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View Full Version : Fatal Carnage

10-21-2013, 06:39 PM
Guild Name: Fatal Carnage
Guild Master: Kryous
Our Motto: " If you want to be the best, You have to take out the best. "

What We Plan For Our Guild:

-Monthly kill contest
We plan to have a kill contest every month or few weeks, depending on how much gold the officers and I collect in time. What is a kill contest? We meet in the guild hall at a specified time. We note how many PVE kills everyone has. When I say go, everyone goes to kill in any mission of their choosing for whatever specified time we decide, I call time and invite everyone back. The player who added the most kills wins. We have three winners: lower level, mid level, and higher level winners. A total of 100K gold is divided as follows: 50K for high level winner and 25K for mid and low level winners.

-CTF and/or DM Contest [Capture The Flag - Death Match]
Depending on the number of people who participate and what their levels will be. We will have two teams and playout the game. The winning team will receive gold or vanity.

Help will be available regardless of level
Since the game only lets you join players within 3 levels of you, all of our officers have created multiple characters of different levels. No matter what your level is, if you want company on a mission, just ask via guild chat. Even if you don't see anyone near your level on-line, chances are someone can switch to a character that can join you.

Legendary weapons trade
We have a growing collection of legendary weapons available to guild members. How does the trade work? As you level up, you can trade in a legendary weapon you don't need any more, for one of a higher level. Just ask the Guild Master for a trade. You give us a legendary weapon to put into our weapons stash and we will give you a weapon of whatever level you need that is similar or better. (Thanks to those of you that have been donating weapons for the guild!)

If you want to join or have any questions, you can PM Kryous or ask any of our officers.

Current list of officers:
- Kryous, Santara, Scarina
- Colistakioku, Kokokioku

10-23-2013, 01:04 PM
Guild Name: Fatal Carnage
Guild Master: Kryous
Our Motto: " If you want to be the best, You have to take out the best. "

What We Plan For Our Guild:

-Monthly kill contest
We plan to have a kill contest every month or few weeks, depending on how much gold the officers and I collect in time. What is a kill contest? We meet in the guild hall at a specified time. We note how many PVE kills everyone has. When I say go, everyone goes to kill in any mission of their choosing for whatever specified time we decide, I call time and invite everyone back. The player who added the most kills wins. We have three winners: lower level, mid level, and higher level winners. A total of 100K gold is divided as follows: 50K for high level winner and 25K for mid and low level winners.

-CTF and/or DM Contest [Capture The Flag - Death Match]
Depending on the number of people who participate and what their levels will be. We will have two teams and playout the game. The winning team will receive gold or vanity.

Help will be available regardless of level
Since the game only lets you join players within 3 levels of you, all of our officers have created multiple characters of different levels. No matter what your level is, if you want company on a mission, just ask via guild chat. Even if you don't see anyone near your level on-line, chances are someone can switch to a character that can join you.

Legendary weapons trade
We have a growing collection of legendary weapons available to guild members. How does the trade work? As you level up, you can trade in a legendary weapon you don't need any more, for one of a higher level. Just ask the Guild Master for a trade. You give us a legendary weapon to put into our weapons stash and we will give you a weapon of whatever level you need that is similar or better. (Thanks to those of you that have been donating weapons for the guild!)

If you want to join or have any questions, you can PM Kryous or ask any of our officers.

Current list of officers:
- Kryous, Santara, Scarina
- Colistakioku, Kokokioku

This sounds soooo familiar.......hmmmm.....I wonder why?

Guild Name: Satan's Cheerleaders
Guild Master: Doomdoom
Our Motto: Kill! Kill! Kill!

A little about us...

Monthly kill contest
We have a kill contest every month. What is a kill contest? We meet in guild hall at a specified time. We note how many PVE kills everyone has. When I say go, everyone goes to kill in any mission of their choosing. After 15 minutes, I call time and invite everyone back. The player who added the most kills wins. We have three winners: lower level, mid level, and higher level winners. A total of 100K gold is divided as follows: 50K for high level winner and 25K for mid and low level winners.

Help available regardless of level
Since the game only lets you join players within 3 levels of you, all of our officers have created multiple characters of different levels. No matter what your level is, if you want company on a mission, just ask via guild chat. Even if you don't see anyone near your level on-line, chances are someone can switch to a character that can join you.

Legendary weapons trade
We have a growing collection of legendary weapons available to guild members. How does the trade work? As you level up, you can trade in a legendary weapon you don't need any more, for one of a higher level. Just ask the Guild Master for a trade. You give us a legendary weapon to put into our weapons stash and we will give you a weapon of whatever level you need that is similar or better. (Thanks to those of you that have been donating weapons for the guild!)

If you want to join or have any questions, you can PM Doomdoom or ask any of our officers.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery...so...Thank you?

10-23-2013, 01:26 PM
Lol. Well we have the same form of thinking I guess.
I would have done it in a similar way so I was like 'why not'?
You're welcome.

10-23-2013, 03:49 PM
^_^ good luck to you

10-23-2013, 03:49 PM
Lol. Well we have the same form of thinking I guess.
I would have done it in a similar way so I was like 'why not'?
You're welcome.

If u want to join Satan's Cheerleaders pm mee here or hit mee up in-game...
~Sunneedae (also Mooneenocht)