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View Full Version : How people think are superiority of u on Games?? happen to u?

10-18-2013, 03:22 AM
Hi guys!

have u see how the people think are superiority than u bcus have better items??

maybe this people have a complex on real life?

are humillated on IRL? or just theys think theys are ''God''

i have played on many games and i see this many many times. and i think this people can't be best on IRL and theys need to do this on games for his selfishness maybe?

I see this many time on PvP.

user say to another user. Please Leave ur a ''n00b''

i think all the people are n00b bcus ''n00b'' = Novice.

and we are humans..

another example: Don't kill xxxxx user or i farm u.. i only can laugh.

Oh they are going to kill me on a Game Lol..

if u join to pvp u join for kill or flag no?? and if a user attack u, u can attack him too is that right?

another example: U have the last flag but u say i'm going to wait.. another guy say to ''friend'' from enemy team.. kill flaggers.. so what u do? u only die? or u finish it? well i finish and after this ''guy'' insult me xDD

i like to see this guys maybe theys have problems on irl and the solution is Games!! go to games, insult people bcus on IRL the people insult u.. or maybe humillated people bcus on IRL u are humillated..

the life don't work like that..

Happy game Guys if anyone wanna write some story feel free to add whatever u want.

PS: i don't know if i can put this on this section. but if i'm wrong pls move it. thanks!

10-18-2013, 04:44 AM
Relax, don't bother much about them or what they say... it's MMO, maybe the one who showed off to ya was a 10 yr old kid.

10-18-2013, 06:32 AM
Yes, one guy said me noob and I never saw him in pvp, this guy is cremated in formus,and Im noticed he have 15 years old, so when one player ll say u that things prolly is a kid, or an adult with complex, ego or jelousy.

I have a lot of haters in game and trash talked on me, but I dont care , Im proud because that means Im a good player.

So if anyone tell u noob, just laugh and ignore him.

10-18-2013, 06:38 AM
Everyone was a noob once....even those who have full mythic sets and get on the LB every season. Let em talk big, when they get killed by a "noob," those that tell you to leave because youre a noob are probably throwing their keyboard or phone across the room because they can't handle it.

The noobs of today are the pros of tomorrow, keep playing and figure out a strategy that works for you and soon enough you'll make these so called "pros" with the expensive gear look like noobs themselves.

Generally speaking, those calling others noobs only win by playing the lower geared and less experienced players. The TRUE professional will take a noob under their wing and help them, the newbie "pro" will just insult, and the general insult will deal with what they can see right off...your gear.

10-18-2013, 07:13 AM
Everyone was a noob once....even those who have full mythic sets and get on the LB every season. Let em talk big, when they get killed by a "noob," those that tell you to leave because youre a noob are probably throwing their keyboard or phone across the room because they can't handle it.

The noobs of today are the pros of tomorrow, keep playing and figure out a strategy that works for you and soon enough you'll make these so called "pros" with the expensive gear look like noobs themselves.

Generally speaking, those calling others noobs only win by playing the lower geared and less experienced players. The TRUE professional will take a noob under their wing and help them, the newbie "pro" will just insult, and the general insult will deal with what they can see right off...your gear.

Absolutley agreed with u.
Also some 'pros' never help in guild elite or normal maps and join in pvp only in best teams , never in random team.

Im with u , and all my friends in game can prove it , I always help players with low experience, help him in pvp is them was ganged.

10-18-2013, 08:19 AM
whats the point of this thread? lol

Dont worry about theyre real life, dont worry about how they act in game and towards you
if they have real life issues and their solution is game.. thats just game.. maybe thats how they do.. take it out on the game.. thats their problem
- then u do ur part and be considerate and have that in ur mind.

like you said humans are humans and thats just part of human nature.. people have ego and pride
You just do you and forget what they say or do.. they can only damage your pixels
dont let your integrity get damage by a game character
noob - beginners we all been there
but if someone asked you to leave because theyre having a serious fight with friends or really good team
and youre not geared enough to last and help the team... then do yourself a favor and respect everyone else and just leave
.. why stay if its a suicide on your part and everyone else, why put everyone else in your team down because of your own pride
your really just asking to be farmed more and to be hated on and to cussed on

if u wanna flag, just flag lol

10-18-2013, 08:24 AM

10-18-2013, 08:35 AM
Welcome to PvP: CTF game, Mr. xXz21.
PvP is always like that.

