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View Full Version : Boss Difficulty

10-19-2013, 06:46 PM
Bosses have become a serious problem in this game. They are no longer fun, or even worth the effort, to kill. This totally kills the pick up and play aspect because it's impossible to advance through the game with a pick up party. While teaming up with friends is important, you should be able to advance just fine with a pick up, after all, this game is designed around the fast pick up play style.

So what's wrong with the bosses? They're boring, cheap, and take forever to kill. They have no true difficulty. Just give each boss a million HP, spawn a million mobs and/or status effects that make you immobile, and then throw in a cheap gimmick that really does nothing but make the fight more annoying because of the previous reasons listed.

Look, I'm all about cool gimmicks to make the fights exciting and even a nice difficulty level that might take a party a few tries to get the kill. But all this cheapness with uber HP levels and cheap mob/immobile spam ruins it. Has STS truly forgotten how to make a fun, engaging, and difficult battle that doesn't take 20 minutes to complete and makes it worth people's time to finish it? I think they may have. Bosses in the big boy mmos aren't even this cheap and ridiculous and offer a true challenge without taking 5 years to kill.

STS needs to drop the current path of destruction they're on and remind themselves why they got into this business to begin with, and that is to focus on imagination and innovation to make fun and engaging mmo games. I've seen a lack of imagination, innovative, fun, and engagement recently from STS. What do you think?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

10-19-2013, 07:09 PM
Are we talking about normal or elite maps?

If you're referring to elite maps, then I'm completely on the other side of the fence with this. Having played some of the other, major MMORPGs, I was impressed with the creativity behind the new Shuyal boss encounters. They aren't your typical hack n' slash fights, which to me is a huge relief from the boredom I encountered with the Nordr bosses. Honestly, I don't see all the Shuyal bosses as having too many HPs. Here is my assessment of the new bosses in elite maps:

Wraith Heart - (Aside from currently being bugged) The intervals of the shield dissipation are too short, making this fight entirely too long. Even Ashral Heart has longer vulnerability intervals and takes less time, albeit being a little more difficult encounter. Overall, I really like the concept of this boss, because it teaches warriors how to effectively off-tank while your party does the rest (tank the poison skeleton away from party).

Ferrix - Definitely has a good amount of HPs and armor. The purple swirls are only problematic if your tank doesn't know what they're doing. My biggest gripe about this boss is the amount of stuns he puts out (towards the tank) and his shadowball projectiles 1-hitting my team. Other than that, he's pretty much a hack n' slash, with the added element of the purple swirls making it a ranged fight.

Overgrowth - With the correct group makeup, this boss is a walk in the park. However, from my experience, you must bring two rogues. This to me is not fair and needs to be looked into. Maybe Overgrowth's shadowmancers should have less HPs or armor than the regular ones. The vines that sprout with a stun effect are easily avoidable, but once stuck in them it takes forever to get out - very annoying. I understand this is a DPS-test concept, which is neat, but the requirement to form the perfect party creates an imbalance.

Captain Krom - His red zone is annoying, because it shares the same problems as any other red zone in the game. His especially can 1-hit even the strongest warrior in the universe (I was hit for 11k once, non-crit in full mythic + pavise + HJ). He has a lot of HPs for sure, and the beacons don't last very long meaning if you don't bring 2 rogues (again) then you'll end up having to use almost every beacon on the map. Overall, I love this map and the concept behind it.

Inan'hesh - He's difficult to keep aggro, and he seems to have an AE spell that has no red zone but can still 1-hit players. Other than this, he is fine for being the final boss in end-game. Typical hack n' slash fight, and pretty boring. Racing to kill him before enrage makes it a little more exciting than Grimnr was.

Very broad observations of each boss, I know. I am not a pick up and play gamer, though, and enjoy the difficulty that comes with elite maps. I do not run normal maps as often, but my observations/opinions are roughly the same as above. Lastly, keep in mind that this is primarily a mobile game, and although the Spacetime Engine is a pretty amazing piece of technology, I'm sure there are limitations that come along with a mobile MMORPG. The legend games will never be as advanced as your big time ones (EQ, WoW, etc.) simply because of the platforms involved.

