KPI's) like PvE Kills, PvP kills, AP as well as even things like how many pets may have or what have you.

Well, these are just some of my thoughts. I felt that this would be a good start, and are likely the best tools and GM straight down to members could benefit from. Also, I feel this would help just make guilds something a bit more special.

Please leave your thoughts or comments below. and STG, if you are reading this, I sincerely hope that these functions can be added to the game. I'm sure every player (not just GM's) will benefit from the above suggestions.

All the best, and see you IG!

10-04-2013, 07:22 PM
I am still wondering why most of these ideas aren't implemented yet... wouldn't be that difficult I think :)

10-05-2013, 09:00 AM
I would love to understand that as well.

10-05-2013, 11:47 AM
Similar threads have been made but for some reason never implemented. I guess how the devs are busy for Halloween etc but maybe in the futrue. +1 to the ideas.

10-05-2013, 01:58 PM
I feel if we continue to respond to a thread and bump it up enough, we'll get the attention we all want :)

10-05-2013, 02:54 PM
Agreed, we need most of these to be implemented +1

10-05-2013, 03:29 PM
I love everyone one of these ideas. Very well written Oedid

10-05-2013, 03:49 PM
Thanks mates. Spread the word and lets support this post. Lets hope the devs are reading this. :)

10-05-2013, 07:13 PM
Great ideas!


10-05-2013, 08:24 PM
Really great ideas +1 from me

10-06-2013, 10:37 AM
Needs more attention so *bump*

10-06-2013, 11:22 AM
I just posted a thread about guild pvp room. This was much better written and I agree 100% great idea.

10-06-2013, 07:00 PM

10-07-2013, 12:06 PM
Thanks everybody - keep up the support!

10-07-2013, 12:14 PM
Agree on all points. Really like the "Head" Officer idea, need someone there to promote ppl in diff time zones.

10-07-2013, 11:20 PM
Also I think a guild chest system so people can help out guild mates make it Whear u can't remove an item unless it's useable

10-08-2013, 02:11 PM

10-08-2013, 03:11 PM
This may not be relevant to guilds, but another idea I would like to see implemented is:


10-08-2013, 04:06 PM
This may not be relevant to guilds, but another idea I would like to see implemented is:


I'd also like to see this at some point but it's ALOT of coding to do, they'd have to make different charecter models, then would have to re-do the armors for the new charecter models & also add a "check" system (if you're male or female) so the armor shows up appropriately & would also have to do the same with weapons

~All that being said I'd love to be able to pick gender sometime in the future

Ps: a new Client is coming out mid-November so who knows what goodies and surprises it'll have ^^

10-09-2013, 04:07 PM
Any other guild ideas we can add here?

10-09-2013, 05:24 PM
Any other guild ideas we can add here?

A seperate "guild" leaderboard in the guild hall, compete with you guildmates and even make it easier to keep track of challenges handed out by the guild (eg. Fastest run time, most captures, most kills etc.)

10-10-2013, 11:39 AM
Two easy ones

1) The Head Officer idea, allowing someone other than GM to promote.

2) Place a AH in guild halls

These should be easy ones (Dev check me if i'm wrong)

10-10-2013, 12:08 PM
It would also be nice to have:

Guild Message Board
A message board placed in the guild hall where the master and/or officers can post guild news/rules (making them easier and simple for new recruits to access and learn about the guild). This would make it SOOO much easier to spread news and schedule events. Members and recruiters may comment or reply to these posts and post feedback (but cant post threads). You can also pm guildies who are offline (which they can check their personal messages on the board, kind of like the mail option u mentioned). This feature would serve as an in-game guild-specific forum. This would fill the communication gap between all the people in the guild, regardless of time zonal interference. Officers and above can delete comments and replies that could interfere with the game/guild guidelines (spam, bullying, scamming, etc) and only master can delete entire threads.

Other Possible Features for the Guild Message Board: Guild Timeline, Guild History (guild lore), Guild Improvements Section (anyone can post improvement ideas), etc.


Guild Fund
People can donate gold to the guild (only to be used by master and only to improve the guild hall). Add a "decoration" feature to the guild hall to personalize the hall and customize it to make the guild UNIQUE.

Ideas for Customization: Furniture, color scheme, etc

10-11-2013, 05:03 PM
It would also be nice to have:

Guild Message Board
A message board placed in the guild hall where the master and/or officers can post guild news/rules (making them easier and simple for new recruits to access and learn about the guild). This would make it SOOO much easier to spread news and schedule events. Members and recruiters may comment or reply to these posts and post feedback (but cant post threads). You can also pm guildies who are offline (which they can check their personal messages on the board, kind of like the mail option u mentioned). This feature would serve as an in-game guild-specific forum. This would fill the communication gap between all the people in the guild, regardless of time zonal interference. Officers and above can delete comments and replies that could interfere with the game/guild guidelines (spam, bullying, scamming, etc) and only master can delete entire threads.