10-18-2013, 08:53 AM
Happens all the time. Don't worry about those jerks :)

10-18-2013, 09:23 AM
Sometimes ppl called me that noob too. But sometimes I proud that I noob. Lol whatever

10-18-2013, 11:06 AM
Yes, one guy said me noob and I never saw him in pvp, this guy is cremated in formus,and Im noticed he have 15 years old, so when one player ll say u that things prolly is a kid, or an adult with complex, ego or jelousy.

I have a lot of haters in game and trash talked on me, but I dont care , Im proud because that means Im a good player.

So if anyone tell u noob, just laugh and ignore him.

yeah i know! i'm only laugh how this people think that xD i can't say names but many people here who are. someguys from ''top'' and i know this people is a kid or maybe have a complex xD

whats the point of this thread? lol

Dont worry about theyre real life, dont worry about how they act in game and towards you
if they have real life issues and their solution is game.. thats just game.. maybe thats how they do.. take it out on the game.. thats their problem
- then u do ur part and be considerate and have that in ur mind.

like you said humans are humans and thats just part of human nature.. people have ego and pride
You just do you and forget what they say or do.. they can only damage your pixels
dont let your integrity get damage by a game character
noob - beginners we all been there
but if someone asked you to leave because theyre having a serious fight with friends or really good team
and youre not geared enough to last and help the team... then do yourself a favor and respect everyone else and just leave
.. why stay if its a suicide on your part and everyone else, why put everyone else in your team down because of your own pride
your really just asking to be farmed more and to be hated on and to cussed on

if u wanna flag, just flag lol

the point is sa ur story with people like that.. and laugh.. i don't care this people just talk about this is very funny.

10-18-2013, 11:28 AM
I don't judge on equipment. about a month ago i was in shade/architect gear and inexperienced lol. Im in mythics now,I was trained and I learned how to pull/when to pull in elites from some close friends . Then again i don't pvp so can't relate to your little story.. i just run elites. if your attitude is bad and you're biting off more then you chew, (For say, pulling 20 enemies in shuyal elites when you can barely handle 5.) then yeah. im going to judge you. But im not judging on gear. Unless you're in like epic gear on a hard elite map. But yeah. I know a few rogues who are still better then me elite wise and I have better gear.

10-18-2013, 11:33 AM
Because we all know that gear = skill :rolleyes:

And you would ALWAYS wonder what type of person plays behind that toon also.

10-18-2013, 11:50 AM
It is ridiculous, when You are only one who move *ss and try to help a silly newb who ask for something, and then that imbecile starts to insult You, And starts to says "[CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED]" Yes, exactly what in quote..

another situation, When newb sells his first archon for 4 m, and says 'all guys with arcane staff hav it', i answer 'not all.. Know 3 without it', he 'answers' 'noo noob!!',

I agree, those pepole have many complex in life, in love, in everything, If You see someone who is saying 'noob noob noob' all the time, try to be.. a bit nice, or just don't talk to them.. There is noo neeed to be at such low level what they are representing at that while.

I have had really, REALLY terryfyin situation yesterday.. Someone told me "Dont hack my account! *send me friend rq* dont hack the email ***********and password ******** pls dont hack it!" I was like.. W T H... I reported, and had to drink next 1l of juice to calm myself out from laugh..

They can be really annoying, (read. trolls, newbs, noobs), but also funny (read. trolls, newbs, noobs). We shouldn't take it personal, what they are saying bout us is only their thing, if they are saying insults, they were insulted earlier too..

