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View Full Version : Untrustworthy People/Scammers

10-29-2013, 07:52 AM
Ok, so before you guys start trolling this post i'd like you to read it first. The purpose of this post is to remind people that there are players/people out there that are quite happy to destroy all your hard work in seconds, and to remind everyone that there are ways to avoid this.

Over the last few weeks I have witnessed many scams, and have heard of many failed attempts. Most of the players affected were friends with those that were scammed, and NOT random traders. Unfortunately there is one person in particular that is out there trying to get one over everyone.... I cant say who as i will get an infraction. But we all know.

There's only a few ways that you can really get 'scammed' in this game, and i use the word 'scammed' loosely as technically IMO there is only 1 way to get scammed in the true sense of the term. For purpose of this post i will call the majority of the reasons 'tricked'.

Ways to get 'Tricked'

The disappearing zero - Common problem where someone in trade places the full amount, then changes the amount to contain one zero less.

Incorrect Item - Putting a lower level item into trade. Whether it be lesser in stats or in level, it doesnt matter.

Lending someone money or gold.

The reason i categorise these as 'tricked' is because ultimately it is your fault. I have seen so many people get 'tricked' using the above methods. And to this day it amazes me that so many people fall for it.

Ways to get 'Scammed'

Someone stealing you account info.

Thats it. These are the only TRUE ways to get scammed. Being scammed IMO means that someone you trust has pulled the wool over your eyes. It does not involve a normal trade, it involves trust and the breaking of that trust by another.

STS only recognise one of the above as a true Scam and that is if your account details have been compromised or if someone is hacking the game, so unfortunately if you have been 'tricked' there's nothing they can do.

The best advice to avoid having any of the above happen to you is clear:

Triple check your Zeros (STS pleeeeeasssse can you put commas into the trade window)

Know what items you are buying/trading so that you know what to expect to see in trade

Never give your account info to anyone

***Most importantly only trust those people in game that you TRULY know well. This is the hardest one.... We all have to use our common sense and is not always accurate. The only people myself and Em now help with items and gold are those that have been close to us for a long time and that we KNOW have nothing to gain by scamming us.

Beware of low levels with expensive items. 90% are genuine, but the other 10% could be trying to hook you in for a scam. If the deal seems to good to be true it usually is. Again, triple check your zeros. (Thanks desperoto for reminding me of this scenario in your reply after this)

I hope this has been useful, even if it has been posted on previous threads before (incoming troll) and that by reading it some of you are now a little bit more cautious.


10-29-2013, 08:27 AM
Very informative article on scamming.
Great job!

10-29-2013, 08:43 AM
They are implementing spaces between sets of digits.. It may not be commas or periods, but it's a start :)

10-29-2013, 08:56 AM
Certainly is mate :)

10-29-2013, 09:04 AM
Also add add the tricks:
A low lvl noobs start talking to u: Hey!
U say back: Hey
Then he wanna start a trade, and u enter
He shows a good item. (Mythic or so)

Then u think: lol it's a noob! I can get it very cheap, so u ask what he wants for it. He asks a random item that he putted in auc on another account for way much more gold then he is. (a noob pink for 500k, example..) So u think: Yes i wanna buy it and then trade it for the mythic. Wow im lucky today! So u buy it, and the person is gone.. and u lost a lot of money... And then u think: Wow im so noob.

Im sure a lot people had this... So add it in a short version if this is too long (It is)

das Organ
10-29-2013, 09:29 AM
everyone should read it !
good post :)

10-29-2013, 09:49 AM
No more helping with money achievements i guess.. :) 3 cases i have heard were 'I knew him for months!! How could he do this to me??'

10-29-2013, 10:09 AM
No more helping with money achievements i guess.. :) 3 cases i have heard were 'I knew him for months!! How could he do this to me??'

Yea, I'm surprised every time I hear about people helping with money achievements without incident. All it takes is one untrustworthy "friend", 10 seconds to clear friends list and 30 plat to rename for a clean break. That is, unless you happen to be on the LB. :p

Heck, some people even have balls to scam stuff like Mauls and just walk around like nothing happened. Haha.

10-29-2013, 10:42 AM
No more helping with money achievements i guess.. :) 3 cases i have heard were 'I knew him for months!! How could he do this to me??'