Other Possible Features for the Guild Message Board: Guild Timeline, Guild History (guild lore), Guild Improvements Section (anyone can post improvement ideas), etc.


Guild Fund
People can donate gold to the guild (only to be used by master and only to improve the guild hall). Add a "decoration" feature to the guild hall to personalize the hall and customize it to make the guild UNIQUE.

Ideas for Customization: Furniture, color scheme, etc

I like it. +1

10-12-2013, 03:45 AM
All terrific ideas, would give more of a reason to joining a guild (initially at least) than discounted pots.

The guild fund would be perfect for contests (specially if it specified who donated and what amount to the GM and officers)

A guild pvp or training room would also be amazing and promote in guild tournaments (as contests)

10-12-2013, 01:27 PM
I agree with everything said here! :)

10-12-2013, 02:04 PM
I agree you always are a very insightful person and you give great advice they definitely should implement these! :)

10-12-2013, 08:56 PM

10-13-2013, 09:29 PM

10-18-2013, 02:30 PM

10-19-2013, 08:25 AM
Basically, what Kreo suggested about having an in-game kind of forum where only guild members can view is what we were discussing the other day Oedid. Every idea here is simply great and is a shame some of them are not already implemented.

+1 from me too. hope this gets seen by the devs.

Major bump.

10-22-2013, 03:04 PM
Please consider some of these guild enhancements, devs. Strong guilds are what keep people playing this game after they have reached most goals.

10-22-2013, 09:21 PM
Everyone wants these add-ons devs. Its only fair if you acknowledge us and tell us if you are working on such a thing, because this will only improve our gameplay experience in so many ways :)

10-24-2013, 02:06 AM
Any other guild ideas we can add here?

Make an Ignore Name for guild.So if someone not allowed to join that guild,you cant invite him/her :D

10-24-2013, 09:40 PM
Make an Ignore Name for guild.So if someone not allowed to join that guild,you cant invite him/her :D

Good idea! +1

10-27-2013, 05:13 AM
Giving attention +1
Really great ideas :D

10-28-2013, 01:01 AM
All of this gets a +1 from me. Its a shame that STS hasnt already implemented these ideas :/

10-28-2013, 08:41 AM
Still looking forward to an update/add on including these ideas. Great input all around.

10-31-2013, 11:38 AM
We still need some guild improvements. Maybe even a guild bank or stash that can be purchased with plat?

Please help us to keep our guilds vibrant.

11-02-2013, 07:37 AM
Awesome ideas, why sts hasn't bothered with any more guild-related updates like these, I don't know...
The idea of a new rank is great, maybe something in between recruiters and officers as well due to the power difference between the two being too large. :/
Full support.


11-02-2013, 08:26 AM
I like all of the ideas. If you cannot do it all please implement at least half of them. :D

11-05-2013, 06:30 PM
To add to this thread I'd like to see somenthing else added to guilds.

I have a phenomenal idea which would incorporate factions and guild vs guild pvp. Late one night, my Officers and I began discussing a sort of event that would make for a new twist to pvp and make things A LOT more interesting.

I call it: WAR

Neutral (would be exempt from the conflict and would see no adverse effects)

Each guild would be given the opportunity to join a faction (or nation) of their chosing. Neutrality can be opted, but later changed to a faction (or Nation) ONCE PER GUILD CAREER

The object of this would be to conquer a capital by fighting in a new PVP "castle zone" for each city, one day - per week

During the day of WAR, Each faction will have a new found pvp zone representing the Castle of each city. This Castle Zone can be immediately joined to start a conflict

A queue would start up, much like any PVP zone.

Each guild will be sent a notification of an open conflict and a new pvp zone will appear in the world map menu.
Once the zone is joined a corresponding Faction banner would be applied to the player for the duration of the conflict, and ONLY for the conflict.

A War scenario could only happen once per week and several battles could be fought throughout that day.

PVP points would be tallied from the results of all the battles fought, whether that be twink pvp or end game pvp. (Thus giving everyone the opportunity to join and attack or defend any given capital during that day)

Neutral guilds could not join this conflict unless they chose a faction.

Winners would now "own" the land for one week. and the winning factions flags would be setup throughout the conquered city for that duration of a week

A small discount would be given to winners throughout the regular vendors of the city. (and I mean small) as a representation of winning factions new found authority
A small increase in price would be incurred to all pricing to a losing faction like potions (and I mean small) as a representation of the losing teams fielty being given to the new conquerers.

Neutral guilds would remain unaffected by this small change.

Should a certain faction reach a goal of "X" consecutive wins throughout the weeks, all guilds in that faction can be awareded a Banner representing thier faction, and there consistent victory. (Only one type of faction banner can be given to any character, so chose your faction with your toon wisely)

After the week passes, everything resets and a new WAR begins.

