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10-14-2013, 09:43 PM
20-30 or any other low level PvP, since when was it bad to use mana shield and kite different ranges? Why is it so"bad/cheap/noobish?"

My argument:
Back in 2010-2011, during the fruition of twink player vs player, casting things such as mana shield were not considered "bad," yet reveled in for awesome timing and what not. It is a part of their skill set so why should we as a community forbid it or label it as "cheap?" There is nothing cheap about it as their are tremendous ramifications in doing so, mana takes damage rather than health further diminishing said mages mana pool causing the mage unable to cast further spells if the mage cannot fend off the opponent before then. Mana shield has many weaknesses, so why not exploit it rather than complain and label it as CHEAP? I can go on further about this but it'd be completely based on circumstantial occurrences, so I'd rather save them for further arguments.

Kiting, oh boy, this is a big one as well. I mainly enjoy player vs player action on my level 23 bear. I use a talon setup along with a debuff/stun build.
I've faced many opponents now using the" new to me" level 20 rhino 3/4 item plat-pack, meaning they're melee based and have limited range, which I'm assuming is somewhere around 2-4m with their auto attack. Knowing this I tend to stay in 8m so as to not receive damage from their auto attack. During this time I stun them with hs and occasionally run up and use crushing blow proceeded by crippling slash so as to keep them in stasis unable to attack and spells being cast against me have little to no affect due to my debuffs. A situation like this was something to be commended in before this new labeling system of what is"cheap." Taking advantage of your characters spells along with exploiting your opponents weaknesses is in my opinion, pretty darn awesome. Tact and strategy is what this is.

May someone, the pocket legends community, please, explain to me constructively how things such as this is cheap. I will try my best to keep an open mind.

Please do not flame or spam my thread.

10-14-2013, 09:49 PM
People will use any reason for their loss to avoid them actually be inferior to the other.
While, there are many legitimate reasons especially with dodge/critical/hit chances people need to learn to just get over it.

10-14-2013, 10:07 PM
I understand that people will always blame other things other than themselves being at fault, but every game I join and play there is always some type of complaint to it, so their must be legitimate reasoning behind the complaints to come in masses. If it's some type of bandwagon plague, then...how the community itself has fallen, I'd rather not think like that. Which is why, I'm looking for some answers to maybe sway me to thinking otherwise.

IGN Storm
10-14-2013, 11:05 PM
I understand that people will always blame other things other than themselves being at fault, but every game I join and play there is always some time of complaint to it, so their must be legitimate reasoning behind the complaints to come in masses. If it's some type of bandwagon plague, then...how the community itself has fallen, I'd rather not think like that. Which is why, I'm looking for some answers to maybe sway me to thinking otherwise.

Yes, a good portion of the community are immature kids, after all PL was designed for kids (I think). These "kids" are stuck in a period of self denial where they cannot accept the fact that they just aren't skilled. Just mute the ones that complain, and chat with the mature ones.

10-15-2013, 12:09 PM
Oh I love the kiting!
I have 2 kite bears, and people always get angry whenever I kite them with xbow to death, they say "Lol wtf you need kite lmfao" "lmfao needs to kite"
Well that's wat a kite bear does ._.

And whenever they tell me to use talon, I do, I still kite, I do know my ranges ^-^ p!us DA extra armor is also good :D
@ghost: What would happen with me? I'm immature and I don't like talking to immature people D:

All for one, and one for all.

10-15-2013, 12:32 PM
I was doing L35 PvP forgotten mage pre-nerf and I won against someone by using MS during the first two secs of battle, and after wards, I killed them. They responded with crazy vulgar language. IDK bro, what is wrong with people these days. In endgame, it is a totally different story. For nuke mages, precise timing to use MS is difficult and uses skill, but in twinking, they say, "oh that was cheap". Like huh?

10-15-2013, 03:24 PM
I mostly PVP at end game. With the ability to have my int Mage killed in one shot by bird or bear before damage nerf you always had to early mana shield

When I twink I do the same cuz it's what I'm am used to and it is very effective. Ppl go nuts!!! I get cussed at called trashed and rushed. They blame me using early mana as the reason they lost. In actuality, it my skill, helps me kill you, why not use it?

Just recently some person I never saw before was in end game and saying everyone that uses mana shield early is trash. Obviously, the person is unaware of end game quick kills.

10-15-2013, 03:58 PM
ew! Don't let them get to you. Mana shield is there for a reason and that reason is so you won't die. Let them cry about it. In endgame some people tell me I only won because of it (I'm also using staff and I'm pure int). When I tell them "go" and let them know I won't use mana shield early and still manage to nuke them without it, they just shut it. MS is essential in PvP we're not tanks and need to protect ourselves usually from the first hits they tend to be the hardest. So I say shield away.

As for kiting...kiting means keeping a distance while still dealing dmg. At least to me. It doesn't mean running away to have the opponent run they're buffs out. IDK if it means the same to you. I usually have behrs/burds who run away and hide until my buffs are gone...very annoying. That's when I return the favor, run and hide then have them say stuff like "noob no buffs" when they die.

10-15-2013, 07:26 PM
ew! Don't let them get to you. Mana shield is there for a reason and that reason is so you won't die. Let them cry about it. In endgame some people tell me I only won because of it (I'm also using staff and I'm pure int). When I tell them "go" and let them know I won't use mana shield early and still manage to nuke them without it, they just shut it. MS is essential in PvP we're not tanks and need to protect ourselves usually from the first hits they tend to be the hardest. So I say shield away.

As for kiting...kiting means keeping a distance while still dealing dmg. At least to me. It doesn't mean running away to have the opponent run they're buffs out. IDK if it means the same to you. I usually have behrs/burds who run away and hide until my buffs are gone...very annoying. That's when I return the favor, run and hide then have them say stuff like "noob no buffs" when they die.
Saooool, but I miss beckon/stomp/SMSing you!

10-16-2013, 12:50 PM
Saooool, but I miss beckon/stomp/SMSing you!

Parth you I don't mind beckoning and stomping me XD