Somehow I don't understand how can I get an achievement via someone else's gold. I mean, what sense this AP has.

Why isn't there an option "Run Elite Inan AP on my behalf"?

Does it sound crazy? Yes, but the logic is the same.

10-29-2013, 11:30 AM
Somehow I don't understand how can I get an achievement via someone else's gold. I mean, what sense this AP has.

Why isn't there an option "Run Elite Inan AP on my behalf"?

Does it sound crazy? Yes, but the logic is the same.

LOL - Sure, I'll run Elite Inan for you....100k - I'll give you any pinks that drop.....trust me :-]

It seems that there is just so much more scamming going on now than there used to be in previous seasons. It's kinda lame that we can't even play a (free) game without someone trying to steal your yellow and pink pixels.

10-29-2013, 11:42 AM

OK I'm about to read

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10-29-2013, 12:05 PM
I agree with all of you guys, people shouldn't get the ap for Midas touch unless they have earnt it, but the reality is that people will always try and shortcut this AP. I don't have a problem with them doing it, I'm over it now, I just have a problem with them ruining someone's gaming experience in the process.

Let's not get off topic tho, I'm just trying to create awareness for everyone out there with a trusting and kind nature.... Because people try and take advantage of it. I just don't like that sort of person in rl, and will do anything to help people avoid being turned over.

Thanks for the comments guys.

10-29-2013, 12:27 PM
I wish i can restore your faith in humanity bro, but some people just get off fooling others. Although when you do find people you can truly trust, no gold or even real life money can put a price on that, even if we are just living in a pixelized fantasy.

Sent from under my bed.

10-29-2013, 12:33 PM
I wish i can restore your faith in humanity bro, but some people just get off fooling others. Although when you do find people you can truly trust, no gold or even real life money can put a price on that, even if we are just living in a pixelized fantasy.

Sent from under my bed.

I agree mate, fortunately I happen to know some of the most genuine people in the game. Faith in humanity restored for now!

10-29-2013, 12:49 PM
Fell victim of one of these 2 nights ago my officer of my guild also a good freind who I thought I could trust bc we have borrowed things before and returned. Also Ihelped him alot. But anyways he needed 15m to get goldfinger so I gave... he left guild delted charcter and gone. 15m just gone. Just sucks because I bought a decent amount of plat so to me he stole real money from me around 500 dollars. But on the plus side I habe the most exspensive lepre amulet lol I have a 15m lepre in alor cuz thats what he put in trade for some reason. Lets hope its extra lucky!:)

10-29-2013, 12:58 PM
Yesterday one person joined a guild im in with my low lvl toon and the first thing he spoked was " im opening crates for y. ill give items for y. I not scammer."

Would u believe it!!!

He was kicked in few seconds....

On other note: I trust only ppl i play with for more then a year now, we talk outside the game too, so i got to know them. Beside them i dont trust anyone

10-29-2013, 01:02 PM
What was hes name? What lvl bc guy who got me this is how he scamd makes new chracters trys to get close to people in guilds and scams them

10-29-2013, 01:15 PM
dont know, i forgot the moment he was kicked. Was some random generated name i think

10-29-2013, 01:28 PM
I'll restore everyone's faith in humanity right here and right now. Give me all of your gold for Midas AP, and I'll give it right back. Don't everyone all line up at once now. :p

Kidding aside, there's probably one person I know right now whom I'd trust with all of my in-game belongings and gold. But I guess that's how we get taken for scams. Because we are humans with feelings and want to trust others. :)

It's a tough lesson to swallow. Sorry for all that have had to learn it the hard way. And thank you Jon for reminding us to be careful.

10-29-2013, 01:34 PM
Felt bad for the victims specially those who'd been scammed by people they have come to consider as friends. It's betrayal. And if you've been betrayed before, you know it feels really bad. This is a virtual environment after all. The people who we think we know, we don't really know so just be extra careful.

10-29-2013, 05:17 PM
Imo they should only get midas touch ap from claimed gold in auction.

10-29-2013, 05:20 PM
Thanks jon alot for this thread and i would agree 100% on adding commas in trade window,

Altho what jon said is right theres only one scam which its taking ur acc info but theres thousand ways to do that and many people would rather work douple hard doing that than work hard to earn the money,
Thank god i have never been scammed altho arround 10 times people have tried to scam me many ways and i always out smarted them and posted many awarness threads but very few people paid attention.

