View Full Version : what happened to Sorcerer !!!!!

10-28-2013, 09:44 AM
So many problems i just realized them, when we used to use gun only we were fine, but now theres arcane staff and mythic staff and everyone complained made our skill much weaker.

Fireball stun works almost 50% while mythic bow charged attack stun Every time
Shield cooldow 30 sec seriously 30 sec ?? And it stay for 15 sec but only usefull for first 2 seconds
healing also way too long cooldown since our heal works once not like tank thier heal over time can get him 100% while it cool down but our heal over time just waste of skills one aimed shot and ur dead.

We might have too many skills and pretty gd arcane weapon but not everyone using that 60m staff and in pvp things goes fast.

10-28-2013, 09:48 AM
I also have a mage and i have the same.. But the shield is usefull, also our stuns.. and the heal skill is a good support. If you don't wanna be a support mage, respec and get another skill instead of it

10-28-2013, 09:58 AM
Trust me i tried so many respecs over 50 plats and tried so many skills and 1v1 and 5v5 and yes we might have way too many skills but we have limeted skills points if we want to flag we need windmail which its pretty much useless for everything but flaging, and curse yes its deadly but very easy to avoid and since itll take too long to cooldown ul be fighting with 3 skills.
And fireball omg when im doing 1v1 rouges and tanks stunning me while my sweet fireball just giving a bit of burning over time -_-

10-28-2013, 10:17 AM
I'm a Mage. I'm also a Warrior and Rogue, but again my Mage is my main and I say Mages are fine.

I wouldn't mind a buff, but Mages are much better than before.

I'm not sure about you but I was bored and PvP'd yesterday running a PvE build and it was LOL fine. I had fun.

10-28-2013, 02:00 PM
I hope this is not again a "buff this debuff that" thread...

10-28-2013, 02:12 PM
I hope this is not again a "buff this debuff that" thread...

Welcome to the AL forums.

Now if you will see to our left we have the "Buff Arcane Hooks" thread. And if you look closely to your right you will see the "Nerf Rogues" thread.

10-28-2013, 02:44 PM
Dude, Juggernaut's cooldown is 45 seconds. We warriors should be complaining. @_@

10-28-2013, 04:37 PM
Well thinking about it we do have many alternative skills to use and doing the right spec is the challange so yes it was nooby from me doing this thread i guess. And i know we cant be uffed we already strong, but im still gona complain about the fact we need whole skill specially for flaging, that sucks rouges and tanks can fkag using thier main skill. Just complaining not suggesting anything

10-28-2013, 05:00 PM
The problem with mages is we need 2 defensive skills (shield and heal) + 2 offensive skills.or 1 defensive (shield) + 3 offensive. What is the commonality among that? You need to have shield regardless. The only thing holding mages back is the lack of armor, because once your shield is down you get 1 shot. As for flagging, everytime I enter a CTF game, 1-2 people are flagging and expect not to be killed. And get extremely upset if you kill them. So I don't know why you need a flagging skill because from what I have seen in CTF, you're expected to leave people who flag alone. And people stand around doing nothing until red & blue have flagged 4 each. Then you may get a clash in mid. If its too hard to flag in one game, then just leave and find an easier game to flag in where no one will bother you. Also from what I have seen many games are started early without 3 players on each side so people can get easy flags.

10-28-2013, 08:50 PM
Trust me i tried so many respecs over 50 plats and tried so many skills and 1v1 and 5v5 and yes we might have way too many skills but we have limeted skills points if we want to flag we need windmail which its pretty much useless for everything but flaging, and curse yes its deadly but very easy to avoid and since itll take too long to cooldown ul be fighting with 3 skills.
And fireball omg when im doing 1v1 rouges and tanks stunning me while my sweet fireball just giving a bit of burning over time -_-

Afff don't even get me started on ice. The slowdown lasts like 3 steps (about a sec). Our heal over time is pathetic, 10 health per second!

And I'm pretty sure the armor buff on gale isn't working as it should.. At least it does not reduce flag damage, test you'll see...

I thought more changes were coming but now I feel sts just threw us some crambs and left us hanging...