10-18-2013, 11:59 AM
yeah i know! i'm only laugh how this people think that xD i can't say names but many people here who are. someguys from ''top'' and i know this people is a kid or maybe have a complex xD

the point is sa ur story with people like that.. and laugh.. i don't care this people just talk about this is very funny.

its funny how u say you dont care about these people but lets make a thread about it shall we? bec its funny??

you said it yourself they may have a complex life.. difficult real life thats why they act the way they do in game
how does it make u any different from them when youre pretty much "makin fun" of their possible complex life just because
you got offended by the way these people act in game?

like dead say, be nice and ignore them.. you seem to have quite a complex life yourself that you need to find to put down these people who put u down..
two wrongs dont make right , friend

10-18-2013, 12:03 PM
its funny how u say you dont care about these people but lets make a thread about it shall we? bec its funny??

you said it yourself they may have a complex life.. difficult real life thats why they act the way they do in game
how does it make u any different from them when youre pretty much "makin fun" of their possible complex life just because
you got offended by the way these people act in game?

like dead say, be nice and ignore them.. you seem to have quite a complex life yourself that you need to find to put down these people who put u down..
two wrongs dont make right , friend

im talking FUN when theys INSULT u. not for hi's complex..

and no i never got offended with any people.. just theys can say whatever theys want :P

10-18-2013, 12:06 PM
im talking FUN when theys INSULT u. not for hi's complex..

and no i never got offended with any people.. just theys can say whatever theys want :P

lets insult/ make fun of those people who insults/who made fun of you and make a thread about it

you sound exactly like them to me

10-18-2013, 12:06 PM
Yhea i remember one year ago with my mage, a warrior call me weak mage!!! level 21... I was like "Fcking Morron"

Hate those type of player..

Now my two char are mithic and never change always helping

10-18-2013, 12:14 PM
lets insult/ make fun of those people who insults/who made fun of you and make a thread about it

you sound exactly like them to me

oh so when the people insult u, u insult theys too? whatever i laugh when people try to get me angry.. i'm happy man and what are u trying to do?? the post if for comment story.. ¿u come to try a make a fight?
whatever. we are talking when people try to humillated u on games bcus u are a noob. i'm a n00b on game but i enjoy to the game.

10-18-2013, 12:15 PM
But then, it's a game about collecting awesome items. The "haves" are superior to the "have nots" in such a game because that is the point of the game. That's the deal you accept when you sit down at the table. The deal is, there is a goal and until you reach that goal you're a noob.

I renamed my toon from Snakespeare to Noobnott. Because I am a noob. I do not have fancy gear. I lose at PvP. I don't play that much. It's not worth it to me. So I'm a noob. It is what it is. I'm level 32 and I've never seen the new content because... well... be honest. :)

10-18-2013, 12:29 PM
oh so when the people insult u, u insult theys too? whatever i laugh when people try to get me angry.. i'm happy man and what are u trying to do?? the post if for comment story.. ¿u come to try a make a fight?
whatever. we are talking when people try to humillated u on games bcus u are a noob. i'm a n00b on game but i enjoy to the game.

HUGE english barrier here.
its called sarcasm
im just trying to make a point

im saying you can laugh at them ignore them all u want. but make a thread and make fun of people who tries hard to humiliate u... its a bit over the line lmao

10-18-2013, 12:41 PM
But then, it's a game about collecting awesome items. The "haves" are superior to the "have nots" in such a game because that is the point of the game. That's the deal you accept when you sit down at the table. The deal is, there is a goal and until you reach that goal you're a noob.

I renamed my toon from Snakespeare to Noobnott. Because I am a noob. I do not have fancy gear. I lose at PvP. I don't play that much. It's not worth it to me. So I'm a noob. It is what it is. I'm level 32 and I've never seen the new content because... well... be honest. :)

U re wrong! If to drop mythics and arcane items this game base in game play ur comment its apptopiate , but u re absolutely wrong coz this awesome items drops with gamble system

10-18-2013, 01:00 PM
Well u have to understand that people made side rules in pvp, but they dont have to be hypocrite like: 'i'll kill the flagger that's waiting for our flagger' or : You got attacked by a rich farmer with the best end game stuff when u are flagging, and when u kill him once and he will spawntrap u the whole time with his guildies

10-18-2013, 01:10 PM
Well u have to understand that people made side rules in pvp, but they dont have to be hypocrite like: 'i'll kill the flagger that's waiting for our flagger' or : You got attacked by a rich farmer with the best end game stuff when u are flagging, and when u kill him once and he will spawntrap u the whole time with his guildies

i agree with u. and yes i know people make theys rules and i follow but sometimes if all say flag i flag if theys say kill i kill. but i see many guys saying to another guys when theys join on pvp... (leave here pls) i think if a guy join first the slot is free for all and he don't need leave.

