View Full Version : Lvl 35 Exp Tables and interesting contrasts between maps.

10-08-2013, 12:56 PM
So I got bored today and ...... I think that's basically how every guide should start lol. to be serious though each test done at least 20 kills were done per map. 10 on elite maps. Some lower area maps such as brackenridge and ydra forest were less thorough. All tests were done with a lvl 35 rogue using only 7 day exp elixir.

I found some a few things that did not make much sense to me logic wise at to why some maps give certain things others may not speaking in experience and kills.

Brackenridge maps - Do not give Exp in regular or elite.
Ydra forest maps - Do not give exp in regular or elite.

Dead city maps - Do not give exp on regular. On elite they give 1-2 exp per kill

Krakken Isles :
Windmoore harbor - 1-2 exp per kill. about 1.5 exp per kill. No change when switching to elite
Southern seas - Does not give exp on regular. Gives 1-2 exp per kill on elite.
Grog beach - does not give exp on regular. Gives 2-3 exp per kill on elite.
Ancient Mariner Reef - gives 1-2 exp per kill. Does not change when switching to elite.
Skull cove - 1-2 exp per kill. Does not change when switching to elite
Lost Cove- 1-2 exp per kill. Gives 2-3 exp per kill on elite
Palm rock- 1-2 exp per kill. Gives 2-3 exp per kill on elite

Nordr: certain minions in these maps seemed to scale higher in exp reward than others
Jurn woods - Does not give exp. Gives 2-3 exp per kill elite
Mt. Spyr - 1-2 exp per kill. Gives 2-3 exp per kill elite
Oltgar - 1-2 exp per kill. Gives 2-3 exp per kill elite
Crystal Caverns - 1-2 exp per kill. gives 2-3 exp per kill elite
Halls of valheim- Does not give exp. Gives 3-4 exp per kill elite and even up to 7 on certain minions

Shuyal- All maps gave 2-3 exp per kill. Gives 2-3 exp per kill elite.
Same as in nordr certain minions seem to scale exp more. Mages tend to give u 1 extra exp compared to other minions.
Larger minions tend to give even more increase. Only seems to apply to elite maps.

Camp boulder / Tunnels of Valheim - These maps do not give exp however they do give kills and there is a daily quest for each to earn you 300 exp +gold. The exp turns out from quest the same as it would from running with only a 7 day exp elixir the 1000 gold would be a very very minor bonus if your a beginner I suppose. Uberman and Spirit of Ulfang gives 5 exp per kill.

Krakken mines / Watcher tombs / Kraag tombs - all give 1-2 exp per kill

King dude ditty bard quests - only could get 4 kills. All gave 2 exp
Other 3 bard quests - 1-2 exp per kill.

There are a few other aspects I am gathering data on and may continue to update this thread with if it seems anyone is interested.
There may be a few minor errors due to numbers running together after 1st however long I didn't really pay attention to when I started.
The aspects that made me curious were the maps that give no exp on regular but seem to have boosted exp on elites compared to others in their area. Also why some maps wouldn't give experience even on elite when things such as bard quests which are obviously easier than even forest elite do. Why do certain Krakken Isles and Nordr maps not give exp at all?

Please share some thoughts on any info I've added. Other Pro's feel free to make suggestions for additions to the data. Beginners (since devs don't like other terms lol) feel free to comment but no one needs your advice. Hope someone found this interesting at least haha. Cya around

10-09-2013, 01:19 AM
Your last paragraph is not very funny.

I would show more respect for the beginners because all of us hardcore players know this.

So for whom is your "guide" if not for the newbies?

Milan Lame Man
10-09-2013, 01:43 AM
There is also Lost Mage's Mine + elite.
Anyway, exp per time, tombs seem fastest. I would love a more detailed comparison of WT / KT / KM because KT is way easier.
I would also love to bust the popular myth that more-people / party-up change the EXP given but you'll probably have a hard time finding 3 level 35 players willing to help...

10-09-2013, 06:13 AM
I'm not 100% sure but my understanding of the xp in party system is that if you are in the same instance, as long as you are within range you receive xp for kills. I don't believe there is a bonus for being in a party you just get xp quicker as you are killing mobs quicker. A simple test would debunk this pretty easily: record xp for anyone in instance, record after instance; rerun instance in a party with same people record xp before and after run. If any variations of then there is a xp bonus if not well then in the words of the mystbusters ' let's blow something up'

10-09-2013, 06:37 AM
Your last paragraph is not very funny.

I would show more respect for the beginners because all of us hardcore players know this.

So for whom is your "guide" if not for the newbies?

It wasn't intended to be funny. It was intended to keep beginners from trying to tell other beginners things incorrectly when they don't know what their talking about.

People get bad information given to them every day because people think they can play for a week and be good enough to teach everyone else about the game.

10-09-2013, 06:42 AM
I'm not 100% sure but my understanding of the xp in party system is that if you are in the same instance, as long as you are within range you receive xp for kills. I don't believe there is a bonus for being in a party you just get xp quicker as you are killing mobs quicker. A simple test would debunk this pretty easily: record xp for anyone in instance, record after instance; rerun instance in a party with same people record xp before and after run. If any variations of then there is a xp bonus if not well then in the words of the mystbusters ' let's blow something up'

The main point of my tests weren't necessarily to see where to level faster but to see if the dev's might shine some light as to why things like bards quests that can be accessed as early as game start give exp where more recent maps such as "Halls of Valheim" do not give experience when it is supposedly the hardest map in Nordr campaign.

With that being the # of people in the zone to my knowledge has no effect on exp. The # of people in party I believe only effects enemy difficulty.

10-09-2013, 11:06 AM
My post was in response to Milan's comment about party xp. Sorry to derail.

10-09-2013, 11:31 AM
Elite mobs should give more XP than normal maps lol, f*** logic

10-09-2013, 02:15 PM
Elite mobs should give more XP than normal maps lol, f*** logic

agree and mobs better drop not common...