View Full Version : Shop feedback

11-09-2010, 03:43 PM
I would suggest you take the fee away for having to put items up for sale otherwise this will be a big waste of a good idea.

To many low lvls won't be able to afford to keep this up

11-09-2010, 03:49 PM
agreed 100%

11-09-2010, 04:13 PM
Agree. Or it should only be a percentage -- no flat fee. What's he use in putting something up for 1500g if it costs 1/3 of that to post?

11-09-2010, 04:15 PM
Let's hope a dev pick this up

11-09-2010, 04:18 PM
yeah. OR i suggest you only pay the fees if you actually sell the item.

11-09-2010, 04:41 PM
Yep, that's what I meant. I haven't actually put anything in the shop yet for this reason.

11-09-2010, 04:50 PM
Make the fees deductable from the sold item. That's one of the best I heard so far regarding the CS.

+1 on you xera.

11-09-2010, 09:39 PM
I didn't complete this auction, just did some testing:

I took a level one character into the CS. I picked that I wanted to sell a trash gray "Plain Firestaff" which is a level 1 item.

I picked the price to be only 1 gold.

For that 1 gold item, I am paying the following fees depending on how long the auction lasts:

4 hours - 100g
12 hours - 250g
24 hours - 500g
3 Days - 1000g

If I make the price 100g then the fees get 1g added:

4 hours - 101g
12 hours - 251g
24 hours - 501g
3 Days - 1001g

If I make the price 1000g then the fees get 10g added:

4 hours - 110g
12 hours - 260g
24 hours - 510g
3 Days - 1010g

I guess if you sell all your items for 300,000 then this doesn't matter. :)

11-10-2010, 06:38 AM
I have no problem with the fee for putting on item up for sale, but I think the 4 hours to sell is much too short. I always end up using 12 hours, because that makes more sense to me. Maybe even 24 hours. Just a thought.

11-10-2010, 07:18 AM
I think it needs to show the hours left till expiration for each item in the shop. That way people will know if they need to snatch it quickly. Seems kinda silly without it. Could you imagine if eBay didn't show the time the auction ends?!