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10-28-2013, 09:58 PM
I would have to agreed. Until the price of arcane staff and even the new mythic staff come down a little, things will be pretty tough in PvP for the little blue guys. We had it pretty good last season, I must say the easiest season for a smurf so far in pvp, and things have just got a little harder again. That is not to say that there are not excellent PvP mages out there, because there are. It is hard to put my finger on it but I think the problems are multifactorial....

1) The stun of fireball and the panic of slag/Clyde don't seem as effective as they used to be. Perhaps it is an increasing dodge of rogues, or perhaps rogues are just getting smarter and more effective at avoiding? A secret Nerf? Either way, something that was pretty reliable last season is not very reliable this season.

2) Even if you are able to stun lock a rogue, it is much harder to kill them fast enough (before they get to their health packs). It is also much harder to kill a warrior fast enough (before they have a chance to shield). Although the other classes complained about the damage Nerf in pvp towards the end of last season, I think it actually hurt the mages the most for these reasons. The substantial increase in armor and health from the upgraded mythics this season also contributes to this problem. Finally the mythic gun was way overpowered last season and is not so much overpowered this season.

Bottom line, unless you are a full mythic and arcane mage, I think PvP is harder this season. The same stale builds no longer work as well as they used to and we have to be more creative to be successful in PvP. Fight on! :)

10-28-2013, 10:12 PM
Lol @mages can't stun. I have multiple twink mages (four if them) and that is the one complaint I don't have. Fireball stuns 100% of the time (assuming you actually hit a target), lightning often stuns, and ice freezes targets often. I agree that your heal is rubish, bit the justification is you are the only class who can use your heal to reurn mana. Yes mages are terrible in PvP (comparring the majority, I know there are several pros to be weary if), but I can't imagine running an elite shuyal map without at least one mage dropping clocks and clearing mobs. Mage deal less damage than rouges but hit over five times as many targets. You guys rock, don't let anyone tell you different ;).

10-28-2013, 10:27 PM
Shhhh dont let the warrios or rogues hear of this lol. Im pretty sure smurfs cant pvp unless fully upgraded but there is alot wrong with this class thats still been over looked. Also on how alot of people complained about sorc shield not having to be charged for 2 sec of invulnerability got ot nurfed, yea how bout we say rogues aimed needs to be charged to stack crits, or warrios vb needs.to be charged for all bonuses from it. Just sayin our non charged invulnerability was a big help last season for pvp and it was by far not.that big of a issue

10-28-2013, 11:02 PM
Bottom line, unless you are a full mythic and arcane mage, I think PvP is harder this season. The same stale builds no longer work as well as they used to and we have to be more creative to be successful in PvP. Fight on! :)

I think arcane staff isn't very good for TDM. Because you can't run away to fire it and still hit something. So your auto attack is useless.

10-29-2013, 12:59 AM
I just pvp'd just yesterday and for what ive seen...smurf can be lethal with good techniques,pets and skills...its not all about buffin and nerfin.its about creating good combos
My 2 cents

10-29-2013, 01:29 AM
Lol @mages can't stun. I have multiple twink mages (four if them) and that is the one complaint I don't have. Fireball stuns 100% of the time (assuming you actually hit a target), lightning often stuns, and ice freezes targets often. I agree that your heal is rubish, bit the justification is you are the only class who can use your heal to reurn mana. Yes mages are terrible in PvP (comparring the majority, I know there are several pros to be weary if), but I can't imagine running an elite shuyal map without at least one mage dropping clocks and clearing mobs. Mage deal less damage than rouges but hit over five times as many targets. You guys rock, don't let anyone tell you different ;).

