View Full Version : Crazy annoying bugs: misfiring skills, chests not opening, etc

10-10-2013, 04:01 AM
Is it just me or are skills misfiring all the time? I am really getting ticked off at standing in front of an elite mob charging shadow piercer and .... nada. Zip. Zappo. Big flop. Zilch. Sometimes it happens four times in a row, it seems to be getting worse and worse, or maybe it just depends on the load on their servers. But come on, this is ridiculous, it's a nasty bug and it needs to be fixed. Same thing happens with dropping shadow veil, it just randomly fails. I know it happens with other skill with other toons too. Come on STG fix this, it's so annoying.

While we're talking bugs, what's with the chest that don't open? Is that deliberate, we have to try 2 or 3 times, just to open a chest? It feels like a bug, but if not, ok, though I don't understand the reasoning for it.

Does anyone else have some pet bugs that need fixing? Things that have been around forever?

There's also the bug with stats not showing up on the avatar.

To end on a high, I love this game, it's so much fun when you find some cool people to run with. Thanks you STG for a brilliant game. Now fix your bugs, lol!

Edit: I should add, I play on a Nexus 10 tablet in case that makes any difference.

10-10-2013, 04:17 AM
What's your internet connection like?

10-10-2013, 06:03 AM
All bugs mentioned in the OP are known. Just saying :)

10-10-2013, 07:40 AM
Which part of the world u at. If Australia, that's normal. The latency can't be helped.

10-10-2013, 08:38 AM
Im living in the US. Got the same problems. Have high ping cause of satelite connection though. So in the end, im 10x farther away from the servers than australia, lol. But anyway, since those misfirings and problems affect a very large part of the al audience they should be fixed. It must be possible b/c those bugs are of a rather recent nature.

10-10-2013, 10:10 AM
Im living in the US. Got the same problems. Have high ping cause of satelite connection though. So in the end, im 10x farther away from the servers than australia, lol. But anyway, since those misfirings and problems affect a very large part of the al audience they should be fixed. It must be possible b/c those bugs are of a rather recent nature.

I'm more than willing to bet it's probably your internet connection over the fact that the servers are farther away.

10-10-2013, 01:10 PM
I realize they're known, but what's being done about it? Answer: absolutely nothing.

My connection is business class Comcast and is generally extremely fast. There's no excuse for misfiring skills, sometimes when there's high ping a SP flag kicks in late and drags you back 20m, or sends you in the wrong direction - that's super annoying too - but I've never seen a charged SP attack kick in late (or very rarely) instead it just does nothing and you have to wait for recharge (same for other skills). If it doesn't fire, then it shouldn't use mana and it shouldn't recharge, that's a blatant bug regardless of ping time. There needs to be some sort of confirmation protocol with the server, it's obviously not implemented ideally. But really, it should always fire. maybe there could be a 2 second threshold after which it doesn't fire, but you shouldn't lose mana or have to recharge if that happens.

Honestly, these are so basic to the game that they need to work better. Devs please do something about it, it would make the game more enjoyable. Thanks for listening.

I'm in San Francisco btw.

10-11-2013, 03:15 AM
I also fail with charging my skills but that doesn't happen always.
It's a bug they should have fixed though...

Chaim Nail
10-11-2013, 09:12 PM
Yeah I've been wondering this for a long time - why do I often have to hit a map-scenery-crate twice to open it? It gets annoying.

10-11-2013, 10:14 PM
the easiest excuse is always cuz of lag

i still dont buy it

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

10-11-2013, 11:43 PM
game's getting more complex, bugs are rising. Its an easy thing to complain, but obviously STS is not as easy to fix those. Like the dmg-stat not showing. Its there for month now, and its not getting fixed. same goes for elite-shuyal bugs. keeps me from getting my achievs. wondering how long it will take...

Maybe it would be a nice idea for STS to give a statement about these long long time not fixed bugs. Maybe its just wishful thinking... :(