Comments, suggestions and tweaks requested

PS: for a serious flare of drama you could always allow a guild to freely chose factions. Or maybe once per week or something. - but watch how the world would become a mass effect of alliances being made and breaking. - actually I think I'd rly lilke that. hmm....

11-05-2013, 06:43 PM
To add to this thread I'd like to see somenthing else added to guilds.

I have a phenomenal idea which would incorporate factions and guild vs guild pvp. Late one night, my Officers and I began discussing a sort of event that would make for a new twist to pvp and make things A LOT more interesting.

I call it: WAR

Neutral (would be exempt from the conflict and would see no adverse effects)

Each guild would be given the opportunity to join a faction of thier chosing upon creation. Neutralily can be opted, but later changed to a faction of their chosing (ONCE PER GUILD CAREER)

The object of this would be to conquer a capital by including a new PVP castle zone for each city to attack or defend.

During the day of WAR, Each faction will have a new found pvp zone representing the Castle of each city, which can be immediately joined to start the conflict

A queue would start up, much like any PVP zone.

Each member of thier respective Faction will be given a notification and an invite would pop up in the world map menu in the pvp zones. Thus opening the conflict. A corresponding Faction banner would be applied to the player for the duration of the conflict, and ONLY for the conflict.

An ongoing war could only happen once per week for the whole day.

PVP points would be tallied from the results of all the games played (Whether that be twink pvp or end game pvp) Thus giving everyone the opportunity to join and attack or defend any given capital.

Winners would now "own" the land for one week. and the winning factions flags would be setup throughout the conquered city for that duration.

A small discount would be given to winners throughout the regular vendors of the city. (and I mean small) as a representation of winning factions new found authority
A small increase in price would be incurred to all pricing to a losing faction like potions (and I mean small) as a representation of the losing teams fielty being given to the new conquerers.

Neutral guilds would remain unaffected by this small change.

Should a certain faction reach a goal of "X" consecutive wins throughout the weeks, they can win a Banner representing thier faction. (Only one type of faction banner can be given to any character, so chose your faction with your toon wisely)

After the week passes, everything can reset and the conflict can start anew.

Comments, suggestions and tweaks requested :)

This is single handily the GREATEST idea I have ever seen suggested +19372937284729472963927

11-05-2013, 06:48 PM
We could make it more interesting and allow guilds to change factions. Talk about a super drama fest tho -.-

11-05-2013, 07:31 PM
not even 1 word from dev team or moderator. They make this suggestion and feedback section but not replying to it. At least, say it no or yes or under consideration or "we put this idea in our list" with the reason for each your answer. your client here feeling happy for your answer, we appreciate it.

11-05-2013, 07:41 PM
not even 1 word from dev team or moderator. They make this suggestion and feedback section but not replying to it. At least, say it no or yes or under consideration or "we put this idea in our list" with the reason for each your answer. your client here feeling happy for your answer, we appreciate it.

:) - Thanks

11-05-2013, 08:43 PM
We could make it more interesting and allow guilds to change factions. Talk about a super drama fest tho -.-

Make it so that if a player or guild changes factions, they cannot compete in the War for say a week(?)

11-05-2013, 09:16 PM
To add to this thread I'd like to see somenthing else added to guilds.

I have a phenomenal idea which would incorporate factions and guild vs guild pvp. Late one night, my Officers and I began discussing a sort of event that would make for a new twist to pvp and make things A LOT more interesting.

I call it: WAR

Neutral (would be exempt from the conflict and would see no adverse effects)

Each guild would be given the opportunity to join a faction (or nation) of their chosing. Neutrality can be opted, but later changed to a faction (or Nation) ONCE PER GUILD CAREER

The object of this would be to conquer a capital by fighting in a new PVP "castle zone" for each city, one day - per week

During the day of WAR, Each faction will have a new found pvp zone representing the Castle of each city. This Castle Zone can be immediately joined to start a conflict

A queue would start up, much like any PVP zone.

Each guild will be sent a notification of an open conflict and a new pvp zone will appear in the world map menu.
Once the zone is joined a corresponding Faction banner would be applied to the player for the duration of the conflict, and ONLY for the conflict.

A War scenario could only happen once per week and several battles could be fought throughout that day.

PVP points would be tallied from the results of all the battles fought, whether that be twink pvp or end game pvp. (Thus giving everyone the opportunity to join and attack or defend any given capital during that day)

Neutral guilds could not join this conflict unless they chose a faction.

Winners would now "own" the land for one week. and the winning factions flags would be setup throughout the conquered city for that duration of a week

A small discount would be given to winners throughout the regular vendors of the city. (and I mean small) as a representation of winning factions new found authority
A small increase in price would be incurred to all pricing to a losing faction like potions (and I mean small) as a representation of the losing teams fielty being given to the new conquerers.

