View Full Version : Kingdom of Anarchy

10-28-2013, 08:38 PM
Long ago, before all the kingdoms of the land and spacetime became Arlor... There were many kingdoms fighting for power. One of the strongest was the kingdom of Anarquia... But most referred to it as the Kingdom of Anarchy. It was an odd kingdom, because it refused to align with any other kingdom.. Yet every time it turned down an alliance It seemed to get stronger. Finally an opposing Kingdom sent a spy into Anarquia. They found out the Kingdom was powered by the Dark Crystal of the Dead. Everytime a war was fought, the crystal would revive the dead, as undead warriors for the Kingdom. Finally, the opposing kingdoms made a pact. The crystal must be destroyed. All of the kingdoms aligned into what is now known as Arlor, and together they marched into Anarquia, smashing the Crystal into a billion peices. The Anarquians being defenseless, vanished from existence. All shards of the crystal were banished to the alternate realm of Shuyal, never to be seen again.... Until one foolish Being accidentally opened the portal to Shuyal again, releasing all the dark magic that was trapped for many eons. The shards were never recovered... Except for one, which is now weilded by the one who calls himself n3crozora. Now with the title of Anarchyz and the Shard of the Crystal of the Undead, he plans to lead his massive army to victory. He still requires living souls to help command the undead legions. Do you think you have what it takes to lead?*

King of Anarquia - Anarchyz/deadanarchy/Deadgoatgames
Kings Advisor- xkingluciferx



(Hit Level 20 or 15 then ask to get recruiter)

11-02-2013, 10:45 PM
If anyone wants to join im always recruiting.... Im in TCG and im always here to help... Im AFK from PL until we at least get something new and worthwhile... So AL leveling it is!!

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