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View Full Version : No longer a paying player.

11-09-2010, 04:02 PM
The "pay-as-you-play" system has morphed into a "play-to-advance" state. I love PL more than the next player but this paying scheme is forcing me to take the backseat. 20 Plat here, 15 Plat there... A "free" game that costs over $20-$50 after a few months is perfecty fine. The fact that it costs $20-$50 for every 2-3 months that you play is where the issue lies.

The unfortunate part is that aside from the fun-factor, there is nothing to be rewarded with after all the payments made.

I'll continue playing but I doubt I'll spend more money. It's a sinkhole that keeps getting deeper.

11-09-2010, 04:08 PM
100% agree. My fear is that the next campaign will be 100 plat or some other absurd price I refuse to pay and I'll be forced to quit, making all the money I previously spent go down the toilet.

I think the problem is that some people immediately throw money at the devs every chance they get (silver spoon?) so it makes it seem like everyone's willing to pay those prices. But this is just getting too insane. Changing your avatar's face should not cost $4.

And now that they crushed the rush, it'll get boring fast. What else do lvl 50s have to do than rush bosses? You think we want to waste time killing yellow aliens jus for a tiny chance at a rare?

Sigh and I finally found some cool people on here who I enjoy playing with. I was finally having fun. Way to ruin it.

11-09-2010, 04:15 PM
Dot get me wrong, the DEVs deserve every cent. What they created for the iPhone/android phone is unbelievable. It's a WoW like world in your pocket. They also continuously update with new updates and improvements while listening to the fans for their feedback.

Like mentioned, there was a time when I spent 4 plat for a map, now it's bumped up to 20 plat per map.

I'm NOT even speaking about the "comfort" add-ons like 75 plat for 10 merchant slots, I'm fine with the 1 free slots. But forcing me to pay to keep leveling is insane.

Here's something to consider: 99.9% of MMO games go up to level 100. Since we're at 50 now, consider how much we'll be paying down the road to level 100...

11-09-2010, 04:19 PM
I feel your pain.

Let's see if these concerns catch on, and hopefully they do. It;s for the community, so I hope they consider this thoroughly.

11-09-2010, 04:24 PM
Oh I know... I haven't bought a single extra thing other than maps (and one extra character slot because I wanted to play all three classes).

My concern, though, is that if they're so comfortable charging 20p for a face change or 10p for a shop slot, then I don't think they'll hesitate to make the next campaign 100p or more. And I'm not going to pay $20 every 5 exp levels.

I'm really sad at the way things are going because I finally met some cool people on here who I actually enjoy playing with. Im finally really enjoying the game and they're killing it.

11-09-2010, 04:26 PM
I finally met some cool people on here who I actually enjoy playing with. Im finally really enjoying the game and they're killing it.

Sigh and I finally found some cool people on here who I enjoy playing with. I was finally having fun. Way to ruin it.

Hi I'm Tom!.......

Hi I'm Tom!

11-09-2010, 04:32 PM
Srsly spacetime, you messed up. If you fix things now you might have a chance at keeping a few people who buy plat. If you don't fix things and make things cost less, people are gonna quit. Right now I decided unless you change a few things with map costs, make customization free, and GIVE US THE THREE CS SLOTS YOU TOLD US WE WERE GONNA GET I will join the growing number of people deciding to never buy plat again.

11-09-2010, 04:38 PM
Here's something to consider: 99.9% of MMO games go up to level 100. Since we're at 50 now, consider how much we'll be paying down the road to level 100...

I've thought about this as well. I know servers cost money, but i feel like i'm getting nickeled and dimed for every single thing in the game... and they aren't one time fee's, they are re-occurring.

Even in WoW they just ask you for your 15 dollars a month. Lets do a little math:

-I'll just say a common new PC game is worth 60 dollars.
-Cost for apps on the iphone are between one and 5 dollars.

That's 1/12 the cost at best, 1/60 at the lower end. At a 1/12 cost ratio I shouldn't be spending more than $1.25 a month. I can promise you I have spent much closer to the cost of a WoW subscription.

4 dollars a map pack is reasonable, however I feel gypped getting nickeled and dimed for everything else along the way. I have put a considerable amount of money into this game, but at the current pay scale, after i run out of plat it will probably be the last.

11-09-2010, 04:41 PM
i hate this so much! they messed up the archers face so i cant stand it so i had to buy a cardinal face

11-09-2010, 04:42 PM
Fcs this thing:
Will cost me 4$ when it shoudl be free? No freakin way!