Neutral guilds would remain unaffected by this small change.

Should a certain faction reach a goal of "X" consecutive wins throughout the weeks, all guilds in that faction can be awareded a Banner representing thier faction, and there consistent victory. (Only one type of faction banner can be given to any character, so chose your faction with your toon wisely)

After the week passes, everything resets and a new WAR begins.

Comments, suggestions and tweaks requested

PS: for a serious flare of drama you could always allow a guild to freely chose factions. Or maybe once per week or something. - but watch how the world would become a mass effect of alliances being made and breaking. - actually I think I'd rly lilke that. hmm....


11-05-2013, 10:32 PM
This is single handily the GREATEST idea I have ever seen suggested +19372937284729472963927

I totally agree with Der. seems like an amazing idea and you got to think that a lot of beginning players are getting bored with al more and more.everyday. so this would be a good way of getting the flare back with those day 1 players.

great thread Oedid amazing ideas

11-05-2013, 11:00 PM

Everything is complicated XP

11-06-2013, 04:27 AM
i like this ideas :) especially point 3 :)

11-06-2013, 12:42 PM
Epic idea i love this plz devs implement this :D

11-11-2013, 04:36 AM

11-11-2013, 08:05 AM
"bump" is to raise the thread to the top?
if so...

11-11-2013, 08:06 AM

11-11-2013, 10:41 AM
Any comments from Sam? Or delph? We would really like to know if you guys are currently working on these ideas or not

11-11-2013, 04:15 PM
Agreed. Hence the bump. I'm trying to popularize this thread in order to gain attention. I'd love any sort of comment from devs on these ideas tbh. I've even been linking this thread to relevant posts by other players. *SUPPORT THIS THREAD AND PLEASE ADD NEW IDEAS*

11-11-2013, 10:18 PM
I did a bit on this earlier, but not one payed attention to it, so I will post some of the same idea some his thread.

The guild page layout: First, at the top. There is the guild EMBLEM. These are available by collecting them as a guild effort from maps and activities. And being able to show them off before the guild name. The guild emblem goes before and after the name, with the name in the middle.

Below that the guild news/MotD. And under that the recent guild activity report (small window but scrollable) filled with joins, leaves and promotions. And beside that how many online/how many in the guild. Like this: 10/52

Below that a list of members, scrollable.

Themed Guild Halls: along with your ideas of upgrades. Themed guild halls would be cool. Like nordr themed, holiday themed, shuyal themed. Pirate themed, etc etc.

Also, some new guild hall upgrades could be an in-guild consignment shop and maybe a way to quickly get into pvp with in hall pvp doors.

Last thing is chat tabs. This does tie into guild improvements. Basically, above the global chat window, a tab to go into guild chat, and a tab to go into party chat. Because /g and /p are outdated and annoying.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

11-12-2013, 12:26 AM
This was an idea i posted as a thread a little while ago (i got no feedback from it).

How about adding an option for the guild creator to name ranks? For example: the officer rank could be named "General" or "Luitenant"(sp) or whatever the creator wants. They can even change the name of the master rank as well to revolve around the overall style of the guild. For example: a kingdom-themed guild could have King, Royal Guard, Knight, and Squire instead of Master, Officer, Recruiter, and Member.

Also to add to this, maybe have customizable ranks for certain people (examples: director of pvp, coordinator of events, etc.) so people would know who to contact for information, so the master wont get overwhelmed by members wanting to know who pvp allies are, or what the next event is, ultimately splitting responsibility between other people. And customization of guild-mate powers (choosing to allow certain people kick members, promote, recruit, etc). Just to add variety to guild customization :).

11-13-2013, 05:29 AM
Was reading the new idea of WAR from start to bottom and i kept thinking: Wintergrasp!. :P WoW players will know. Very popular thing in WoW especially since, in the pvp zone, there would be a boss fight and a series of quests / rewards available only to the winners after the fight was done. Don't know if AL can actually support such a huge thing going on since it would require somethning as a new area/zone to be created and implemented but would be at least fun to have. Throw in a couple of quests / dailies in there and there you go.

But there are restrictions. Not only the creating new zone thing but also heavy thinking on how to create a balance when implementing it. For example, the attackers in Wintergrasp usually were in favor and that created the need for a timer running. 30mins if i remember correctly. The timer would create the right balance and give defenders an "equal" chance in winning.

Overall, i would like to see it happening here very much but i have to admit i'm not gonna get my hopes up. Meaning there are other more trivial thingies that could be prioritized and implemented quite fast and smoothly and that have not happened yet like the things proposed in the beginning of this thread. :(

Nevertheless, you have my support in this, maybe one day it might happen. +1.