10-18-2013, 01:49 PM
*takes a drink* trolling is a great way to handle these people ;)

10-18-2013, 02:19 PM
Whts the motive behind this rather than starting a thread prone to flaming and hatred?this is ranting in nicer tone and manner.

Im sorry if you are experiencing such bad experience in AL.unfortunately there are some jerks here but not all.most importantly to know who are your friends and play the game the way u want it to be.

Remember that not all are lucky and some do haul their efforts here.take the best of those you admire and avoid being a jerk like those you hate.those who were pros wete once noob.and the noobs will be pros.its a cycle we all will go thru as the game progress.

Pvp is the place to expect uneasiness and discomfort.u r facing each other competing to be the best with ego is support.the tos is here to ensure it does not breach sensitive issues or mockery to an extreme level.we all here play a part to make this an enjoyable piece.if people do tht doesnt mean u have to return the favour.
And this is a game whete you wanna enjoy yourself and be as less as serious or logical as you can be.

Take the bitterness and turn it into something sweet.my humble 2cents.the moment its personal its no longer an entertainment piece.

On a separate note the game is not as shallow as having the best of all.those who think tht way maybe shallow.no offense but it has more to give and not just that.uts the rush and excitement between others who you cant always predict.thts the ultimate thrill for me.

10-19-2013, 03:37 AM
But then, it's a game about collecting awesome items. The "haves" are superior to the "have nots" in such a game because that is the point of the game. That's the deal you accept when you sit down at the table. The deal is, there is a goal and until you reach that goal you're a noob.

I renamed my toon from Snakespeare to Noobnott. Because I am a noob. I do not have fancy gear. I lose at PvP. I don't play that much. It's not worth it to me. So I'm a noob. It is what it is. I'm level 32 and I've never seen the new content because... well... be honest. :)

This ^ :)

I like your attitude mate. If you plan to make it to lvl 35 (so that you can run elite maps), add me. Even proud noobs can have fun in this great game.

10-19-2013, 04:06 AM
Funny to see how people insulting each other when PvP and mostly of them because he/she loses a 1v1.

That's still the problem of AL's PvP.
And when someone says you're a noob, or maybe you aren't as great as him/here, just ignore those people like that.
They are very immature and strange.

And what the hell is "pro"?
If it means a "perfect" toon, well I'd rather say NO. BIG NO.

For me, the real pro meaning they who can admit their loses gracefully, and never berate those poeple under them.
Everyone's arrogant.

And the funny thing is when we won a 1v1 and the loser can't accept that lose and then he/she is angry and insulting. :D People like that have no brain. If you lose, just accept it. Make that defeat as a lesson for you, so that you can be better.

I feel sick over all of the people's pride at PvP.

10-19-2013, 05:41 AM
*takes a drink* trolling is a great way to handle these people ;)

*takes a cup of english tea* I suppose, milord that in some metaphisical ways i can fully agree with Your statement, Sir. Would You like another cup of tea? XD I would say, I prefer, to make them pain by making water from their brains, by truly grotesque methods ;)

10-19-2013, 05:48 AM
I think every normal person is shocked by the trash language (in fact, people not knowing English still talking trash because that's all they know) in PvP.

It is one of the reasons why I don't PvP and I hope very much there will be closed arenas one day when two teams of normal people can fight. But it is just a wish because it will never happen. The reason is that such an arena would be exploited for kill farming. So which motivation? Perhaps random loot for winning team? :)

10-19-2013, 07:00 AM
The game is like it is, the player are as they are. Love it or hate it...

There is only one important thing in every game:
Have fun or do something else...

My 2 cents

10-20-2013, 03:30 PM
play on twink ranges, you will meet lots of immature player there, thinking that der good or something is so annoying

10-20-2013, 04:22 PM
Hmm ya for me these "pros" are are just rich ppl who spend 1000s of Dollars on a game just to dominate others.
The real "pros" are those who act kind.
I think the reason for their trash talk is just boredom. Check out kraag guild castle and you will see.
Funny to watch sometimes but seriously.. its just a game. Let us all be Kind and helpful so everyone can enjoy :)