I just pvp'd just yesterday and for what ive seen...smurf can be lethal with good techniques,pets and skills...its not all about buffin and nerfin.its about creating good combos
My 2 cents

I take your 4 twink mages and raise you by three! I got seven! I have also pvp'd at all level caps as an end game sorcerer (lvl21, 26, 31 & 36). Pvp has been very different at each level and even extremely different between lvl31 and lvl36. The same skills and combos don't work well at all levels. This brings me to my point that the psuedo stun lock of fire followed by the panic of slag/clyde does not work as well as it used to. It was a pretty guaranteed kill against most rogues last season but does not work well this season. Yes sorcerers can still be very effective in pvp but we got to be a little smarter about it. In fact my last 2k kills or so was with a no stun curse build because I was sick of relying on an unreliable stun/panic combo (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?120299-Confessions-of-a-former-stun-lock-mage!). Anyways, the point is that pvp for mages harder this season than it was last season.

@cainnblecter yes the change in shield was a big deal for me. I used to stun with fireball (as I was pretty confident I would hit first) spam light and autoattack, then tap shield before stun of fireball was over and then use slag/clyde panic. This saved you when the rogue came out of stun if your panic failed or they got an aimed shot off before you could panic them. Much more effective than putting up your shield before the attack, but now impossible due to the need to charge.

@falmear I don't have an arcane staff so it is all assumption, but with the massive health you get with the staff I would make a curse build and just stand there spamming light and autoattack as they attacked me, letting curse do its work. I would not run at all and when you are not moving the autoattack of staffs is pretty good at targeting the closest enemy as they try to run around you.

10-29-2013, 05:29 AM
PvP is harder for me - I couldn't kill Meecah in a 1v1 with his rogue in his non-mythic shade gear, which implies something must be wrong (I'm fully decked out in architect). Right now if I see a rogue asking for a 1v1 I say no thank you. One of these factors is the shield. Tapping the shield when your health was low (last season) would grant you 2 seconds of freedom - usually enough to save lives. Now, in this season, I have to charge the shield for almost 1 second - during which an aimed shot-shadow piercer combo can be effectively unleashed.

I'm not sure what can be done though. As Fal said, our armor is so low we need shield (except for mages like Keikali who kick my arse with or without it), so if that was given a boost - maybe higher than rogues - the problem would be solved.

10-29-2013, 06:16 AM
Lol @mages can't stun. I have multiple twink mages (four if them) and that is the one complaint I don't have. Fireball stuns 100% of the time (assuming you actually hit a target), lightning often stuns, and ice freezes targets often. I agree that your heal is rubish, bit the justification is you are the only class who can use your heal to reurn mana. Yes mages are terrible in PvP (comparring the majority, I know there are several pros to be weary if), but I can't imagine running an elite shuyal map without at least one mage dropping clocks and clearing mobs. Mage deal less damage than rouges but hit over five times as many targets. You guys rock, don't let anyone tell you different ;).

My sorcerer always stun with Firball w

10-29-2013, 08:06 AM
PvP is harder for me - I couldn't kill Meecah in a 1v1 with his rogue in his non-mythic shade gear, which implies something must be wrong (I'm fully decked out in architect). Right now if I see a rogue asking for a 1v1 I say no thank you. One of these factors is the shield. Tapping the shield when your health was low (last season) would grant you 2 seconds of freedom - usually enough to save lives. Now, in this season, I have to charge the shield for almost 1 second - during which an aimed shot-shadow piercer combo can be effectively unleashed.

I'm not sure what can be done though. As Fal said, our armor is so low we need shield (except for mages like Keikali who kick my arse with or without it), so if that was given a boost - maybe higher than rogues - the problem would be solved.

This is true. Even with shield, the Mage can only take so much from a Rogue. And with their Heal Packs all lined up, you pray for a bugged out heal pack that doesn't heal. AS Crit + SP = Dirt Nap

10-29-2013, 12:13 PM
Well to be honest guys ir does depend on skills some mages with mythic gun can take mages with mythic staff and some mages with mythic staff can take mages with arcane staff, but the point is mages have hard time dealing with this low armor, as everyone said having shield and heal is a Must in pvp for us, yet we need fireball and ice and lightning and curse and windmail, trust me i had spec before that i had to open all of those and then keep exchanging in pvp, sometimes i change skills during the clash, yes i used 6 skills once and yeah it made me op but everyone can do that and its tiring alot,
Its like mage class has skill for individual things, fireball for stun, ice to slow down and high dmg, lightning for high damage, wind for flaging, heal and shield for mana and health support, curse to be deadly as rouge in pvp AKA to steal kills -_-

