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View Full Version : Proper way to farm Jarl

Milan Lame Man
10-23-2013, 12:37 AM
Hello newbies!

You would think there is nothing easier than to farm Jarl. Indeed, as long as others play nice, you have it fast and simple. However, *some* people have to clean up the mess you leave behind.
So PLEASE! The first one to enter the map, kill as many mobs as you can, in particular the 3 at the crossing to Wiznit. Others, clear the mage behind Jarl before leaving the map! If you start with them, it also gives others time to reach Jarl. You would appreciate if they waited for you, right? Everyone wins.
Thank you in advance.

And yes, I am frustrated because I got my reroll together with some clueless noob, so the map reset like every 3rd visit. Essentially only if I took the effort to clean it.

10-23-2013, 03:32 AM

das Organ
10-23-2013, 05:24 AM
agree !
i told the same to everyone in my guild !
i kill all mobs on the way to jarl and the mobs after jarl , on high level it needs only 1-3 seconds more time doing this
i farmed 186 crates in 19 days .

10-23-2013, 07:07 AM
He called me noobie :(

10-23-2013, 09:39 AM
Agreed, but you should probably get used to it because this topic comes up at least once a week and it has not changed. I don't think the culprits in this case are message board people. If Jarl didn't spawn until enough mobs are killed that the zone is dropped from the random join list, that would help. Or if the death of Jarl removed the instance from the random join list, that would help. But people will continue to do the minimum when farming. From their point of view they are being efficient. They have been rushing zones for years. They won't stop even if you ask nicely. So the choice is, live with it, or make a party, or get the devs to change it. Frankly, I do not want the devs to change anything about Jarl. So be careful what you ask for.

10-23-2013, 09:52 AM
I must disagree. For the sake that I harvest jarl on 5 chars.

1) you don't have to kill all the mobs for the map reset. You have to remove spawns (mobs OR boxes). Destroy the boxes that start the map and right before the turn to guarantee the map resets (fireball and ss work great here).

2) Sorry, I'm not waiting to kill jarl. My reroll is counting down same as yours, so I am running the map as fast as I can.

3) its game. Please don't make rage threads.

10-23-2013, 10:15 AM
I consider myself a newb so this is good info. However I am not sure what the problem is. What happens if you do not kill the mobs as indicated in the original post?

What I normally do is go to map, kill Jarl (normally killing all or most mobs along the way), go to another map and return to map with Jarl. It has always reset in this way (but maybe I am not doing this fast enough so it automatically resets).

Is there another way to do this or what?

10-23-2013, 10:19 AM
see? he's in an mmo... it's not a solo game... but it's all about HIS reroll... this attitude will never change. so learn to cope with it. we all have to

10-23-2013, 10:23 AM
Don't get discouraged too much. At least I will try to kill the mobs and I normally do wait for the others if I am first there. So at least you reached 1 person. :loyal:

Milan Lame Man
10-23-2013, 11:14 AM
He called me noobie :(
Sorry, I should have started like this: "Hello newbies and Desperoto, this is the proper way to farm Jarl" :biggrin:
I will keep that in mind next time!

However I am not sure what the problem is. What happens if you do not kill the mobs?
Sometimes you enter the map and it is already farmed. This farmed map does not go away until someone takes the time to clear it properly.

1) you don't have to kill all the mobs for the map reset. You have to remove spawns (mobs OR boxes). Destroy the boxes that start the map and right before the turn to guarantee the map resets (fireball and ss work great here).
Good to know. It is kinda hard to figure it out during the rush.

2) Sorry, I'm not waiting to kill jarl. My reroll is counting down same as yours.
If you have to remap 2 times to get a chance at getting there in time, you are losing more time than the 2 secs you would spend waiting. Obviously, if all other people play nice and you don't, you are at an advantage.

Anyway, I've noticed there is a better chance at crate when I wait, so that's what I do, whether it is truth or wishful thinking.

10-23-2013, 11:19 AM
Thank you, borix. The few people left who understand that community is more important than personal gain thank you.

I fail to see how 12K of monopoly money is more important than the good feelings that community brings. I fail to see how screwing others out of a chance for a drop improves one's own toon. But there are short-sighted people out there. They care more about short-term profit than long term stability. Their parents didn't teach them better. Maybe their parents were the same. These people are everywhere in your life. So it's best to develop some way to cope with them, since it's completely legal to be selfish.