Just remember as bad as u wana make money everyone the same so u might find some great offers but mostly few of them are true, in fact its only true in 2 cases, 1: he has no idea what hes selling (noob) no offence, 2: hes very amazing friend who trying to help which alot of my great friends have done with me like matanofx and brazzballs and the guy who sold me ring for 2 when it was worth 4 im sorry forgot hes name but il never forget u guys lol.

Somdont get greedy and run to the great offers cause its mostly coming from greedier people ;)

10-29-2013, 05:24 PM
Imo they should only get midas touch ap from claimed gold in auction.

Well of course NO many of us sell in the outside in legit ways and we would be offended by that -_-

10-30-2013, 02:45 AM
Let's not get off topic tho, I'm just trying to create awareness for everyone out there with a trusting and kind nature.... Because people try and take advantage of it. I just don't like that sort of person in rl, and will do anything to help people avoid being turned over.
Hey Jon, I did not mean to hijack your thread - but I think that APs like Goldfinger and Midas Touch really do inspire people to do even more scamming. I hope there will be no more gold APs in the future.

I think one of the problems is that renaming a character and clearing the friend's list is too easy. We all know there are dudes around here who rename their characters like twice per month and I am asking myself, why? But of course he/she can make a new toon and continue scamming so there is probably no cure to that, just extreme cautiousness.

I have never been scammed (I am not boasting, it's just a fortunate fact) probably also because I obey these rules:

1. I never trade items in a rush

2. If I have to undertake a risk (sometimes you have to if for example the amount of items does not fit window and trading against collaterals would take forever), I do it only with people I know (read also point 4.)

3. I carefully check both confirmation windows

4. I tend to trade only with people on a high level and those whose names have been around for a long time (although I may not know them personally)

5. I never enter random trade request (why would someone trade if he did not say what the trade would be about?)

6. If someone wants to trade for item I don't have, it's highly probable that they listed the item in CS for overpriced amount of money

7. If I lend money or items to someone, I am prepared to lose it and I deliberately take the risk

I am sad that so many scammers/trickers are around and spoil the fun for normal players, but this game reflects real life characters of human beings.

10-30-2013, 02:54 AM
Imo they should only get midas touch ap from claimed gold in auction.

No, let it be as is, I don't think it's possible to reverse this AP as many worked very hard (and spent RL money) to get this APs. I don't have LB ambitions and so these APs leave me cold, but I think STS should not add new assets APs. It has no sense anyway, because like 90% of Midas touches I know gained their title by borrowing money.

It has also no sense to limit the gold to gold obtained via CS, because there is no problem in listing one overpriced item that someone else buys (price is the auction fee of course). And why should honest direct trades be eliminated?

Again, I am not jelly or ranting against asset APs - I am just saying they are one more reason why we have so many scammers around.

10-30-2013, 02:55 AM
Imo they should only get midas touch ap from claimed gold in auction.

You know, that's extremely ironic considering you've asked a few <Average Joes> guild members to help get you the achievement for money related issues.

Why don't you just admit that you are Original, Originaltruth, and all the other alt accounts that you have? Oh, while you're at it, we'd all love to hear how trustworthy you are as well. :)

10-30-2013, 03:19 AM
Hey Jon, I did not mean to hijack your thread - but I think that APs like Goldfinger and Midas Touch really do inspire people to do even more scamming. I hope there will be no more gold APs in the future.

I think one of the problems is that renaming a character and clearing the friend's list is too easy. We all know there are dudes around here who rename their characters like twice per month and I am asking myself, why? But of course he/she can make a new toon and continue scamming so there is probably no cure to that, just extreme cautiousness.

I have never been scammed (I am not boasting, it's just a fortunate fact) probably also because I obey these rules:

1. I never trade items in a rush

2. If I have to undertake a risk (sometimes you have to if for example the amount of items does not fit window and trading against collaterals would take forever), I do it only with people I know (read also point 4.)

