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View Full Version : Skill Icon - Not Showing

10-27-2013, 12:20 PM
Has this bug ever occurred on you?

It has happened several times, but I'm uncertain of the cause (The skill icon does not display itself until I leave the area).


All other skill icons are displaying, except for my Skyward Smash. It's still usable, but I've to report this nonetheless so that the developers can try to fix the problem!

10-27-2013, 01:38 PM
Happens to me every once and a while. Usually when I try to do something else while I am charging a skill (eg go to inspect page, chat etc). The skill still works, it is just annoying as you cannot see when cooldown over. Seems to reset if you go to inspect page then skill menu or something similar.

10-27-2013, 01:42 PM
That always happens to me.
It's still usable.

11-01-2013, 02:28 AM
I know what the problem is!
If you charge your skill and you still hold it
And you click on your name left up 2 times then you stop holding your skill and you go back to your game
Then its your onky skill what you did charge and did the steps would be not seen
I know how to get it back easily
Just redo the step without chargin your skill
And then back to the game HUD
Your skill is back!
It really helps i got this bug and i thought there should be a problem so i found out how to fix it :)

11-01-2013, 06:31 AM
And yes its still usable but you dont see it the post what i did say really helps alot and deserve u more timesss:)