10-19-2013, 07:10 PM
Well.. STG has been designing some interesting bosses.

For example, Overgrowth is one of the most cleverly designed bosses in the game. Defeating it is fun and it is somewhat challenging because of the way you need to fight it.

Based on your thread, I'm not sure if this is more of a complaint thread or a thread with solutions and tips.. Sounds more like a rant, imo.

10-19-2013, 07:37 PM
elite is okay but if nornal bosses can one hit you then that is messed up

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

10-19-2013, 08:59 PM
I'm sorry. If you think the bosses are OP you haven't been fighting the mobs. You have to do very small pulls in elite, or move glacially slow, to kill those anoying mage's and their purple goo.

Just saying, I view most bosses as nap time after I used a few hundred pots.

The only boss I can possibly see people argue as OP is inan'hesh which requires a high dps team. However, I think he is still doable.

Remember if you didn't fail on your first attempt here and there the game would become boring.

10-19-2013, 10:19 PM
No there is nothing fresh with these bosses if you honestly think about it. Back in pl when i first ran threw ao and sewers those bosses is what i call fresh and challenging. All bosses (well most) from ao to sewers requires a strategy to beat and not just use pots, attack for some odd minutes and be careful because one normal attack and your dead, bosses. Ill give to sts for mixing it up with the.few.they did.stratigise like alpha wolf, overgrowth, and in anesh but thats very few with different tactics to beat upon the rest that cause.very cheap deaths (elite crystal cavern for.example). Yea in pl from ao to sewers you could get one.shotted if you didnt know.what you where doin but at least there was.a.rev skill and if there.wasnt a mage in the party you didnt have to waste a huge amount of.time walkin back. These bosses also were a challenge but didnt take 10-15mins to beat. Bottom line i agree with op that this games bosses are getting a lil stale, dont get me.wrong i still like it but since s3 its been pretty much a rinse and repeat cycle

10-19-2013, 10:23 PM
Because captain krom and inan'hesh aren't original? They take unique tactics/party builds.

10-20-2013, 09:33 AM
Overgrowth - With the correct group makeup, this boss is a walk in the park. However, from my experience, you must bring two rogues. This to me is not fair and needs to be looked into. Maybe Overgrowth's shadowmancers should have less HPs or armor than the regular ones. The vines that sprout with a stun effect are easily avoidable, but once stuck in them it takes forever to get out - very annoying. I understand this is a DPS-test concept, which is neat, but the requirement to form the perfect party creates an imbalance.

One possibility that the ring hunters do not like is to stun the boss with George when it is about to fall asleep and spit out the Shadowmancers. The fight takes a bit longer but there is no risk that it gets out of control, resulting in run fail.

In general, the design of Overgrowth is my favorite in the game and it is a pity that Wraith is still bugged (at least I think so) because as you say, it is an excellent training boss for tanks. :)

10-20-2013, 10:51 AM
Boss means the strongest one in the dungeon. Nosses like jarl are very easy and very easy isn't fun if every boss is very easy. A game need some challenging and without it it will be a very boring game. I know that some bosses have rubbish red zones and that they can kill u outside the red zone, but still... A game needs bs. A game can't be perfect

11-28-2013, 10:40 PM
I totally agree with the OP. Me and a friend spent over 30 mins trying to kill Captain Krom today, but after he killed both of us at the same time, he freakin reset!!! And the worst thing is that he had about 5% left. He was almost dead!!

Sorry Spacetime, but there's nothing creative or amusing about bosses like this. And this isn't the first boss to do this to me. I can understand this happening with a boss every now and then, but it seems like many of them are like this!

11-28-2013, 11:55 PM
I totally agree with the OP. Me and a friend spent over 30 mins trying to kill Captain Krom today, but after he killed both of us at the same time, he freakin reset!!! And the worst thing is that he had about 5% left. He was almost dead!!

A 2 person party. If both of you die, the boss will reset. Take 3 next time or 4. It's how it is. We can't have what we want all the time. Or increase your stats so you DONT die.

