View Full Version : In-Game Request For Open Relationships - Your Views

10-26-2013, 05:57 AM
Awhile ago, I've come across hordes of players asking others to be their boyfriend/girlfriend. Whether by private messaging, or worse still, openly asking.

What are your views on this matter? How'd you handle such a case if you were in the picture? How do you stop, or if that is too optimistic of a word, prevent players from doing such silly acts?

What is the motive of these players? Do they genuinely want a virtual relationship? Or are they simply trying to bleed dry what one's prepared to give to them?

The above questions are pretty ambiguous in a sense; some would say that it's rhetorical. What about you? We're all entitled to our own opinions, aren't we?

We all know that in-game relationships (Most of them) is just a doorstep's away from the devil's workshop.


I'd love to hear from you guys! Feel free to speak your mind; there's no right or wrong to this! Peace!

10-26-2013, 06:01 AM
I had this qustion too,ignore

10-26-2013, 06:41 AM
This sentence often comes from low lvl players. I think its a special way to beg for things. Once i said lol if you want just for fun to See what would happen. And 2 days later this girl wanted Gold and items because shes my "gf" i broke up then xD
And to your last point:
Sometimes it can also turn into a real life relationship. Happenrd to me and im happy with her for almost 4 months now <3 :o

10-26-2013, 07:21 AM
Congrats juicy!! :)

10-26-2013, 08:11 AM
They just want gold or items, no real relationship.

10-26-2013, 09:44 AM
Well...I think some of the oldies will remember Vystirch and Melodicdeath's wedding in-game. Stuff like that can happen!

10-26-2013, 10:02 AM
The random 'will you be my gf' or 'are u a girl' drives me crazy.
I usually respond in open chat that girls don't play video games. All the players are boys pretending to be girls. And if they haven't seen them in video chat. They are def boys!! ;)

I was asked to be someone's gf yesterday. I said no sorry but can you help me level. He joined me and asked me why I won't go out with him. I responded. I'm 35 and married. He left after that run and didn't help any more lol.

10-26-2013, 10:09 AM
What why is angel in this thread?
Who cares. Everybody lieks me.

On a serious note:
I've been asked can they be my GF. I said no they spam trade and harass me I deleted that toon (was L2 :O )

10-26-2013, 10:34 AM
Ingame relationships? Its ok to do it.

I just despise those who act desperate and spam people to be their life partners :rolleyes:

10-26-2013, 10:47 AM
IMO, don't deny the various ways love can reach you.

However, also, don't be stupid about online relationships either. IMO, wether it's a game or not, if two people are meant to be together wether it's for a brief moment or for a lifetime, a game won't hinder them. For those relationships, as long as each partner is smart about the relationship & confirm various things, then it's a green flag.

Unfortunately, in MMOs, there tends to be a lot of naive/desperate people who give these types of relationships a bad name. I've seen some very successful ones out there! They still exist & are very real when they meet up irl. Like I said though, you have to be smart & cautious about someone you meet in a game.

10-26-2013, 10:48 AM
I say who really cares. If having a digital relationship makes them happy go for it.

10-26-2013, 10:53 AM
I have only been asked if I'm a girl when running with a group of talkative people so I see no harm in it. When someone's being creepy I say I'm a 69 year old man named Herbert when in all actuality I'm 19 and actually a chick . But online dating isn't for me, I'm already pregnant and happily engaged with a man that also plays arcane legends with me. ;)

10-26-2013, 02:01 PM
I have only been asked if I'm a girl when running with a group of talkative people so I see no harm in it. When someone's being creepy I say I'm a 69 year old man named Herbert when in all actuality I'm 19 and actually a chick . But online dating isn't for me, I'm already pregnant and happily engaged with a man that also plays arcane legends with me. ;)


10-26-2013, 02:35 PM
The worst part of being a rogue is "are you girl, "can I be your bf," and "wow, you are hot!" -_-
It's usually someone just wanting items the next day or so... Often guys pretending to be girls. I remember one dude pretended for a couple years in a game & forum because his female friend thought it'd be fun to play along. Was very elaborate.
Or 13 year old boys that are awed at an awesome female character and thinking an online relationship will actually work out (without even knowing if you're 5000 miles apart lol).

But real relationships can sometimes come from video games. However, it's usually from a group of online gaming friends who regularly play & chat, do ventrillo & even group webcam chat. And then two people realize they live near each other.

10-26-2013, 02:52 PM
theys just want ur money

10-26-2013, 03:36 PM
It's very possible that relationships can blossom from ig. My cousin met his now wife from a game and are expecting twins! I just don't get those that pm you saying, 'I love you' after meeting ig for 2 secs :/ it's annoying to be asked, 'hey want to be my gf' or going to guild castle and see ppl asking for bf/gf (mostly low levels trying to mooch).

10-27-2013, 02:36 AM
Congrats juicy!! :)

Danke hehe :)