3. I carefully check both confirmation windows

4. I tend to trade only with people on a high level and those whose names have been around for a long time (although I may not know them personally)

5. I never enter random trade request (why would someone trade if he did not say what the trade would be about?)

6. If someone wants to trade for item I don't have, it's highly probable that they listed the item in CS for overpriced amount of money

7. If I lend money or items to someone, I am prepared to lose it and I deliberately take the risk

I am sad that so many scammers/trickers are around and spoil the fun for normal players, but this game reflects real life characters of human beings.

Thanks Queen, and no you aren't hijacking my thread. Its all relevant :)

10-30-2013, 03:55 AM
Queen at one of your points, I always enter trade window because for what you might not know is that someone wants to sell you arcane mythic or collectable cheap.

10-30-2013, 04:23 AM
Queen at one of your points, I always enter trade window because for what you might not know is that someone wants to sell you arcane mythic or collectable cheap.

I see you totally avoided the post. Hehe :D

10-30-2013, 04:27 AM
Of course you alway enter trade window ...... Why doesn't that surprise me

Queen at one of your points, I always enter trade window because for what you might not know is that someone wants to sell you arcane mythic or collectable cheap.

10-30-2013, 04:37 AM
Queen at one of your points, I always enter trade window because for what you might not know is that someone wants to sell you arcane mythic or collectable cheap.

Yes. Last time someone offered 500k for my "swords". He meant Razorbacks. And I don't think he was a "noob".

You are right, sometimes I get a great offer for arcane stuff but I always reply "Buddy, why would you sell it so cheap?".


1. There is a very small probability that the guy is really new in the game and looted an item without knowing its value. (In such a case I expect an answer like "Wow, thank you! I did not know that")

2. There is a HIGH probability it's just a scammer. In such a case, I don't expect any answer at all, which is also the case always.

As stated above by somebody, for me reputation >>> gear or gold. I am not here to cure my RL complexes. I am here because I love the game and the community (at least, most of the community)

10-30-2013, 04:50 AM
Queen at one of your points, I always enter trade window because for what you might not know is that someone wants to sell you arcane mythic or collectable cheap.

just :disillusionment:

10-30-2013, 04:52 AM
I see you totally avoided the post. Hehe :D

Funny that eh.

As stated above by somebody, for me reputation >>> gear or gold. I am not here to cure my RL complexes. I am here because I love the game and the community (at least, most of the community)

Well said.

10-30-2013, 05:53 AM
Yes. Last time someone offered 500k for my "swords". He meant Razorbacks. And I don't think he was a "noob".

You are right, sometimes I get a great offer for arcane stuff but I always reply "Buddy, why would you sell it so cheap?".


1. There is a very small probability that the guy is really new in the game and looted an item without knowing its value. (In such a case I expect an answer like "Wow, thank you! I did not know that")

2. There is a HIGH probability it's just a scammer. In such a case, I don't expect any answer at all, which is also the case always.

As stated above by somebody, for me reputation >>> gear or gold. I am not here to cure my RL complexes. I am here because I love the game and the community (at least, most of the community)

Yes I agree with Reputation > Gear Gold.

My Rep is so high ATM i'm going to explode. I'd never scam a person because why would i want to take away someones hard earned money.

10-30-2013, 06:04 AM
Wasted ALL my thanks on this thread, just remember those thanks are sarcastic "Thanks".

10-30-2013, 06:21 AM
Great thread :)

Here's another one that can happen when you're selling something fairly expensive on CS that you priced lower than someone else... The guy you undercut goes on an alt and makes you a really good offer. Something like the cs price minus the listing fee. If you take it down, the buyer magically disappears or simply ignores you. Of course those might also be people that simply do this to annoy you for whatever twisted reason.

So yeah, maybe not a scam as such but definitely costing you potentially a lot of gold and something to watch out for.

10-30-2013, 06:22 AM
My Rep is so high ATM i'm going to explode.

OK, I want to play fair-play with you, buddy. As you left our guild yesterday with your Obliviuos alt without giving any reason, I have removed another alter ego of yours called Beefshield too.

Our guild is very small but it has a good reputation and we are struggling to rebuild its core. Thus, loyalty is very important to us for the time being.

I am glad that you have a good reputation - I am sure it will be no problem to find a new guild then, at least for the time being.

I am really sorry this thread made such a side step because I think STS will close it soon.

10-30-2013, 06:25 AM
OK, I want to play fair-play with you, buddy. As you left our guild yesterday with your Obliviuos alt without giving any reason, I have removed another alter ego of yours called Beefshield too.