11-13-2013, 01:34 PM
Bump. Support every idea in this thread :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

11-14-2013, 12:29 AM
I wish they would do something to spice up guilds. All the ideas in this thread are good. Wish the devs would take note.

11-15-2013, 10:30 PM
War sounds very cool, but It would take a while to create, maybe in the future! After the new expansion (there is gunna be one, right.)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

11-17-2013, 12:41 PM
Let's get this thread some more loving.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

11-17-2013, 01:09 PM
These are great suggestions! The devs should definitely look into these.

11-17-2013, 01:14 PM

11-17-2013, 01:49 PM
I know this is the 1st post in this senction already but it seems we have to find a way to go above the "Sticky" ones in order to get an actual reply from a dev. :P soooooo Bump!

11-18-2013, 12:19 PM
I'd like to see a thing in guild hall where people buy stuff and the guild leader gets 10-20% of the profit to either improve himself/herself to help the guild better or to hold contests with!

11-18-2013, 12:35 PM
How about a recruiter chat? *Just turnin the idea in my head:)*

11-21-2013, 04:09 PM
How about a recruiter chat? *Just turnin the idea in my head:)*

different chat levels for different ranks would be nice too. Recruiters with thier own chat (Which officers belong to as well as recruiters) Neat one

11-21-2013, 04:11 PM
Was reading the new idea of WAR from start to bottom and i kept thinking: Wintergrasp!. :P WoW players will know. Very popular thing in WoW especially since, in the pvp zone, there would be a boss fight and a series of quests / rewards available only to the winners after the fight was done. Don't know if AL can actually support such a huge thing going on since it would require somethning as a new area/zone to be created and implemented but would be at least fun to have. Throw in a couple of quests / dailies in there and there you go.

But there are restrictions. Not only the creating new zone thing but also heavy thinking on how to create a balance when implementing it. For example, the attackers in Wintergrasp usually were in favor and that created the need for a timer running. 30mins if i remember correctly. The timer would create the right balance and give defenders an "equal" chance in winning.

Overall, i would like to see it happening here very much but i have to admit i'm not gonna get my hopes up. Meaning there are other more trivial thingies that could be prioritized and implemented quite fast and smoothly and that have not happened yet like the things proposed in the beginning of this thread. :(

Nevertheless, you have my support in this, maybe one day it might happen. +1.

WoW, among other mmo inspired ideas.

11-21-2013, 05:04 PM
How about a recruiter chat? *Just turnin the idea in my head:)*

But then the master and the officers cant enforce rules that recruiters could be violating in the chat. Unless you make it so recruiters and above can chat and/or supervise the chat and not just recruiters.

11-22-2013, 10:44 PM
Great idea... up.. up...

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

11-22-2013, 11:24 PM
I agree, Guild Hall needs improvement http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?124425-Guild-Hall-Expansion&p=1340202#post1340202

11-23-2013, 12:05 AM
I'm lucky enough to be in a small spectacular guild that doesn't need any management at all. We don't even hardly use /o chat. However, in pl I was officer and gm in an extremely large guild, 4500+ members. It was very challenging to manage and often wondered why there were never updates made to ease this issue of poor management capability for members, recruiters, officers, and GM alike.

I can tell all of the ideas in the original post are from experience of someone that wants to succeed, but feels the pain of a forgotten and outdated guild system drafted from elsewhere and implemented in AL.

I have a feeling spacetime reads a lot of do this, do that, or this sucks threads. I know I do. I'd like to thank you for putting all of these great titles together, listening to the players , and handling public scrutiny so well.

11-23-2013, 06:52 PM
I have a feeling spacetime reads a lot of do this, do that, or this sucks threads. I know I do. I'd like to thank you for putting all of these great titles together, listening to the players , and handling public scrutiny so well.

I'm sure hoping they do. The only reason this post persists is because the dev's have not left us any replies on this subject. We are waiting for development team gives us some feedback on our thoughts.

We sincerely hope that we get feedback from you Dev team. Let us know what can be possible. What can be changed or what is just out of the question. We really look forward to any acknowlegement from you. This thread has over 1.5k views and 76 replies. I think this thread deserves some feedback from the STS Dev team now.

11-26-2013, 08:30 PM
Bump for relevance

11-27-2013, 02:49 AM
Guild system should be really improved. Atm it's kind boring to be at guild because theres not any special action to do. PVE map idea would help ;)

11-29-2013, 10:42 AM
We do pay 50 platinum for a guild hall that's 50,000 gold to rent a room for meetings in real to fake world transition 50 platinum to rent an office space with decor that office should be able to change at will with training bots for its employees +5 on this post

12-02-2013, 08:47 PM
I agree.

