View Full Version : Endgame Pallies

10-05-2013, 08:03 PM
Hai Space Time Community, this is Sheugokin! Many of you may know me as a pally in endgame. Over the past few weeks, after the great nerf, I realized that pallies got a significant advantage. I, myself, was and still am a pally before and after the nerf. Is this assumption true or am I just getting lucky?

Please post here your opinions. I would love to hear about them!

Truly yours,
Sheugokin :)

10-05-2013, 09:01 PM
Hai Space Time Community, this is Sheugokin! Many of you may know me as a pally in endgame. Over the past few weeks, after the great nerf, I realized that pallies got a significant advantage. I, myself, was and still am a pally before and after the nerf. Is this assumption true or am I just getting lucky?

Please post here your opinions. I would love to hear about them!

Truly yours,
Sheugokin :)

Not sure what you are asking, but I think pallies (strength mages) are one of the weaker classes in terms of damage. Pure mages are much more difficult to face than a pally, IMO. Yes, pallies take forever to kill, but their damage is on the same level as a rhino.

10-05-2013, 09:45 PM
Not sure what you are asking, but I think pallies (strength mages) are one of the weaker classes in terms of damage. Pure mages are much more difficult to face than a pally, IMO. Yes, pallies take forever to kill, but their damage is on the same level as a rhino.

A rhino? No, pallies have wayyyyy more damage than rhinos. Maybe an int-bear.

10-05-2013, 09:58 PM
Not sure what you are asking, but I think pallies (strength mages) are one of the weaker classes in terms of damage. Pure mages are much more difficult to face than a pally, IMO. Yes, pallies take forever to kill, but their damage is on the same level as a rhino.

A rhino? No, pallies have wayyyyy more damage than rhinos. Maybe an int-bear.

Crims rhino can kill me easily. For me, it takes same time to kill him to kill a pally.
And most of the time I only kill him when he's not focused on attacking me, but focused in flag.

10-05-2013, 10:09 PM
@Crim- Sorry I did not make myself clear. My question is is if pallies have become better because of nerf. Sorry for the misguidance.

Just asking, Crim do you have a mage?

And Crim, pallies can easily defeat birds and int mages. One can just kite them, and most likely they will not survive.

However, my true concerns are bears. They are so much more difficult with the crazy amount of stuns. Once stun locked, it is very hard for a pally to win.

Even Cold has been complaining about the OP of pallies.

Hope you guys see my point....Keep posting, would love to here your opinion.

10-05-2013, 10:53 PM
A rhino? No, pallies have wayyyyy more damage than rhinos. Maybe an int-bear.

I would argue about the "wayyyyy" more damage, but that was not my point. My point is the strength of the pally is it's ability to survive, not kill. Birds (strength and pure), bears, mages (int and dex) are bigger damage dealers. You would be surprised how hard some rhino skills hit. It is the speccing of rhino's which makes their "attacks" weak.

@Crim- Sorry I did not make myself clear. My question is is if pallies have become better because of nerf. Sorry for the misguidance.

Just asking, Crim do you have a mage?

And Crim, pallies can easily defeat birds and int mages. One can just kite them, and most likely they will not survive.

However, my true concerns are bears. They are so much more difficult with the crazy amount of stuns. Once stun locked, it is very hard for a pally to win.

Even Cold has been complaining about the OP of pallies.

Hope you guys see my point....Keep posting, would love to here your opinion.

Do I have a mage? I have 6. And yes, I have an endgame mage. It has been around since the beginning (my second toon) and I have specced it more times than most people have played this game. As someone who mostly plays bear, bird, and now rhino, I would much rather face a pally than an INT mage.... anyday. Pallies have low hit% just like bears, warbirds, and rhino's and can be debuffed quickly, allowing the fight to last longer which favors classes which produce higher base/skill damage. For a bird, double root is deadly for all strength classes.

For a bird, staff mages and bears are the worst. Again... that's my opinion (as well as many others I have talked to.)

10-06-2013, 12:05 AM
I would argue about the "wayyyyy" more damage, but that was not my point. My point is the strength of the pally is it's ability to survive, not kill. Birds (strength and pure), bears, mages (int and dex) are bigger damage dealers. You would be surprised how hard some rhino skills hit. It is the speccing of rhino's which makes their "attacks" weak.

Do I have a mage? I have 6. And yes, I have an endgame mage. It has been around since the beginning (my second toon) and I have specced it more times than most people have played this game. As someone who mostly plays bear, bird, and now rhino, I would much rather face a pally than an INT mage.... anyday. Pallies have low hit% just like bears, warbirds, and rhino's and can be debuffed quickly, allowing the fight to last longer which favors classes which produce higher base/skill damage. For a bird, double root is deadly for all strength classes.

For a bird, staff mages and bears are the worst. Again... that's my opinion (as well as many others I have talked to.)

