View Full Version : Chance for newbies

10-18-2013, 12:56 AM
Newbie post
I am new here and i really dont know if my suggestion is aleady been raised. I know that the topic is frequently discuss.

Is there any chance that STS will allow to have a vanity piece given to cap character, meaning every character that will cap in the same account will be provided by different requirement vanity for making a 3pcs elite ring. That can be transfer via stash and allow 1 of the 3 character to exchange for a elite ring. For the newbie to have a chance to get the ring. In other words, a newbie player like me have to cap 3 character in the same account to have a ring.

Thank you and Good day!

10-18-2013, 11:25 AM
There has been a lot of discussion about new players getting access to multi-cap rewards. I don't remember seeing exactly this idea before though. It's an interesting one.

On the plus side, doing something like this would allow anyone to get the cap rewards even if they started too late to do previous caps. Also, it would be the same amount of XP grinding (get the current cap three times) so in that respect it would be fair.

On the other hand, I could see how those who have gotten their cap rewards the "traditional" way might be upset. They had to cap three consecutive times, completing each before the cap went away, which was a significant effort under time pressure. Also, there's no way currently to share caps around, so they got the reward only for one toon. If they wanted it on others, they had to grind each one through each cap individually...substantially more work.

I agree with the idea of allowing newer players to somehow "catch up". I'm not so sure I think a shared pool of cap items is a fair way to do it though, since you could share the same "work" with an unlimited number of toons. However, I would not be opposed to being able to somehow cap the same toon two or three times on the current cap so they can have the same opportunity to earn the rewards others have.

10-18-2013, 06:36 PM
I know thats not fair for veteran players. But the amount of time to cap a toon up to 76 is also difficult (if you dont have plat elixers ofcourse)

If a toon gets the vanity piece only one character can exchange it as i suggested, meaning only one of the three toon can have a ring.

Newbies are always getting bullied at pvp and ctf. Its not that we lack talent and we cannot adopt but the lack of chance to get great items for our toons.

Thank you and good day