10-23-2013, 11:41 AM
Unfortunately, I think there have been many heated discussions about this topic and many rumors and speculations put forth. Per the developers maps do not reset unless the map is entirely cleared (of all mobs and bosses) or after 5 minutes of inactivity... I will have to find the post so I can include the link. Unfortunately, I don't think that destroying certain crates or killing certain mobs after jarl has the magical ability to reset a map. In fact this can be easily tested if you do a solo party and destroy these boxes and/or mobs, leave from, and then return to the map. This brings us to the only guaranteed way to have jarl there every time you enter a map.... a solo party. It really only takes 5 seconds or so to type "/partyl" and then "/partyi 0" between maps to to ensure that you get jarl every time. Stop relying on the unreliable who likely never even read these forums or simply don't care.

10-23-2013, 01:14 PM
There is a difference between party instances and PUG instances. A party instance remains until cleared or empty for 5 minutes. A PUG instance disappears if enough mobs are killed and everyone leaves.

This theory about smashables is interesting. I am testing it.

10-23-2013, 02:34 PM
You may be correct, although it is difficult to prove which mob, which box etc is needed to reset a map. Furthermore, you are likely never going to get everyone to follow what you construe as the "proper" way to farm jarl. As a result, in my eyes the "proper" way to farm jarl to eliminate all of these potential problems is to just do it in a solo party!

10-23-2013, 03:36 PM
I agree. As I said in other posts, it's better to learn to cope with it if you insist on farming in PUGs.

10-23-2013, 04:13 PM
If you have to remap 2 times to get a chance at getting there in time, you are losing more time than the 2 secs you would spend waiting. Obviously, if all other people play nice and you don't, you are at an advantage.

Anyway, I've noticed there is a better chance at crate when I wait, so that's what I do, whether it is truth or wishful thinking.

My record is 27 crates in 30min and 41 in an hour before they nerfed crate drop rates from jarl. 19 crates in 30 min and 29 in an hour is my record for the current drip rate.

Just kill the boss IMO.

PS: don't make up nonsense about waiting gives you better loot. Its pretty obvious you want people to wait on YOU. If you actually wait on others, great, but no one I have ever seen does.

10-23-2013, 04:23 PM
Thank you, borix. The few people left who understand that community is more important than personal gain thank you.

I fail to see how 12K of monopoly money is more important than the good feelings that community brings. I fail to see how screwing others out of a chance for a drop improves one's own toon. But there are short-sighted people out there. They care more about short-term profit than long term stability. Their parents didn't teach them better. Maybe their parents were the same. These people are everywhere in your life. So it's best to develop some way to cope with them, since it's completely legal to be selfish.

You are just full of hate and hypocracy aren't you? You do realize by compqining about yourself losing out on this "Monopoly money" you are none the better? Didn't YOUR parents teach you "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"? No ofense, but I see no one here more selfish than you. You can't take losing out on monopoly money so you make an entire thread slandering individuals playing the game fairly.

Everyone is getting maps that don't reset. Therefore, quit blaming "newbs" and get the hell over it! "This is just a game as I paraphrased" from your above post. I say "live by thyn word before teaching it to others"

10-23-2013, 06:47 PM
there is a very easy solution , and is also my way of farming jarl..........for high level alt, just do "/partyinvite 000" and "/partyleave", i use to copy and paste the first command and type the second, this is more efficient than you join a farmed map or almost farmed map.
For low level alt, just join a game, kill and run to boss, because low levels cannot kill jarl very fast, u will always be on time.

10-23-2013, 07:05 PM
there is a very easy solution , and is also my way of farming jarl..........for high level alt, just do "/partyinvite 000" and "/partyleave", i use to copy and paste the first command and type the second, this is more efficient than you join a farmed map or almost farmed map.

Discussion over, lol. Community and etiquette have nothing to do with the problem surrounding Jarl farming. The fundamental problem is how PUGs are formed on any given map and the fact that Jarl is literally a 10 second run away. Those who choose to run PUGs will just have to deal with it, because you aren't going to be able to collaborate thousands of players - most of which don't even read these forums - with some sort of protocol for 'properly farming Jarl'.

STS has never given any notion that they plan to remove /partyinvite 000 from the game - nor should they. It is not an exploit, and is in fact a very useful tool. It's only problematic sometimes when inviting other players to join you on a map (which there is also a work-around for). So use it to your advantage!

Such a silly topic to squabble over, when there's a perfectly sound solution to the OP's chief complaint.