11-09-2010, 04:43 PM
Srsly spacetime, you messed up. If you fix things now you might have a chance at keeping a few people who buy plat. If you don't fix things and make things cost less, people are gonna quit. Right now I decided unless you change a few things with map costs, make customization free, and GIVE US THE THREE CS SLOTS YOU TOLD US WE WERE GONNA GET I will join the growing number of people deciding to never buy plat again.

You're an idiot. Threatening developers doesn't fix the problem, it makes them less like to want to help you.

As for the guy worried about 100 plat, that's ridiculous. They won't charge 100 hundred plat for the next campaign.

11-09-2010, 04:47 PM
Being able to buy content for this game has really opened up alot for players.

But getting nickeled and dimed for everything else along the way (like Ogediah said) will cost us more in the long run. And with the rising cost of things, I'm sure new players will get turned off with the fact that only the first episode is free (which can get you to level 13) and then what?

They'll just have a bunch of stagnant, level 13 players on the server.

Not everyone can, or will spend money on games. Once the hype dies down, or the game itself is up to its peak, there would be nothing more to do, unless they raise the level cap, and release more maps to reach that cap (which again would cost plat to unlock)

It's a double-edged sword. Money keeps the updates coming and the server alive, but too much of a something isn't healthy.

11-09-2010, 04:49 PM
i hate this so much! they messed up the archers face so i cant stand it so i had to buy a cardinal face

I thought it seemed uglier, but I wasn't 100% sure. And the archer used to be my fave as far as looks go -- now it looks as dumb as the others. Maybe to force us to buy new faces with plat? Sorry, not falling for it.

11-09-2010, 04:52 PM
You're an idiot. Threatening developers doesn't fix the problem, it makes them less like to want to help you.

As for the guy worried about 100 plat, that's ridiculous. They won't charge 100 hundred plat for the next campaign.
First of all I'm not threatning the devs. A fair portion of the paying population of the game is. Try reading the rest of the thread.
Secondly, the person who said maps might cost 100plat in the future, after this update I honestly would be surprised if they charged that cheap.

11-09-2010, 05:00 PM
As for the guy worried about 100 plat, that's ridiculous. They won't charge 100 hundred plat for the next campaign.

I'm a girl, not a guy. And wha makes you so sure? The maps are their main sell, the one thing they can pretty much force players to buy (if they want to continue playing). So iftheyre charging so much for optional extras, why wouldn't the price for the next campaign skyrocket?

11-09-2010, 05:06 PM
I've spent $50 on the game, even though I have only been playing two months, because I really enjoyed it. I was going to buy another $50 worth of plat, but after this update, decided not to.

The entire AO3 campaign was 20 plat. Does a face change really have to cost 20 plat, too?

Either the campaigns are underpriced, or the extras are overpriced. I have a feeling that the devs will conclude the former, rather than the latter. That will put the price of the updates north of 50 plat. Good luck with that.

11-09-2010, 05:17 PM
I'm a girl, not a guy. And wha makes you so sure? The maps are their main sell, the one thing they can pretty much force players to buy (if they want to continue playing). So iftheyre charging so much for optional extras, why wouldn't the price for the next campaign skyrocket?

My apologies, I just saw you on facebook and came back to correct myself :)

I'm pretty positive than they won't be charging us 20 dollars for a map pack. I have no way of knowing for sure. They have always charged us for optional extras. The list of extras has just grown longer, and prices higher. I can't imagine being a new player these days. Every "cool" feature (the selling points for the game) you click on would be asking you for more money. I'd probably be scared away just because of that.
While I haven't been around the community quite as often the past few months as I used to be, I have noticed that most of the players i used to play with (including several hardcore players) no longer play the game. This could be for several reasons, but I speculate it has a lot to do with the pay scale.
Spacetime, Tell me what it costs to play the campaign, don't beg me for more money every time a new feature in a new update comes out.

11-09-2010, 05:50 PM
I think maybe PL team have forgotten that the majority of their client base is probally age 13+ but the problem for the younger people (13-17) is thatthese guys cannot afford platinum here and there.
It's beig made far more difficult for these guys to enjoy theirselves in a game that is meant to be (free) although it is for them to ENJOY the game they have to spend platinum. Seems a step backwards has been made as far as pricing goes this time space-time sorry to say.

P.s sorry for bad grammar I'm posting and vey sleepy !

11-09-2010, 11:58 PM
It's pretty sad how many people are against the wall because of this.

11-10-2010, 07:53 AM
I am consolidating these feedback threads into the official one we monitor. We realize there are a lot of strong feelings out there about the new prices. Nothing is required to level, all of these are luxury items. That being said, we are still watching and listening.

Thank you for your non-dramatic feedback about 1.5 in this thread, it helps us evaluate things: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?12137-Client-Update-1.5-is-Live!&p=119123#post119123