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View Full Version : Does DPS really affect output damage by a whole lot?

10-18-2013, 08:53 AM
I understand the dps = damage per second = how fast your normal attack is
but also affects total damage output right?
rogues about dps, more dps more dmg

example: as i already mentioned in a thread

it just really doesnt make sense to me why glaive seems to hit WAY MORE than maul when critted - base on y'all opinions
cuz .. maul with proc over 520 dmg and on top of that.. it reduces 50% of opponents armor..

critical percentage diff is around 2%

so why is glaive hitting WAY MORE than maul - if its about even output dmg, okay understandable, but 800ish vs 1.7k??
DPS affect??? difference of about +80 dps with -120dmg less than maul can cause that?
I dont know the whole math concept of this. but please - a dev explain
theres gotta be something wrong with that..

so its like this?
+80 dps > + 120 dmg


this is not a thread saying " nerf glaive'" , no leave glaive as it is
i just want understanding of the math concept

10-18-2013, 09:24 AM
DPS only affects your auto-attack (non skill) attack speed, the only reason at times DPS is better for a rouge is because when hunting mobs you'd use daggers for dPS that can hit up to 3 mobs at once so it wouldn't matter to a rouge if your losing 50-100 DMG & gaining 50-100 DPS if your hitting 3 enemies at a time

Unless your only fighting without skills DPS is pretty useless & I find it hilarious when people comment on others DPS being low

~& I'm not entirely sure how Glaive works but I'd imagine it doesn't hit high on a normal hit at all but if it does its "Pierce" proc & crits at the same time it can do some huge DMG

10-18-2013, 09:30 AM
DPS only affects your auto-attack (non skill) attack speed, the only reason at times DPS is better for a rouge is because when hunting mobs you'd use daggers for dPS that can hit up to 3 mobs at once so it wouldn't matter to a rouge if your losing 50-100 DMG & gaining 50-100 DPS if your hitting 3 enemies at a time

Unless your only fighting without skills DPS is pretty useless & I find it hilarious when people comment on others DPS being low

~& I'm not entirely sure how Glaive works but I'd imagine it doesn't hit high on a normal hit at all but if it does its "Pierce" proc & crits at the same time it can do some huge DMG

hmmm the pierce component might explain it

10-18-2013, 09:46 AM
hmmm the pierce component might explain it

Also, keep in mind that a glaive's skill damage is higher than a Maul's skill damage last time I checked. So, as a result, the glaive will appear to hit harder.

10-18-2013, 10:23 AM
not just hitting hard but also it gives more survival.
my guildmate used to have it and doesnt even need juggernaut.

Also Rava is one good example of how to use glaive without jugger.

10-18-2013, 10:34 AM
It has armor debuff, also proc damage based on enemy armor. I assume more armor enemy has, more damage it can proc

10-18-2013, 11:10 AM
DPS = Damae per second = attack Speed..

but i think don't make any diferecen on war bcus try a hammer first and check speed after try a sword and check speed..

after this buy any lv hammer and try (no diference) and buy any lv sword (no diference with a high lv and high dps)

i really don't think dps is necesary bcus i don't see any diference..

10-18-2013, 11:19 AM
not just hitting hard but also it gives more survival.
my guildmate used to have it and doesnt even need juggernaut.

Also Rava is one good example of how to use glaive without jugger.

pve? pvp?
thing is i never tried one thats why i have no idea how its like LOL thanks all

10-18-2013, 11:23 AM
Imo the maul is OP in group fights , 5v5 etc . On the other hand , Glaive is owing on 1on1 simoly cos of the dps , hits harder and faster on a sec. And even in group fights it doesnt need jugg and works better in pve aswell then maul

10-18-2013, 12:11 PM
Imo the maul is OP in group fights , 5v5 etc . On the other hand , Glaive is owing on 1on1 simoly cos of the dps , hits harder and faster on a sec. And even in group fights it doesnt need jugg and works better in pve aswell then maul

LOL BRO well aware, wasnt asking about comparison between the two much, more of a
why does it hit much harder - dps effect etc - well then again like they said theres pierce proc which i left out enough to explain it

10-18-2013, 07:24 PM
It has armor debuff, also proc damage based on enemy armor. I assume more armor enemy has, more damage it can proc
This probably answers your question. That makes sense lol.

10-18-2013, 08:17 PM
I understand the dps = damage per second = how fast your normal attack is
but also affects total damage output right?
rogues about dps, more dps more dmg

example: as i already mentioned in a thread

it just really doesnt make sense to me why glaive seems to hit WAY MORE than maul when critted - base on y'all opinions
cuz .. maul with proc over 520 dmg and on top of that.. it reduces 50% of opponents armor..

critical percentage diff is around 2%

so why is glaive hitting WAY MORE than maul - if its about even output dmg, okay understandable, but 800ish vs 1.7k??
DPS affect??? difference of about +80 dps with -120dmg less than maul can cause that?
I dont know the whole math concept of this. but please - a dev explain
theres gotta be something wrong with that..

so its like this?
+80 dps > + 120 dmg


this is not a thread saying " nerf glaive'" , no leave glaive as it is
i just want understanding of the math concept

dps has little to do with a single attack let alone a crit. it's the product of a simple calculation dmg * speed