Rouge can flag using pierce and it does high damage, same to tanks its pretty much annoying,
Again i cant suggest anything then rouges and tanks will come in and make thread to rwmove sorcerer class -_-
But yeah its annoying

10-29-2013, 12:35 PM
idk about this thread but for me, i enjoyed a lot playing my mage... well, i dont have any toon other than sorcs.

there's a lot of pros and cons on each character, you just need to learn how to explore your character well...
before, i have a hard time killing pro warrs on my lvl but bcoz of continuous practice and good observation i'm happy that i can kill some (though that kill is rarely happened)... still i can kill pro warr

be patient and play your character well... dont be upset on every death that you have or if your kdr sucks.... (when i started playing arcane my kdr is really bad, but know im a bit happy and within a month i got LB Banner!!!)


10-29-2013, 12:38 PM
@falmear I don't have an arcane staff so it is all assumption, but with the massive health you get with the staff I would make a curse build and just stand there spamming light and autoattack as they attacked me, letting curse do its work. I would not run at all and when you are not moving the autoattack of staffs is pretty good at targeting the closest enemy as they try to run around you.

Every time I tried to use curse it has never worked out for me. In fact I like seeing mages with curse because there are some simple counter measures you can take to defeat the curse mage.

1) Curse range is 6m with upgrades. Fireball range is 14m. If I see a mage with curse, I make sure to not let him get close and stun him. If the mage is coming in I just move back because all my skills have a longer range. Stunning the curse mage at a distance disrupts the curse attack because it puts the mage on the defensive and negates the 2 sec shield invulnerability they need to go in and curse.
2) If cursed the curse duration isn't that long, so I switch using just lightning & autoattack. Since the reflected damage of non-DOT I feel is pretty insignificant. During my testing I found it only reflected about 1/6th the damage. But I haven't done extensive testing with curse.
3) Curse cool down is very long, 15 seconds. Having 2 skills with 15 second cool downs is pretty bad in my opinion. And I believe most curse builds run without heal and I find this unworkable for longer drawn out fights. Also I find it more useful to heal my team mates since numbers usually will prevail.

So in summary, let the curse mage approach you but don't let him get too close. Then use fireball to stun him before he gets close enough. If the curse mage stays behind the lines, then you can wait him out/launch fireballs at a distance. As a mage, there is no need to get so close to the mage to allow yourself to be cursed. I don't PvP much so take everything I say with a grain of salt.

10-29-2013, 03:23 PM
But you don't have to charge Jug to be invul...which is BS. With Mage shield u HAVE to charge....
Dude, Juggernaut's cooldown is 45 seconds. We warriors should be complaining. @_@

10-29-2013, 03:43 PM
Woof's 2 Cents

Some of you know me some of you don't.

I have only 2 mages. Woof my main who is full myth with myth staff. I can take out Arcane staffs (on occasions) but when facing people like Liltrix it get's well...tricky...
Now I am full dmg spec (at times) but I designed my build to be hybrid for 1v1, clashes and PVE.

I have dropped Mauls in about 5-7 seconds under a stunlock, I can end rogues in 1-2 seconds and depending on the mage...2-3 secs.

But this is Woof who is one Dmg Stacked SOB.

What about FuriousFlea my lvl 35 curse mage?

The Flea has full myth lvl 31 and myth gun. Last night I respeced to a hybrid curser build and lemme say...I took out Rogues and mages at 36.

Remember to increase your shield's dmg intake add some more strength. My little poop mage has 50 str (25 active and 25 passive) It has Curse, Heal, Shield, Ice and Light and FB. You say WOW how the fak are you playing with so many skills?

It's a hybdrid build...

Full Curse DMG = Shield + Curse + ICe + Light
Classic = Heal + Shield + FB + Light
DPS Eater build = Heal + Shield + FB + Ice
PVE Combo = Heal + Shield + FB + ICe

on lvl 35 I got more HP than Woof with Samael....think about it.

