View Full Version : Equipment VISUAL Update.

11-09-2010, 02:04 PM
With the release of AO3 gears, along side the Lost Expedition aura amors, and the Swamp gears unusual shaping and form I now I have no doubt that what I have in mind is possible. :3

In every MMO what most new players and noobs see and want are the bulky, shiny, slick looking higher level equipment. So I have some idea's for potential future gear!


Level 60 Bear:

- Dark Black armor that's bulky and has spikey shoulder blades. It's about 1.5 to 2 times larger than previous armor and it has gold lining along the shoulder pads and down the sides. It will give off a golden aura glow (like the lost expedition frozen gear). Personally I know this is built off of previous armors but I feel that a bulky armored bear who looks twice your size is more fitting it it's character since tanks are meant to take a hit.

- A knight looking helm with the grate in the front (the thing knight helmets have that can be pushed up so they can see). Has small gold lining going up the sides and the back. The grate is slightly tilted up and small beedy red eyes that glow can be seen. The helmet grate leaves room for creativity, I just suggested the red beedy eyes to give a scary/beastly look but I like the idea pointed out by Lesrider about showing the face. I think this would benefit the upcoming mirror update.

Level 60 Bird:

- A sleek baje leather jacker similar to the old school U.S. Air Force jackets, left open showing a white shirt underneath. The jacker should have lot's of pockets and look a bit wrinkled (that's the style) and possibly have wool at the neck and wrist sleeve ends of the jacket.

- I understand there's a Beret available in the plat store but to be quite honest I think that would be the best choice for the birds. A slightly tilted, sleek white or baje beret with lining of either color. However, I do love creativity and I think that a fighter jet helmet would be awesome as well haha.

Level 60 Mage:

- I think that a lighter blue robe with yellow stars (similar to the mickey mouse mage outfit in fantasia) going down the robe would be cool. Maybe the stars can have a similar effect to that of the current void wing (that effect where the lines continuously move similar to a hologram-type effect).

- I like the idea of a sleepy pajama type hat with a point that slouches backwards. It would be cool if it matched the same blue with the star design.

When both are equiped you get this cool charge up effect on the robe and hat. Where the light blue will have like a "charge up" effect and turn really light light blue every 2 seconds, kind of like a pulse.


In the plat store I think they need more variety. I think accessories other than hats would be cool. Like...

- sleek black shades.
- wrist wear like cufflings, watches, etc.
- gas mask?? (Win idea, right?)
- hockey mask?

Just let creativity do the rest. Also I'm open to suggestions, I'll start my rough drafts as soon as I get home and post later. :]

11-09-2010, 02:11 PM
I like the idea for the armor. I miss my bear spikes and do not like my pink spandex :(
The helm sounds a lot like some of the helms that already exist, though.

I imagine future helms will/should all show the face, since people are going to want to show off their Magic Mirror faces.

11-09-2010, 02:20 PM
Spiky? First thing that comes to mind was KISS.. LoL!

But yeah, they should make the armors more fitting the name, not just the colors.

11-09-2010, 03:17 PM
Exactly! I feel that if a class like the Tank Bear is made to take a hit he should at least look like it! I feel bigger bulky armor gives off that look.

Also, I updated the post with my idea's on Archer + Mage ideas. Please do realize that these are MY opinions, everyone has their own ideas, feel free to post them to create a collective thread so we can have a general idea of what type of armor appeals to all.

:3 <-- Epic face is epic.

11-09-2010, 03:26 PM
It's a free country. :)

11-09-2010, 03:31 PM
It's a free country. :)

I wasn't saying I didn't like your ideas lol. In fact I liked both yours and Lesriders post's very much. I was just pointing that out to possible fail trolls who may post in my thread saying "tl;dr this thread is fail I dont like it. I want armor modeled after fruits of epic proportions, banana or mango inspired helmets? Epic."