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View Full Version : Any gear guides for a level 36 warrior?

10-17-2013, 07:46 PM
I just reached level 36 with my warrior and am looking for (non mythic) gear for my level 36. I want to upgrade everything, weapon, helm, armor, ring, amulet.

I don't know what gears I should be looking for.

Does anyone have a link to another thread that may have this in detailed comparison with the types of armor to use?

Thank you in advance

10-18-2013, 01:14 AM
best pink right now is architect .. depending on ur preferal.. will vs grace
- Architect armor/helm tend for more dmg / dex
-architect armor/helm of will, tend for my mana - health-armor
- SOME people do mix and match.. like theyll have Architect helm of will, and then architect plate of grace.. vise versa
- as for weapon entombed lvl 35 warfare, devourer maul's arent that bad either.. theyre super cheap
- pink ring more expensive than mythic - arch potency str - lvl 36 exact same stat as ensorcelled band potency but Archon got armor buff
- best pink archon pot - str (3m ish) followed by ensorcelled band potency lvl 36 .. if cant afford then just go for Blue - iron of potency lvl 36
- amulet: amulet doom is only like 500k - mythic amulet.. pink amulet is more expensive (divine assaultlvl 36 about 1m) but alot of warrs prefer amulet doom more than divine

This stat wearing no helm / plate
only amulet of doom, ensorcelled band potency lvl 36, and wearing entombed warfare lvl 35
- total damage with both on.. just add it up to ur current dmg
so 2(19.7) + ur dmg now = dmg stat etc etc

Break down prices ( CS prices)

Architect helm of will = 400k-500k
Architect plate of will= 450k-500k
Achitect helm of grace= 290k-370k
Achitect plate of grace= 400k ish

Entombed warfare lvl 35 = 300k-350k

Amulet of Doom(l31) = 550k-600k
Divine Assault Pendant lvl 36= around 1m

Archon potency lvl 36 (Str) = 3m+
Ensorelled band potency(l36)= around 800k-1m
Iron ring potency(36)= 5k-15k



10-18-2013, 01:46 AM
for tanking purposes, would the dexterity be superior to the int ?

im leaning towards dex, that extra 7% dodge would account for some damage avoidance in large mobs. low int = low mana, but that can be solved by potting

do correct me if im wrong

10-18-2013, 01:52 AM
for tanking purposes, would the dexterity be superior to the int ?

im leaning towards dex, that extra 7% dodge would account for some damage avoidance in large mobs. low int = low mana, but that can be solved by potting

do correct me if im wrong

Right, when your tanking pve, dont even think about ur mana

Focus more on health/ armor
IMO, .. you rarely feel the dodge LOL
You feel a lot more difference playing around with your armor
and of course gears.. passives.. skill builds play huge part in that

10-18-2013, 02:39 AM
i didnt notice it at first, but the armour of will gives more health than the grace armour, eventhough the str boost for both is +41?

10-18-2013, 08:35 AM
i didnt notice it at first, but the armour of will gives more health than the grace armour, eventhough the str boost for both is +41?

yes .. not a lot of warrior know.. intelligence add more health .. not just str
so ifyoure maxed str /maxed mana - then u have maxed health

10-18-2013, 11:02 AM
For gear (helms and armor) will is the best for warriors. Armor beats dodge, this said grace can beat out security.

Security is a good class of gear if you NEED armor (if you don't have 1600+ you need more armor). Grace is a nice class of gear if you have enough armor and want more damage. I am a cop out and usually get the bare minimum gear and then upgraded to the best pinks (I used of security untill I could afore will, and a ward befor eh could aford a lvl35 entombed warfare).

Essentially I am against smal upgrades. You should save your gold and make large upgrades, I believe these smaller upgrades are only good ideas if you are inadequately equipped to run maps with bigger pay outs (all you really "need" is 1600 armor and 4.5k hp imo).

10-18-2013, 11:04 AM
i like *just* hit 36, so i've been running with L31 gear lol

now im just mulling the upgrade to the architect gear

10-18-2013, 11:41 AM
Overview of Shade vs Arch
if youre really saving for money
then i guess you can just buy shades - buying arch your really paying more on the +13.2 dmg and maybe 20-50 armor difference (armor n helm together)
other stats arent that much different

Shade Mail Will - 250k-300k
Shade Helm Will - 115k-130k
Shade Mail grace- 150k-200k
Shade helm grace - 20k-40k

id lean more toward Will - bec of health and armor factor of it, grace wont give enough
specially you said ur only farming km3? i think that will do it.. might be a little slow time


10-18-2013, 01:43 PM
I wouldn't discount security, some players can't afford wool and need the armor more than the damage of grace.

10-22-2013, 09:14 AM
I just recently upgraded my gear and decided on lvl 35 Architect Gear both Helm and Plate of Will. Personally I dont see the need to pay additional 300-400K for the difference between lvl 35 and 36, and would rather put that money towards getting better Ring/amulet/pets, or start saving for mythic gear. I know there are some that want to squeeze out every last spec at no cost, but for the avg gamer, those extra points might not be worth the added cost of gold. Here is my stat difference between my lvl 35 Arch Plate of Will and lvl 36 Arch Plate of Will.

Another option if you do decide to go lvl 35 Gear is to buy the noble/champion gear from the nordr expansion. identical stats as lvl 35 Arch gear, but a bit cheaper (and not as ugly).

http://imageshack.us/a/img27/329/6thz.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27/6thz.png/)

10-22-2013, 09:24 AM
The difference is 48 armor. Some players may need the updgrade. Its all opinion though. Only you know what you need.

10-22-2013, 09:56 AM
Yes, Opinions are indeed Awesome :)

Great Thread for a quick recap on current top gear for Warriors.