View Full Version : I just wanted to say im on forums.

10-11-2013, 02:48 PM
Hi guys. I have been playing about 3 months. I think this game is only mobile rpg game which is online. Im from Turkey İstanbul. Im 15 years old. I was getting bored when i reach 31 level until i learn i can play for looting items and buy mythic or arcane items. But i couldn't have any of them still. So i was active for 1.5 month on 3 months. I think i will see some guys who knows me. If you ask me why dont i try get mythic or arcane, i cant because there wont be any free platinium offer if you are in Turkey. Turkey is popular country but i dont know why it is less popular on server buying web sites or games. At the least we have banner. I changed some guilds. Now im saying again to all. I will ask some questions on forums. Have fun.

10-12-2013, 08:42 AM
I Played 10 Months From Now
I Just Joined The Forum May

10-13-2013, 09:00 AM
Then nice to see you there.

10-14-2013, 07:48 AM
Welcome! :)

10-18-2013, 08:35 AM
yeyyy welcome too the forums :banana:

10-18-2013, 10:00 AM
Welcome... But i think forums arent active... Or ppls dont like me cause i wrote thread like this and got 0 answers :'( and now i will post here:

Can anyone talk little about "farming"? Can i farm wihout lepre and potions?

10-18-2013, 04:42 PM
Welcome, and have fun on the forums :)

11-01-2013, 03:59 PM
Experienced player, but new to forums.This's my very first sts/al forum post ever! Hi

11-01-2013, 08:22 PM
I will take this necro as an opportunity to welcome all you new players! :-) I hope you enjoy your time in the game and make plenty of friends. Just beware that there are many beggars and scammers in game, so proceed with caution. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions - IGN: Kalizzaa

@niko - yes, it is possible to farm without lep. Use the free elixirs that Klaas and Shazbot give you at first, then when you have saved up enough to purchase a leprechaun pendant, get one - it really does help. More than anything, running with a good party minimizes pot usage and can make for quick runs (an essential point when you get a free reroll elixir).

Many like to farm Locked Crates from Kraken Mines 3, and Brackenridge; however, I prefer running elite maps because I quickly tire of repetitive mob kills and enjoy the challenge of elites. Lost Mages Mine, Southern Seas, Rooks Nest, Brackenridge Forest, Oltgar Keep and some of the Shuyal elite maps are my favorite places to go to. Each map drops specific loot, for instance Lost Mages Mine can drop Elite Golden Banded Chests, Snaggletooth and Wrathjaw eggs, Brackenridge Forest drops Kettle eggs, and Rooks Nest drops Malison eggs. The key here is persistence. These high end drops are rare, so chances are that even with Lep on, you will have to run these maps dozens of times before you land an egg. Reroll elixir increases the probability of a drop, but it is still sufficiently rare that if you do get an egg, it will quite valuable.

Another hot-spot for farming is the Gladiator Arena, but this is only a place to venture into if you are well equipped, have plenty of pots and if possible a good party. I have soloed the arena countless times, but it seems I have no luck there, so it ends up just costing lots of gold with nothing of value to show for it.

I would suggest that you read up on the information that is available in the Elite Runners group (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/group.php?groupid=908) - it contains some helpful tactics, builds and strategies on how to effectively run some maps. There are also a lot of good resources in the forums here and there are a surprising number of helpful players in-game. Join a guild and establish a network of friends that you can learn from and farm with.

Best of luck!

11-06-2013, 07:47 PM
Kal can't read those guides unless you're an ER member. Also hi. :-) Miss u guys.

11-06-2013, 10:48 PM
Kal can't read those guides unless you're an ER member. Also hi. :-) Miss u guys.

We remade the group to be public. Can't really help others if we hide our info behind a locked group.

Miss ya bud - we got to run Elite Ferrix or Overgrowth some time! Or better yet, farm LMM like the good old days!