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View Full Version : twinks in AL

10-25-2013, 06:03 PM
Hi all,
I know that this thread would take attention and that some ppl would hate me after read it...
Personnaly I think lvl blocking was a bad idea from Sts because its ruining the PvP.
I have no problem with PvP atm (kd 220/119) BUT ive seen that at low lvl 5-15 ppl really stopping PvP because of twinks..especially mvpallstars twinks
I created new account and go in ctf at lvl5,6 ,10 and 15-16 to see how it looks...
So new players wanting to PvP at low lvl dont really have any chance.. Almost of them got 1shot kill from twinks.

A twink is now for me a really weak player without playin skill who want to get a mass of free kills (totally anti-game)

So I suggest sts to simply disable the xp block under a old lvl cap (21-26 ...) and add exp gain with every kill.. why ? Because at these levels ppl can have the possibility to have some gold and experience with the game making PvP fair at all (excepted lvl26 ppl with mythical items :D)

Low lvls are leaving PvP when they try the PvP under lvl15 cause of their deaths and never more join PvP map until lv35-36..
It seems ugly but its the verity, you need to do something before PvP under 35-36 die !!!

10-25-2013, 06:51 PM
i don't agree with all..

gain xp and gold on pvp? for what?

No. i think theys can implement a ''single pvp'' ( PvP = Player Vs Player) this game have NO PVP have ONLY team vs team (TEAM DEATH MATCH) is the same on ctf but ctf is capture the flag..

so this game have no PVP and i hope theys put a pvp on any instance (city's, leveling maps, arena,) theys can put ''duels'' and another good i think theys can put ''Guild wars'' u can send war to another guild and theys can accept or decline.

and why pve is bored? bcus this game have only ''dungeons'' have no leveling maps when u join and every people is in the same map the monster respawn all the time.. but this game have no ''PVM = Player vs monster'' only have PVE = Player vs Environment i know this is a Mobile game. but u can see another ''mobile games'' like a Avabel, IRUNA Online, MIDGARD RISING, Order & Chaos Online..

i hope to see pvp on arcane legens and PVM and obviusly the pve too :) maybe some day. good day!

10-25-2013, 07:20 PM
All MMORPGs have twinks. (No offense) Get over it, STG isn't going to ban twinks.

10-25-2013, 08:16 PM
I dont see how twinks effect end game or any lvl of pvp at all. So a new player joins and gets one hitted, same can happen at end game. To say no skill is required try the twink lvl you just mentioned with sps thrown willy nilly. I honestly dont even understand this thread

10-25-2013, 08:40 PM

10-25-2013, 08:45 PM

Lmao! Gold, pure gold :,)

10-25-2013, 09:52 PM
Not to mention twinks make a market for low level items. Otherwise all those low level items would be trash after a few hours

10-25-2013, 10:33 PM
I dont see how twinks effect end game or any lvl of pvp at all. So a new player joins and gets one hitted, same can happen at end game. To say no skill is required try the twink lvl you just mentioned with sps thrown willy nilly. I honestly dont even understand this thread

maybe bcus when u start the game if u go to pvp Obviusly u are a n00b and u don't have idea u are going to die and die and die..

PvP for lv 10 with a ''n00b'' items is just a great eat for twink..

a new playres have no chance with twinks..

thats why we need a REAL PVP..

10-25-2013, 11:05 PM
maybe bcus when u start the game if u go to pvp Obviusly u are a n00b and u don't have idea u are going to die and die and die..

PvP for lv 10 with a ''n00b'' items is just a great eat for twink..

a new playres have no chance with twinks..

thats why we need a REAL PVP..

Go to endgame if you want "real" PvP.

10-25-2013, 11:41 PM
Just another pointless thread. It depends on a player's preference. Some people prefer twinking as they can not afford end game gear. Have you considered that? Personally, i have tried twinking and got bored of it, i prefer end game. Talking about noobs, they enter PvP arena by choice, nobody drags them there to feed on them. Stop hating twinks, no matter how annoying they are. Twinking is just a different world altogether. Could be interesting if you have the ability to make friends. I am guessing you raged, it just makes the twinks gang you even more.

10-25-2013, 11:59 PM
I'm going to close up this thread before it turns into a flame fest.