View Full Version : Shuyal farming?

10-13-2013, 01:34 PM
Ok I'm a lvl 23 rogue and Ive completed the nodr quests. When I reach shuyal where in shuyal do I farm and what do I need to be farming for? Btw I'm talking about normal shuyal hence the fact I'm a lvl 23 not elite shuyal. And do I really need a luck elixir? Because my friend who farms there with his lvl 25 Mage gets good drops (not legendary ofc he doesn't use luck elixir) but he says the you really don't need luck elixir as you do get "puzzleboxes" even the noobiest ones sell a lot and they are quite common drop. I need more detail on this from you guys before I actually start to farm there myself. I need much detail as possible.

10-13-2013, 05:19 PM
All your going to get is regular puzzle boxes which i dont think sell that high. No legendary items in regular maos and i ran without any type of luck from 31 to 36 in shuyal....all i got was 2 coppers. I killed bosses every time tell i was 35 and said screw it

10-13-2013, 05:26 PM
Coper puzzleboxes sell for around 1k, silver boxes sell for about 3-4k, and gold boxes sell for about 30k. So farming regular Shuyal can be very profitable (especially since, depending on where you're farming, you have a chance to loot either Malgo or Shadowfang. Who sell for a very nice amount, 300k+).

10-13-2013, 06:38 PM
Coper puzzleboxes sell for around 1k, silver boxes sell for about 3-4k, and gold boxes sell for about 30k. So farming regular Shuyal can be very profitable (especially since, depending on where you're farming, you have a chance to loot either Malgo or Shadowfang. Who sell for a very nice amount, 300k+).

Eh guess i was wrong about chest proces then. Also i forgot to mention you can get crates too, just like any other map