View Full Version : Rogue Packs

10-23-2013, 01:35 PM
I'll be amazed if this hasn't been brought up yet. Are you ever going to fix the pack fails? I charge my packs, release and nothing.... Its rare, but not so much as to not be a problem.

Also I cant being to count the number of times in PvP that I died while standing on top of packs. How does that happen?


10-23-2013, 03:43 PM
It has been brought up hundreds of times. STS says a new client is required before this issue can be corrected.

Simple solution is to wait an additional fraction of a second after fully charging before dropping packs (or any skill for that matter) to avoid the skill fail issue.

I've had this skill fail happen on different skills with different character types, from Horn with Warriors to Packs with Rogues, it happens when you release the skill at or extremely close to the moment that it fully charges. So, wait a half of a second after fully charging before dropping packs.

FYI - this never happens on uncharged skills.

10-24-2013, 06:00 AM
This usually happens you get stunned by the enemy or when you are in lag. People make it as an excuse right before the get killed.