We all get frustrated that we can't kill a boss. And I understand. I get that way too to the point where I'm revenge reviving. But don't go runnin into a boss like a hero. Plan a strategy. Plan whom your taking with. Think about the best team. If you don't have a plan, twist and pull the boss and find a technique that will leave you a greater chance of surviving.

Take a moment to ponder :)

11-29-2013, 10:28 AM
Take a moment to ponder :)
I already "pondered". I was simply agreeing with what the OP said:

"Look, I'm all about cool gimmicks to make the fights exciting and even a nice difficulty level that might take a party a few tries to get the kill. But all this cheapness with uber HP levels and cheap mob/immobile spam ruins it. Has STS truly forgotten how to make a fun, engaging, and difficult battle that doesn't take 20 minutes to complete and makes it worth people's time to finish it? I think they may have. Bosses in the big boy mmos aren't even this cheap and ridiculous and offer a true challenge without taking 5 years to kill."

The highlighted part is my main beef. It wouldn't be so much an issue if it didn't take a million hits to kill the guy. And yes, I have been in parties where all 4 died at the same time, so the issue with these unoriginal bosses doesn't automatically go away with 4 people. It's just that my friend and I practically had the guy dead when he reset on us, and that's why I brought up that particular moment.

11-29-2013, 10:34 AM
it is true that bosses take forever to kill for wars.......but if you bring some rogue in team, bosses are easier to kill

11-29-2013, 11:20 AM
Bosses have become a serious problem in this game. They are no longer fun, or even worth the effort, to kill. This totally kills the pick up and play aspect because it's impossible to advance through the game with a pick up party. While teaming up with friends is important, you should be able to advance just fine with a pick up, after all, this game is designed around the fast pick up play style.

So what's wrong with the bosses? They're boring, cheap, and take forever to kill. They have no true difficulty. Just give each boss a million HP, spawn a million mobs and/or status effects that make you immobile, and then throw in a cheap gimmick that really does nothing but make the fight more annoying because of the previous reasons listed.

Look, I'm all about cool gimmicks to make the fights exciting and even a nice difficulty level that might take a party a few tries to get the kill. But all this cheapness with uber HP levels and cheap mob/immobile spam ruins it. Has STS truly forgotten how to make a fun, engaging, and difficult battle that doesn't take 20 minutes to complete and makes it worth people's time to finish it? I think they may have. Bosses in the big boy mmos aren't even this cheap and ridiculous and offer a true challenge without taking 5 years to kill.

STS needs to drop the current path of destruction they're on and remind themselves why they got into this business to begin with, and that is to focus on imagination and innovation to make fun and engaging mmo games. I've seen a lack of imagination, innovative, fun, and engagement recently from STS. What do you think?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

I agree with you. I like the Heart bosses tho.
I would like to see more mini-bosses that has to be defeated in order to move to the final boss. (Quest lines)

11-29-2013, 05:00 PM
I think bosses just have too much HP. I do a lot of casual playing (non-elites) and almost always everyone leaves right before the boss. It takes too long and it's not worth the portions. The only normal boss people actually kill is Overgrowth and that's kind of rare too. I shouldn't have to be in a guild or be in a party just to clear a normal instance.

11-29-2013, 05:10 PM
I think bosses just have too much HP. I do a lot of casual playing (non-elites) and almost always everyone leaves right before the boss. It takes too long and it's not worth the portions. The only normal boss people actually kill is Overgrowth and that's kind of rare too. I shouldn't have to be in a guild or be in a party just to clear a normal instance.
I totally agree. In a way, this game encourages farming, and that's exactly what 80% of players seem to do. I often play casually & solo too, and it's frustrating. I even joined a guild, and it's STILL hard trying to get 3 others to join me & kill a boss.

11-29-2013, 07:24 PM
Are we talking about normal or elite maps?

