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View Full Version : Is This Some Kind Of Sick Joke?

11-09-2010, 04:47 PM
We were told that the consignment shoppe slots were going to be 10p for 5 slots.
Seriously THINK before you do.
People who have played a long time might think it's worth it (not including me) but think about new players. People who have just joined. What would you think if you saw the prices of freemium things? Trust me this is the first thing most people check.
"Will I have to pay an outrageous amout of money if I want to be successful in this game?". They look at your plat store and think "yup screw this its not worth it".
I almost spent real life money changing the colors of my avatar lage before I realized they it costs plat. I didn't even think for a second that you might charge for something as trivial as this. This is going way to far. Save yourselves while you can.

One last thing. Take the "rate us in the app store" sign off. You seriously dont want people who you just screwed over telling the world what they think about you.

11-09-2010, 04:50 PM
lol yep i just used that rate us in the app store after this update. sucks for them.

11-09-2010, 05:15 PM
Sounds about right. All charge per item MMO's are doing this. DDO, Everquest. All the tings you mentioned are not a "needed" item to play the game, but just "plush" stuff. As for the prices, they do seem a bit steap, but I think they have the right to charge for all of it, maybe a bit less, but yea charge for it.

11-09-2010, 05:42 PM
Just Updated my rating -- thanks for the reminder!

11-09-2010, 05:44 PM
Just Updated my rating -- thanks for the reminder!

and thank YOU sir for reminding ME.

11-09-2010, 05:46 PM
its there only way of getting money so they just wanna be as greddy as posible..

11-09-2010, 05:47 PM
This is what it has come to....
They ones that rated 5 stars
Rate 3