12-05-2013, 06:47 PM

12-05-2013, 10:16 PM
An excellent line of ideas, Oedid. Devs need to see this.+1 :3

12-05-2013, 10:24 PM
Bump +1 :3

12-06-2013, 12:10 AM
Excellent ideas :applause:

12-07-2013, 08:15 PM
Ok, I am not going to bash you devs, but are you trying to deliberately avoid this thread, I know you are juggling a lot of games, but this thread has received a lot of attention, but not even one reply from a dev. and it wouldn't even be hard to do!

If you do see this, make sure to read everything on the thread.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

12-11-2013, 05:12 PM
bump... hopeless?

12-11-2013, 05:38 PM
Doesn't seem like they gonna reply on anything here does it?.. Sad really.......

Sent from my Xperia J using Tapatalk

12-11-2013, 06:20 PM
Maybe there scared..

12-14-2013, 02:37 AM
Realy great ideas i thinks hope they are at least considered

Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2

12-15-2013, 03:15 AM
Keep up the great persistence on this subject. I and a few others have talked about guild improvements for over 3 years now in the forums. Trust me it's not hopeless, otherwise they would tell us. But it's not immediately hopeful either, otherwise they would tell us. We are in some awkward middle ground. We just have to keep up the persistence. Now understand they have started doing something with guilds, though not in game. The Top 50 Guilds Forum Thread thingy I believe is a result of past persistence in these types of threads.

Keep it up, you got my vote,


12-15-2013, 08:49 PM
I agree it would be so much better to have all of these. Like the guilds are to dull ad boring. These would make them more interesting and maybe people wouldnt guild hop like we see all the time

12-16-2013, 03:12 AM
While we're at it a "Co-Master" ranking should be added (higher than officer can demote/promote players but can't disband the guild)

12-18-2013, 05:58 PM
I would love to understand that as well.

My guild and I have been wondering about these same options. It would definetely make things smoother. Especially a Guild Battle Room and Officer Hall. I would love to see these options in the near future if possible! It would enhance the gaming experience.

12-18-2013, 06:39 PM
These are great ideas. Thank you for sharing them. :) Your suggestions have been passed along to the devs.

12-19-2013, 11:13 AM
Im glad they sent what seems to be a bot moderator to atleast reply :) Its a start.

12-20-2013, 01:10 PM
I have one more point they can add one consinment shop in guild only guild members canbuse the shop nd in guild shop there is no tax to sell items

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

12-24-2013, 06:46 PM
Not that theres anything wrong with playing as a female rogue but am a male(dont wan to be a warrior because their big and ugly). I prpose we make a male rogue and call it a ranger. similar to a rogue but with just a few tweeks.

12-28-2013, 05:22 PM
These are great ideas. Thank you for sharing them. :) Your suggestions have been passed along to the devs.

Thanks for your reply. I hope the Dev team can work some of these excellent recommendations! We'll keep adding ideas to this thread as we come up with them.

12-30-2013, 08:55 AM
I agree
Especially the idea of the mailbox. This might be a little complicated to implement, but i would like a borrowing system for guild, so that someone can lend an item to a guildie for X amount of days/hours/mins and after that period of time the item goes back to the lenders inventory. This would be good, as then you could help guildies without worrying about getting scammed.
Also really like the idea about being able to see when a member last logged on :) It's helpful to see who is unactive
And also i agree about the guild hall, they need to do more with it

12-30-2013, 05:12 PM
I think dev should make a new option to where people don't have to spend money on the game to buy a guild hall. Lets say they could make it to where you can buy a guild hall for lets say 150k gold. That would make it easier for people that don't want to spend real money

Here is an idea I just thought of ( its not guild related though ) make bows a drop. But make them a really rare drop. It would be nice imo.

⭐please give us a reply dev's⭐

Sent from my RM-915_nam_usa_228 using Tapatalk

01-04-2014, 11:53 AM
Thanks for the ideas guys!

01-04-2014, 07:34 PM
This might have been mentioned but how about special arenas that can be purchased with the currency platinum. Similar to having access to have a go at a boss like in the events but the access can be unlimited once a guild buys it. The arenas could be normal or elite and can be a training place too. This way, guild players could bond more because the sense of having a private map feels special.

01-05-2014, 07:35 PM

01-06-2014, 04:47 PM
This might have been mentioned but how about special arenas that can be purchased with the currency platinum. Similar to having access to have a go at a boss like in the events but the access can be unlimited once a guild buys it. The arenas could be normal or elite and can be a training place too. This way, guild players could bond more because the sense of having a private map feels special.

This is bloody amazing! But just to make it easier for non-platinum users, I say do it with STORY TOKENS! Cus its kind of like a Guild Story! and just have a NPC heralds offer these "quests" in GH.

01-07-2014, 08:15 AM
BUMP Great Ideas!

01-07-2014, 06:31 PM
We just need something to add more PIZZAZZE to the player relations in guilds.