I do agree with you, but I have to add something.. IMO Staff mages n bears are not really that hard, if you have the right combo other way around Pallies are op for birds, a decent pally could kill a good bird. Bears vs Pally is also an advantage on Pallys, I have seen really good bears lost 1v1 with a pally which I never saw in Endgame..

10-06-2013, 02:29 AM
Not sure what you are asking, but I think pallies (strength mages) are one of the weaker classes in terms of damage. Pure mages are much more difficult to face than a pally, IMO. .

I don't want to but really I have to say please do a little bit research before this types of solid feedbacks which really mis lead devs ( I doubt hardly that they listen anyway)

That's what it should be, pallies should be hard to kill but their damage should be weak, unfortunately this is not TRUE.

Endgame pallies are op and and damage is enough to 2hit kill birds and easily kills even bears but only problem killing a bear is that huge stun and debuffs of bears not damage of pallies.

10-06-2013, 07:16 AM
I don't want to but really I have to say please do a little bit research before this types of solid feedbacks which really mis lead devs ( I doubt hardly that they listen anyway)

That's what it should be, pallies should be hard to kill but their damage should be weak, unfortunately this is not TRUE.

Endgame pallies are op and and damage is enough to 2hit kill birds and easily kills even bears but only problem killing a bear is that huge stun and debuffs of bears not damage of pallies.

And this is where I am out. I am not going to waste this thread nor my time continually disagreeing with you. You have a vendetta to have Savage gear nerfed. Period.

@Sheu - I will be happy to discuss my views in game or through pm.

10-06-2013, 08:56 AM
Anything with a savage set takes time to kill the set is op and needs to be nerfed and fiery set needs to be boosted

10-06-2013, 09:47 AM
Anything with a savage set takes time to kill the set is op and needs to be nerfed and fiery set needs to be boosted

Fiery set doesn't need to be boosted I talked to some good int mages and even they said int gear shouldn't have alot of dodge due to the high crit they deal.

10-06-2013, 11:35 AM
@Crim- Sorry I did not make myself clear. My question is is if pallies have become better because of nerf. Sorry for the misguidance.

Just asking, Crim do you have a mage?

And Crim, pallies can easily defeat birds and int mages. One can just kite them, and most likely they will not survive.

However, my true concerns are bears. They are so much more difficult with the crazy amount of stuns. Once stun locked, it is very hard for a pally to win.

Even Cold has been complaining about the OP of pallies.

Hope you guys see my point....Keep posting, would love to here your opinion.

What has the PL world come to if people are using Qwertysonnn (Cold) as a reference for a great bird? Lol...

If you're going to talk game mechanics, Cold is the last person you should use as a reference (last time I checked).

10-07-2013, 06:10 AM
What has the PL world come to if people are using Qwertysonnn (Cold) as a reference for a great bird? Lol...

If you're going to talk game mechanics, Cold is the last person you should use as a reference (last time I checked).

Lmao Parth, thanks for the laugh.

10-07-2013, 11:50 AM
Everything is easy to kill. My mage is iyoyoyoi (pure int) and I murder all classes with no problems.

10-07-2013, 02:41 PM
Thanks guys for the great insight. I agree with some of you. However, pallies in DM are crazy powerful. I mean, all that a pally needs to do is dodge drain for an int mage. After that, just keep fire and ice them. Once, ms comes off, nuke. Death most likely ensues. Bird is same story. Extreme I kinda disagree with you on killing bears. Yes, dex/str pallies are detrimental to bears, but being a str/ int pally, I'm likely to lose (unless I am doing something wrong.
Keep posting....love to hear more!

P.S. Estimate we all know you pro. You can heavy nuke all! Int Mage, pallies, bears, birds, and etc. ALL!
P.S.S- Didn't know cold had two names....LoL!

10-07-2013, 03:16 PM
P.S. Estimate we all know you pro. You can heavy nuke all! Int Mage, pallies, bears, birds, and etc. ALL!
P.S.S- Didn't know cold had two names....LoL!

Thx and btw qwertysonnn is colds old name

10-07-2013, 06:15 PM
IDK that.....he probably bought that name....That rich ___.

NP, it's true. Every time you join my team I am like "YES!" and when you join the other, I am like, "Brace yourself."

Actually I think int mages can kill pallies pretty darn quick. Drain ice fire----> Death!

10-07-2013, 06:20 PM
IDK that.....he probably bought that name....That rich ___.

NP, it's true. Every time you join my team I am like "YES!" and when you join the other, I am like, "Brace yourself."

Actually I think int mages can kill pallies pretty darn quick. Drain ice fire----> Death!

It was Yich's name, He gave it to Bous and bous gave it to Qwertysonnn. I remember Qwerty & Yich fight because of name.

Btw Hi Sheu. U pro pally.