If you're referring to elite maps, then I'm completely on the other side of the fence with this. Having played some of the other, major MMORPGs, I was impressed with the creativity behind the new Shuyal boss encounters. They aren't your typical hack n' slash fights, which to me is a huge relief from the boredom I encountered with the Nordr bosses. Honestly, I don't see all the Shuyal bosses as having too many HPs. Here is my assessment of the new bosses in elite maps:

Wraith Heart - (Aside from currently being bugged) The intervals of the shield dissipation are too short, making this fight entirely too long. Even Ashral Heart has longer vulnerability intervals and takes less time, albeit being a little more difficult encounter. Overall, I really like the concept of this boss, because it teaches warriors how to effectively off-tank while your party does the rest (tank the poison skeleton away from party).

Ferrix - Definitely has a good amount of HPs and armor. The purple swirls are only problematic if your tank doesn't know what they're doing. My biggest gripe about this boss is the amount of stuns he puts out (towards the tank) and his shadowball projectiles 1-hitting my team. Other than that, he's pretty much a hack n' slash, with the added element of the purple swirls making it a ranged fight.

Overgrowth - With the correct group makeup, this boss is a walk in the park. However, from my experience, you must bring two rogues. This to me is not fair and needs to be looked into. Maybe Overgrowth's shadowmancers should have less HPs or armor than the regular ones. The vines that sprout with a stun effect are easily avoidable, but once stuck in them it takes forever to get out - very annoying. I understand this is a DPS-test concept, which is neat, but the requirement to form the perfect party creates an imbalance.

Captain Krom - His red zone is annoying, because it shares the same problems as any other red zone in the game. His especially can 1-hit even the strongest warrior in the universe (I was hit for 11k once, non-crit in full mythic + pavise + HJ). He has a lot of HPs for sure, and the beacons don't last very long meaning if you don't bring 2 rogues (again) then you'll end up having to use almost every beacon on the map. Overall, I love this map and the concept behind it.

Inan'hesh - He's difficult to keep aggro, and he seems to have an AE spell that has no red zone but can still 1-hit players. Other than this, he is fine for being the final boss in end-game. Typical hack n' slash fight, and pretty boring. Racing to kill him before enrage makes it a little more exciting than Grimnr was.

Very broad observations of each boss, I know. I am not a pick up and play gamer, though, and enjoy the difficulty that comes with elite maps. I do not run normal maps as often, but my observations/opinions are roughly the same as above. Lastly, keep in mind that this is primarily a mobile game, and although the Spacetime Engine is a pretty amazing piece of technology, I'm sure there are limitations that come along with a mobile MMORPG. The legend games will never be as advanced as your big time ones (EQ, WoW, etc.) simply because of the platforms involved.

Mobile game? jajaja. Modern Combat 4 have the best graphics for mobile best animations. this is a power game compared with a pc games. and u say AL is a mobile game? theys can do it better. mobile games have amazing games right now..

i don'tknow wich mmorpg have u played but Arcane legends is really bored. thats why i left this game. and return to Aion.

i have played many many mmorpg and i have played many for 1-2 years i have fun on all.. thats games, i can say are amazing.

AL is to much limitated. is not a big game is a little game with only 4 players per map. only ''dungeons'' no instance.

i have test another mobile mmorpg and i can say are really big to be a ''mobile'' game. i can say can be compared with Wow, Aion, Guild wars, Linage II.

if sts want. theys can do it better, but cost $$ and theys have a big sabaton now :)

11-29-2013, 08:43 PM
Mobile game? jajaja. Modern Combat 4 have the best graphics for mobile best animations. this is a power game compared with a pc games. and u say AL is a mobile game? theys can do it better. mobile games have amazing games right now..

i don'tknow wich mmorpg have u played but Arcane legends is really bored. thats why i left this game. and return to Aion.

i have played many many mmorpg and i have played many for 1-2 years i have fun on all.. thats games, i can say are amazing.

AL is to much limitated. is not a big game is a little game with only 4 players per map. only ''dungeons'' no instance.

i have test another mobile mmorpg and i can say are really big to be a ''mobile'' game. i can say can be compared with Wow, Aion, Guild wars, Linage II.

if sts want. theys can do it better, but cost $$ and theys have a big sabaton now :)

agree with u on the bold part