01-08-2014, 04:28 AM
I want this now!!

01-09-2014, 05:07 AM
Wonderful ideas! Thanks oedid! Love the sts community. Hope this reaches the dev. Xx

01-11-2014, 09:19 PM
There is no need to bump now. Moderator13's on the case.

01-13-2014, 04:25 AM
I honestly would love nothing more than to see customizable banners created by the GM of a given guild, which members of the guild can then buy and use, similar to the WoW tabard system, to those who are familiar.

01-13-2014, 06:22 PM
+1 to all the ideas. Just have a different opinion for the Head Officer rank. Only one or max two players can be appointed as the head officer.
Also, apart from the Guild LB, it'd be nice to have a board showing the overall guild stats (open to all) like the avg account age, etc etc.
Pretty nice suggestions! :)

01-15-2014, 07:42 AM
Plus +1 for me! I agreed! It will help us out a lot!

Snowzs Level 75 (Bird)

01-15-2014, 08:38 AM
I made this suggestion before could be purchasable with platinum like changing the guild hall. Could offset the cost of implementing.

01-16-2014, 05:09 AM
Would v nice to see an end of season lb banner... not saying that cuz I'm in top 50... well ok... maybe a lil...

01-18-2014, 10:09 PM
+10 great ideas

01-19-2014, 09:06 AM
Maalice your not on leader boards anymore

Sent from my RM-915_nam_usa_228 using Tapatalk

01-20-2014, 04:49 PM
I don't know what I think of the War idea really, because it is very very good, but whether such a complicated aspect could be very easily added to a game like AL. But I absolutely love the idea, and they had the exact same type of thing in a game I previously use to play, Fiesta Online.

Either way, some type of Guild expansion needs to happen. To give the AL players something else to aim towards other than, hit level cap then make money.
I love Al, but even a light expansion of some kind that allows something else to aim towards would just hold onto a few more players, and attract even more.

But +1 to all the guild ideas in this thread, very well put together :)

02-05-2014, 11:14 AM
+1 very nice

02-05-2014, 12:57 PM
Bump, +1 on every single idea Oedid, great work :) MotD is imo the best one of them all, and also I have a suggestion regarding the mail. Why not expand it to be not just guild restricted? For example, if I want to send a gift to an in game friend and we play in different time zones, instead of waiting for our game times to sync and waiting for the both of us to be online at the given time and then hitting inspect - gift , why not just leave the gift in the mail? This would in no way interfere with the inspect - gift action required to send someone a gift at the moment, it would just make it a bit easier for us to send gifts to each other without logging on and hoping the said friend is online. I don't know really how much work would take to implement these ideas, but I feel any amount of time to implent them will be well worth it for all of us. Cheers !! :)

02-12-2014, 05:34 PM
Slywannas I definitely agree that the mail system should work for all players in the realm.

We have the Devs attention. Please feel free to continue pouring your hearts out with me!

02-12-2014, 05:42 PM
Awesome. (seems, if it's not taxable with plats, sts won't aim focus on it) also a message board in gh, and a shortcut to gh. Or ability to join someone in gh.

Subhanallah... <---- Pronounce this word. You're welcome.

02-13-2014, 04:20 PM
Awesome. (seems, if it's not taxable with plats, sts won't aim focus on it) also a message board in gh, and a shortcut to gh. Or ability to join someone in gh.

Subhanallah... <---- Pronounce this word. You're welcome.

Fantastic points. good call!

02-18-2014, 12:02 PM
Added ideas from you all!

2)Guild Message of the Day and Guild Message Board
B) Guild Message Board - This would be a fully functional message board whereby players in the guild can leave/delete messages . Sort of like an IN-GAME forum.

3)Guild Hall Upgrades
c) New Guild Halls - perhaps matching the themes of passed and future expansions should now be included.

6) Waypoint to Guild Hall or "Join" option
Well, I can teleport into the wilderness, deep dark dungeons, or demon infested castles, but I can't teleport home? Heh - sorry for the note of sarcasm, but I think it's only fair that if we have a waypoint to the wildes, in all fairness we should have a waypoint back to the Guild hall too.

02-24-2014, 02:47 PM
A seperate "guild" leaderboard in the guild hall, compete with you guildmates and even make it easier to keep track of challenges handed out by the guild (eg. Fastest run time, most captures, most kills etc.)

I've gone ahead and added your idea to the main list Der. Thanks for the suggestion.

7) Guild Leaderboard
So that we can better evaluate some of our prestiged members and better assess reward and recognition programs from within the guild.
Guild Leaderboard can include Key Performance Indicators (Or KPI's) like PvE Kills, PvP kills, AP as well as even things like how many pets may have or what have you.

