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10-20-2013, 11:10 PM
:congratulatory: Its that time of the year again .... PUMPKIN TIME!!!!! During this time il be giving away that cash money In areas in pl (gold). You mite of seen this one before: (Who wants 30k if so answer this: what pie is the best pie there is?) each day (or days that I'm on because I'm a bit busy) I will award 3-4 players with 30-40k of gold just for the fun of me being bored in pl at the moment.

Places I will be in include (Belford and forest haven) (simple rules to follow) no begging: if you see me doing the contest feel free to play but if not i don't want to hear in my pm. (hey can I have some gold or/hey you doing contest?) this not only can get very annoying but can also lead to (me just saying no to you in ever pm or worse)

Rule 2 have fun: if you don't win you can win the next one. maybe

Why am I doing this?
80% because I just want to. And 20% because \/\/\/\/ of this stuff

As most the people that know me have seen I've been off a lot lately. this is due to pl being particularly boring lately(and me being busy). Which leads up to I may break in the next upcoming months due to the current no content or cap stance on pl by sts. I feel no need to trade things I've already traded or farm things I already have had before. Now this may change though as I've said here\/\/

(This may change though if new content comes out this Halloween (new hats maybe some new stuff) which would then break the whole thing about no new content to just no caps on the horizon for pl.

If I do break though in these up and coming months expect a Big prize of MAYBE 5mil (maybe more) to a random person who wins one of those 30k prize answers so there's that.

And to players in oath I hope you enjoyed our contest today good luck next time. And lastly good night pocket legend's

And starting today a cool picture on all my new threads

10-20-2013, 11:46 PM
Apple pie!!!

IGN Storm
10-20-2013, 11:50 PM
I agree, apple(lolipops, jolly ranchers, gum, caramel apples) is bes, leik meh

But pumpkin pie fits well with the season(Tastes nasty to me)

+1 4 Kindness!

10-21-2013, 11:56 AM
Answer would be pumpkin ftw pie #delicious #coolwhip #contesthasntstaryed