I don't do much dmg but the combos allows me to keep my opponent on passive stance all the time.

PS; I run with Rib on the Flea and when I stack dmg and crits on that badboy mixed with a curse...watch out...

PVP is harder for mages...but it's all about using your build correctly.

Woofcookie build imo is perfect hybrid build....

Anyhoo this is what i thought....

I wish just one thing!

Allow mages to get invul by tapping again...warrior gets benefit of Jug by tapping it despite long CD. But if it doesn't happen...I'll adapt and kill again!

Good fighting pplz! I hope the curse mage suggestions (hybrid) will prove useful for some. I am not "primarily curse" mage but I'm going to experiment with the Flea on occasions so if u see me 1v1 so I can get some training.

PS; Curse Mage VS Warrior is utter failure in my opinion. Curse mage is "field mage" not 1v1 so learn how to play ur skills with ur teams...hide behind wars and rogues and strike when ready...

10-29-2013, 04:54 PM
Woof's 2 Cents

Some of you know me some of you don't.

I have only 2 mages. Woof my main who is full myth with myth staff. I can take out Arcane staffs (on occasions) but when facing people like Liltrix it get's well...tricky...
Now I am full dmg spec (at times) but I designed my build to be hybrid for 1v1, clashes and PVE.

I have dropped Mauls in about 5-7 seconds under a stunlock, I can end rogues in 1-2 seconds and depending on the mage...2-3 secs.

But this is Woof who is one Dmg Stacked SOB.

What about FuriousFlea my lvl 35 curse mage?

The Flea has full myth lvl 31 and myth gun. Last night I respeced to a hybrid curser build and lemme say...I took out Rogues and mages at 36.

Remember to increase your shield's dmg intake add some more strength. My little poop mage has 50 str (25 active and 25 passive) It has Curse, Heal, Shield, Ice and Light and FB. You say WOW how the fak are you playing with so many skills?

It's a hybdrid build...

Full Curse DMG = Shield + Curse + ICe + Light
Classic = Heal + Shield + FB + Light
DPS Eater build = Heal + Shield + FB + Ice
PVE Combo = Heal + Shield + FB + ICe

on lvl 35 I got more HP than Woof with Samael....think about it.

I don't do much dmg but the combos allows me to keep my opponent on passive stance all the time.

PS; I run with Rib on the Flea and when I stack dmg and crits on that badboy mixed with a curse...watch out...

PVP is harder for mages...but it's all about using your build correctly.

Woofcookie build imo is perfect hybrid build....

Anyhoo this is what i thought....

I wish just one thing!

Allow mages to get invul by tapping again...warrior gets benefit of Jug by tapping it despite long CD. But if it doesn't happen...I'll adapt and kill again!

Good fighting pplz! I hope the curse mage suggestions (hybrid) will prove useful for some. I am not "primarily curse" mage but I'm going to experiment with the Flea on occasions so if u see me 1v1 so I can get some training.

PS; Curse Mage VS Warrior is utter failure in my opinion. Curse mage is "field mage" not 1v1 so learn how to play ur skills with ur teams...hide behind wars and rogues and strike when ready...

Im agreeing with everyhting u said those are pretty gd advices for mages, in fact many mages have forgotton the ice, it doesnt stun but yes its pretty powerfull, and yeah iv took many arcane staff users and with liltrix hmm shes a big challange ;)
But again im still agreeing with the fact Firebalo starting to suck, yesterday when i made this thread i made specially from fireball, i honestly got mad doijg 1v1 with tanks and rouges and beeing stunned while im the one shooting fireballs!!!! So i was surprised how it doesnt stunn everytime and dissappointed

Lui Delos Santos
10-30-2013, 10:19 PM
lol mages il give you sone tip..pm gormeot the only mage LB SEASON 5 THE ONLY MAGE
dont use mythic armor or ring..but can kill 3-4 in a raw..lvl 36

10-31-2013, 07:32 AM
I HAVE THE SOLUTION FOR YOUR PROBLEM!. All you need is 13m then buy mythic staff and all will complain about how strong you are. Lol read this if you dont believe me ;)

10-31-2013, 09:58 AM
Interesting thread, I like Woof's suggestions.

lol mages il give you sone tip..pm gormeot the only mage LB SEASON 5 THE ONLY MAGE
dont use mythic armor or ring..but can kill 3-4 in a raw..lvl 36

I have fought Gormeort and won (as a non-mythic mage). He is really a challenge, though!