02-25-2014, 03:18 PM
Oh lol you already added my idea :)

02-25-2014, 04:06 PM
Oh lol you already added my idea :)

And a good idea it was. I love encouraging like minded individuals! We all want the best for our gaming experience.

Feel free to use this thread as a sounding board!

02-25-2014, 11:45 PM
I totally agree with this. +100 :smile:

02-27-2014, 03:54 AM
magnificent, the guild notes is really helpful to inform other guildies incase your gone or off to a event.

02-28-2014, 03:42 AM
Great idea, hope devs make like this


03-02-2014, 07:02 AM
Cool ideas, I added to my list ideas which weren't there already.

03-04-2014, 12:55 PM
Cool ideas, I added to my list ideas which weren't there already.

Yes!! Keep this word out there!

03-17-2014, 04:31 PM
BUMP for relevance

03-18-2014, 05:40 PM
To add to this thread I'd like to see somenthing else added to guilds.

I have a phenomenal idea which would incorporate factions and guild vs guild pvp. Late one night, my Officers and I began discussing a sort of event that would make for a new twist to pvp and make things A LOT more interesting.

I call it: WAR

Neutral (would be exempt from the conflict and would see no adverse effects)

Each guild would be given the opportunity to join a faction (or nation) of their chosing. Neutrality can be opted, but later changed to a faction (or Nation) ONCE PER GUILD CAREER

The object of this would be to conquer a capital by fighting in a new PVP "castle zone" for each city, one day - per week

During the day of WAR, Each faction will have a new found pvp zone representing the Castle of each city. This Castle Zone can be immediately joined to start a conflict

A queue would start up, much like any PVP zone.

Each guild will be sent a notification of an open conflict and a new pvp zone will appear in the world map menu.
Once the zone is joined a corresponding Faction banner would be applied to the player for the duration of the conflict, and ONLY for the conflict.

A War scenario could only happen once per week and several battles could be fought throughout that day.

PVP points would be tallied from the results of all the battles fought, whether that be twink pvp or end game pvp. (Thus giving everyone the opportunity to join and attack or defend any given capital during that day)

Neutral guilds could not join this conflict unless they chose a faction.

Winners would now "own" the land for one week. and the winning factions flags would be setup throughout the conquered city for that duration of a week

A small discount would be given to winners throughout the regular vendors of the city. (and I mean small) as a representation of winning factions new found authority
A small increase in price would be incurred to all pricing to a losing faction like potions (and I mean small) as a representation of the losing teams fielty being given to the new conquerers.

Neutral guilds would remain unaffected by this small change.

Should a certain faction reach a goal of "X" consecutive wins throughout the weeks, all guilds in that faction can be awareded a Banner representing thier faction, and there consistent victory. (Only one type of faction banner can be given to any character, so chose your faction with your toon wisely)

After the week passes, everything resets and a new WAR begins.

Comments, suggestions and tweaks requested

PS: for a serious flare of drama you could always allow a guild to freely chose factions. Or maybe once per week or something. - but watch how the world would become a mass effect of alliances being made and breaking. - actually I think I'd rly lilke that. hmm....

Seems like other Games. Rebirth RO or whatever is the name of that game. Guild vs Guild. Guild Capturing. Yeah great Idea but isn't it complicated to be coded?

03-20-2014, 09:43 AM
You may be right. All the same, I'd like to see any other guild pvp systems we can suggest. Including tweaks to the aformentioned. Thanks for checking this out!

03-21-2014, 04:46 AM
These ideas are amazing, love it! +1from me :smile:

03-21-2014, 07:51 AM
Awesome. (seems, if it's not taxable with plats, sts won't aim focus on it) also a message board in gh, and a shortcut to gh. Or ability to join someone in gh.

Subhanallah... <---- Pronounce this word. You're welcome.

Another Muslim too lots of muslims play this game :)(im one of them)

03-21-2014, 10:58 AM
Add also in Guild Improvement, Last Online Record. Like if the person is offline to the right of his name will be like Last Online: 1sec ago."

04-10-2014, 10:35 AM
Bumped for continued relevance. Don't want Dev's to forget about this.

04-10-2014, 11:42 AM
i agree

04-14-2014, 07:02 AM
+1 to everything but mainly a new rank. or ranks with GM to set title and privilages

07-28-2014, 08:16 AM
Please keep,adding feedback folks! I've seen some new ideas. Feel free to consolidate them on this thread :)

07-28-2014, 03:54 PM
love the ideas " Oedid " I look forward to seeing more of your threads in the near future. Thread was articulate and clear.


To all the new viewers please "" bump bump bump!!!!!!!!

07-28-2014, 04:01 PM
everyone loves this , devs ... please consider this

07-28-2014, 05:50 PM
Every idea was spot on with what we need!!! DEVS!!! CMON!!! GIVE US AN UPDATE (;