View Full Version : Tomorrow when i wake up

10-28-2013, 08:35 AM
As I lay down on my bed, eyes wide open, my mind drifts slowly to the events that has led me to who, what, where and how I am now.*

Slowly, I began to remember all the little details of the things that happened, the decisions I've made, the random actions I did-all of it.*

Then it struck me. The past doesn't really matter now. Yes we look back at it not to feel regret but to be thankful because who we are now is because of all the little things that happened in our past compiled as one. The only thing that matters more important than the past and the future is today. We can still catch up with our dreams long forgotten and almost abandoned if we do the right things starting today.*

I want to close my eyes now and let my soul be drifted to a world where anything is possible, where no pain exists and, happiness and hope is abundant-for tomorrow, when I wake up the real world is not as good as the world that we see on dreamworks.*

I hope I get as much hope, as much happiness and as much inspiration as I can so I can face the battle that lies ahead in the real world, tomorrow, when I wake up.*