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View Full Version : Arcane pets for (twink) warrior

10-21-2013, 02:16 PM
Sorry for repeated thread. But no one real answered this question on Taejo's pole thread and any other thread.

At 36 pve, i agree Sam is the unbeatable best pet. But I am talking about pvp use only.

But so many ppl say glacian is better than hammerjaw, especially in twinks, but no one explains why.
I see sam has no mana regen, so even it has higher stat overall, other pets will be better because of mana regen and arcane abilities which benefit all team. Sam would be best for 1on1. Maybe.
And if we talk about stun in pvp I think slag is still the best with its 'panic'(sam's terrifying is basically another stun)

Can someone please explain how glacian beats hj with lower dmg and longer cd?
And even hj's passive atk upgrades 3 times (before lv20) while glacian gets only 1 updrade on lv10.

Only a stupid reason I can think up is glacian is the pet released at warrior expansion (nordr) as many rogues now realize hj is better than glacian (and it's released at kraken).

Someone please enlighten me if I'm missing something.
I don't know why but I feel glacian would be better somehow.


10-22-2013, 06:50 AM
Guess no one could answer...

So ppl said glacian for its look or trolling I geuss.

10-22-2013, 09:54 AM
Guess no one could answer...

So ppl said glacian for its look or trolling I geuss.

Give it a while remember this isn't the most popular sub forum.

10-22-2013, 10:33 AM
Glacian would definitely benefit warriors more than rogues in my opinion. The amount of mana regen glacian has and the ability to boost armor by 10% is quite beneficial to warriors. People put glacian on rogues because they assume that the 10% crit and +8 mana regen is all they need in a rogue which is not entirely the case. Rogues are the highest damage output class in AL which means they benefit the most having maximum damage to make their crits insanse. What people seem to forget is that Hammerjaw has a +10 damage bonus and gives close to the same amount of bonus of dexterity as a talon which gives +35 dex. He also gives crit which helps rogues a lot. Glacian on the other hand does not give this 10% damage. This is because glacian is a WARRIOR pet. The happiness bonus and arcane just proves my point on how glacian is a warriors pet and if anyone disagrees I'd be interested to hear their opinion on this. Anyways that's my take on it....I hope that it somewhat answers your question :o

10-22-2013, 01:13 PM
Imjebus... HMM maybe you are right, But at twinks +10% dmg is negligible.. like at lvl 10, and yes glacian gives mana like a rocket, so at pvp twinks.. glacian is better for all class but at endgames, hammerjaw is way better than glacian (FOr ROGUES).

10-22-2013, 03:23 PM
Glacian would definitely benefit warriors more than rogues in my opinion. The amount of mana regen glacian has and the ability to boost armor by 10% is quite beneficial to warriors. People put glacian on rogues because they assume that the 10% crit and +8 mana regen is all they need in a rogue which is not entirely the case. Rogues are the highest damage output class in AL which means they benefit the most having maximum damage to make their crits insanse. What people seem to forget is that Hammerjaw has a +10 damage bonus and gives close to the same amount of bonus of dexterity as a talon which gives +35 dex. He also gives crit which helps rogues a lot. Glacian on the other hand does not give this 10% damage. This is because glacian is a WARRIOR pet. The happiness bonus and arcane just proves my point on how glacian is a warriors pet and if anyone disagrees I'd be interested to hear their opinion on this. Anyways that's my take on it....I hope that it somewhat answers your question :o

This is exactly why I feel like glacian would be better..
Mana regen is gonna be almpst same. I mean. 6 mana regen is still good enough with 15 int on top.
But what I concern is, at twink pvp when having war 5vs5, usually warriors can't kill other warriors and taking forever to finish the game.
So I am thinking 5% crit and 10% dmg would help more to win the game in that case than having 10% armor.
Glacian might give warrior better stat and But actual dmg output from hj would be higher I think.

And another concern is long cd. 8/15 sec vs 10/25 sec.
Hj's arcane actually will stay longer in fight.

And I play lv15, and 10% dmg is kind of big in there too. Like, haze beats most of pets that give same stats for my experience.

So I am still not sure which would be better.
20s/15d/15i + 10% dmg +(5% crit)
25s/15d +10% crit + (10% armor)
Hard to choose.

10-22-2013, 04:43 PM
If you are are rogue or mage or warrior,,, choose glacian without any hesitations.. and if ure a troll choose hj.. ok? hahaha : )

10-22-2013, 04:44 PM
If you are are rogue or mage or warrior,,, choose glacian without any hesitations.. and if ure a troll choose hj.. ok? hahaha : )

10-22-2013, 07:53 PM
If you are are rogue or mage or warrior,,, choose glacian without any hesitations.. and if ure a troll choose hj.. ok? hahaha : )

This sounds like you're trolling...

10-22-2013, 07:56 PM
Imjebus... HMM maybe you are right, But at twinks +10% dmg is negligible.. like at lvl 10, and yes glacian gives mana like a rocket, so at pvp twinks.. glacian is better for all class but at endgames, hammerjaw is way better than glacian (FOr ROGUES).

Well lets think of it this way. A rogue at lvl10 usually doesn't go full dex...but if they did they'd have around 70ish damage with a talon. Now lets add the fact that hj gives the +35 dex (with the arcane ability) AND an extra +7 damage from the 10% damage boost. At lvl10 a +7 damage boost is quite a bit. Especially for rogues that can crit 300-400's on warriors with aim shot. With that much damage, they'd be able to kill a lot of people quickly without using much mana.

10-22-2013, 10:53 PM
Glacian would benefit any class in Pvp but most definitely get him if you're a twink. Mana regen and group buffs makes him OP. Personally I think that arcane pets are a waste for twink, but go for it if you have spare change. Just make sure you choose Glacian haha

03-19-2014, 09:20 PM

03-19-2014, 11:48 PM
Lets necro threading again XD
Btw, Sam, pls close this thread, its old now