10-31-2013, 12:02 PM
Woof's 2 Cents

Some of you know me some of you don't.

I have only 2 mages. Woof my main who is full myth with myth staff. I can take out Arcane staffs (on occasions) but when facing people like Liltrix it get's well...tricky...
Now I am full dmg spec (at times) but I designed my build to be hybrid for 1v1, clashes and PVE.

I have dropped Mauls in about 5-7 seconds under a stunlock, I can end rogues in 1-2 seconds and depending on the mage...2-3 secs.

But this is Woof who is one Dmg Stacked SOB.

What about FuriousFlea my lvl 35 curse mage?

The Flea has full myth lvl 31 and myth gun. Last night I respeced to a hybrid curser build and lemme say...I took out Rogues and mages at 36.

Remember to increase your shield's dmg intake add some more strength. My little poop mage has 50 str (25 active and 25 passive) It has Curse, Heal, Shield, Ice and Light and FB. You say WOW how the fak are you playing with so many skills?

It's a hybdrid build...

Full Curse DMG = Shield + Curse + ICe + Light
Classic = Heal + Shield + FB + Light
DPS Eater build = Heal + Shield + FB + Ice
PVE Combo = Heal + Shield + FB + ICe

on lvl 35 I got more HP than Woof with Samael....think about it.

I don't do much dmg but the combos allows me to keep my opponent on passive stance all the time.

PS; I run with Rib on the Flea and when I stack dmg and crits on that badboy mixed with a curse...watch out...

PVP is harder for mages...but it's all about using your build correctly.

Woofcookie build imo is perfect hybrid build....

Anyhoo this is what i thought....

I wish just one thing!

Allow mages to get invul by tapping again...warrior gets benefit of Jug by tapping it despite long CD. But if it doesn't happen...I'll adapt and kill again!

Good fighting pplz! I hope the curse mage suggestions (hybrid) will prove useful for some. I am not "primarily curse" mage but I'm going to experiment with the Flea on occasions so if u see me 1v1 so I can get some training.

PS; Curse Mage VS Warrior is utter failure in my opinion. Curse mage is "field mage" not 1v1 so learn how to play ur skills with ur teams...hide behind wars and rogues and strike when ready...

I tried fighting warrior using fire light heal and shield, it is totally failure
but with my curse build, i can take down even pro warrs (but not all the time)

that is based on my experience as a twink on lvl 24

11-02-2013, 09:24 PM
My 2 cents..

Mages are the most nerfed class in pvp..Mages have had their skills tweaked heavily and are just weaker then any other class.

Sun immunity is supposed to last 7-8 sec, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to warrior stun.

Ice slow down is pathetic.. I get freezing would be op, but the slow down should last as long as the freeze would last which is not the case. The effect is hardly noticeable and does not provide an advantage.

Shield gives 30% armor bonus which is the exact same amount we lack when compared to rogues, but considering we have to spend skill points to be on par, I'd expect more than 2 secs invulnerability while being unprotected for the longest time. It's not fair to spend 4-5 skills points to get basically the same benefits of passive armor. And the 2 secs inv doesn't compensate being unprotected the rest of the time.

Clock doesn't root and rogues and warriors can get out from it by using skills.

Gale is useful for flagging, but for that only. Provided you don't hit a wall and get stuck as a sitting duck.

Heal over time is pathetic.. 10 hp! The mana regen is only good for supporting other classes as mages themselves barely ever run out of mana.

Light stun upgrade in pvp is bs with the stun immunity.

So they improved shield and changed gale, but I feel like they just threw us a bone with that. And the community isn't entirely happy with gale, many suggestions have been made without response.

I'm still waiting for changes that will make mages feared and respected in pvp.

Rant over :)

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