/partyinvite 000
/happy dance

10-23-2013, 10:33 PM
Map doesn't reset when the soloing code is used :/ However, +1 to that point that thousands of people run jarl and almost none read this forum

10-23-2013, 10:39 PM
Map doesn't reset when the soloing code is used :/ However, +1 to that point that thousands of people run jarl and almost none read this forum

Yeah, anyone who uses it needs to exit the map and remake the party in town. Or do what I do and alternate: Jarl - Mother - Jarl - Klutus - Jarl, and so on... Klutus has dropped 2 crates at once for me before, so I like him and Becquila in the mix :)

10-23-2013, 10:50 PM
Fair enough. Doesn't work well for my lvl16 toons though :/

Milan Lame Man
10-23-2013, 11:12 PM
PS: don't make up nonsense about waiting gives you better loot. Its pretty obvious you want people to wait on YOU. If you actually wait on others, great, but no one I have ever seen does.
I have gale so I can keep up unless they are half way to Jarl when I come. I am really more concerned with the map not resetting.
And oh, I do see people waiting. Perhaps they are just repaying your favor.
BTW, the point of my post was, if everyone played nice, everyone would get more loot. Now I see this will not work.

/partyinvite 000
/happy dance
Except that tapping this on a phone takes as long as 3 Jarl runs...

Anyway. I was just sooo frustrated because during my whole reroll, I got some 5 fresh Jarl maps, so I had to get it off me.

10-23-2013, 11:38 PM
Except that tapping this on a phone takes as long as 3 Jarl runs...

Anyway. I was just sooo frustrated because during my whole reroll, I got some 5 fresh Jarl maps, so I had to get it off me.

Ah, yeah I can imagine its annoying to type on a phone. In that case I would alternate maps then so you don't have to type it more than once.

10-23-2013, 11:54 PM


10-24-2013, 03:23 AM
I have gale so I can keep up unless they are half way to Jarl when I come. I am really more concerned with the map not resetting.
And oh, I do see people waiting. Perhaps they are just repaying your favor.
BTW, the point of my post was, if everyone played nice, everyone would get more loot. Now I see this will not work.

Except that tapping this on a phone takes as long as 3 Jarl runs...

Anyway. I was just sooo frustrated because during my whole reroll, I got some 5 fresh Jarl maps, so I had to get it off me.

Yeah it is annoying on a phone or tablet, but after doing it hundreds of times you get pretty fast. Plus you don't have to type it all out...

/partyi 0

...is sufficient :)

10-24-2013, 04:50 AM
Map doesn't reset when the soloing code is used :/ However, +1 to that point that thousands of people run jarl and almost none read this forum

Correct. I suggest switch to ydra forest when done with jarl. Ydra's got 2 bosses which gives u higher chance of looting crates.

Farmed jarl for 10 mins but i left. couldn't stand killing left over mobs

Milan Lame Man
10-24-2013, 05:56 AM

LOL perfect thread clone!
I see there is no hope :-(

10-24-2013, 08:55 AM
map reset if you use "/partyleave" and solo code again

Map doesn't reset when the soloing code is used :/ However, +1 to that point that thousands of people run jarl and almost none read this forum

10-24-2013, 08:57 AM
omg partyinvite and partyleave are both needed . you cannot just use sole code without leaving the party later........its something like reparty....everyone knows, cannot believe you two dont know this.

Correct. I suggest switch to ydra forest when done with jarl. Ydra's got 2 bosses which gives u higher chance of looting crates.

Farmed jarl for 10 mins but i left. couldn't stand killing left over mobs

10-25-2013, 06:07 PM
You are just full of hate and hypocracy aren't you? You do realize by compqining about yourself losing out on this "Monopoly money" you are none the better? Didn't YOUR parents teach you "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"? No ofense, but I see no one here more selfish than you. You can't take losing out on monopoly money so you make an entire thread slandering individuals playing the game fairly.

Everyone is getting maps that don't reset. Therefore, quit blaming "newbs" and get the hell over it! "This is just a game as I paraphrased" from your above post. I say "live by thyn word before teaching it to others"

Oh my! What did I say to deserve that?! LOL! I thanked someone for waiting at Jarl and complemented him for caring about community. I did not start this thread. I do not call people newbs. I am a noob. My toon name is Noobnoot.

I firmly believe that this world, and this game, would be a better place if people cared more for community than short-term profit. "But that's just, like... my opinion man..." (lebowski voice)

Crow, I think you've confused me with someone else, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Go back and look again. I didn't do any of those things.

10-26-2013, 03:56 AM
This is what I recommend for higher levelers. I'm a 29 warrior and use the code /partyinvite 000 and alternate jarl in Brkrdrdge and the boss on the first map in yrda forest. The run in yrda takes about 2 min to run (alot less if you have quick feet) . Once you kill the boss in yrda, go back to jarl and the map will be reset.