Our guild is very small but it has a good reputation and we are struggling to rebuild its core. Thus, loyalty is very important to us for the time being.

I am glad that you have a good reputation - I am sure it will be no problem to find a new guild then, at least for the time being.

I am really sorry this thread made such a side step because I think STS will close it soon.

I'm sorry, I am a bad name to your guild. Kaliz knows i wanted to focus on PvP because I have completed all PvE archenemy ap with your help :P

10-30-2013, 06:26 AM
Great thread :)

Here's another one that can happen when you're selling something fairly expensive on CS that you priced lower than someone else... The guy you undercut goes on an alt and makes you a really good offer. Something like the cs price minus the listing fee. If you take it down, the buyer magically disappears or simply ignores you. Of course those might also be people that simply do this to annoy you for whatever twisted reason.

So yeah, maybe not a scam as such but definitely costing you potentially a lot of gold and something to watch out for.

Thank you for this Jay! :)

I usually reply "If it expires, it's yours". They reply "But I don't have time to wait!". I say "Bad luck then" and conversation closed.

10-30-2013, 06:28 AM
I'm sorry, I am a bad name to your guild. Kaliz knows i wanted to focus on PvP because I have completed all PvE archenemy ap with your help :P

OK, I am glad you take it this way. It's not end of all days and Elite Runners will be around for some more time I think :)

No hard feelings buddy. I think we can close this side-topic by that.

10-30-2013, 06:31 AM
Thank you for this Jay! :)

I usually reply "If it expires, it's yours". They reply "But I don't have time to wait!". I say "Bad luck then" and conversation closed.

Haha, I usually tell them something similar. Sometimes I just completely ignore those PM's though, I start to get really good at acting afk :D

10-30-2013, 07:15 AM
This is a very important thread for everyone to read

I like to take pride in that i was never scammed/fooled by these types of people

The few people i trust in this game proven to be 100% trust worthy =]

One way to see if you can trust someone is building up the things you let them help you transfer, start with crates, if they dont steal e'm move on to elite gold chests and so on...

Im not saying you should do this, but ive been very lucky to meet excellent people on this game and also i could tell who not to trust.

The main thing you have to remember is really hard to explain, from one side trust no one, but on the other side trust the people you REALLY know.. follow your gut in a way.

Many people were scammed cause they relied on someone due to him being officer in their guild/him having full myth gear so why would he try to scam mine?, dont fall for that folks.

10-30-2013, 08:12 AM
EDIT: Ok. My apologies. It seems I stand corrected :D


Thank you STS.

10-30-2013, 08:44 AM
I got scammed once, thought ill never again give anything or even have anything.
Im proud to say now im now in circle of people who i can fully trust, n who trust me. Finding that in this game is very hard and im blessed!
The midas, i think like 30 of us got from same person(actually persons, few people together) n all gold was returned! No scamms!

I truly am blesseed:)

10-31-2013, 05:45 AM
They are implementing spaces between sets of digits.. It may not be commas or periods, but it's a start :)

it confuses me why not a comma rather than a space ... go figure

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

10-31-2013, 06:06 AM
I havd a really, really trusly Friend ( Thanks Eiio )

Is nice have a friends in game and talk about all we like, we transfers milllions of gold and i can say ... I could hive him my account and i'm pretty sure he don't will sccam me :D!

10-31-2013, 06:35 AM
I'm sorry, I am a bad name to your guild. Kaliz knows i wanted to focus on PvP because I have completed all PvE archenemy ap with your help :P

wow he even admitted to have used u Queen...

10-31-2013, 07:19 AM
This is a very important thread for everyone to read

I like to take pride in that i was never scammed/fooled by these types of people

The few people i trust in this game proven to be 100% trust worthy =]

One way to see if you can trust someone is building up the things you let them help you transfer, start with crates, if they dont steal e'm move on to elite gold chests and so on...

Im not saying you should do this, but ive been very lucky to meet excellent people on this game and also i could tell who not to trust.

The main thing you have to remember is really hard to explain, from one side trust no one, but on the other side trust the people you REALLY know.. follow your gut in a way.

Many people were scammed cause they relied on someone due to him being officer in their guild/him having full myth gear so why would he try to scam mine?, dont fall for that folks.
This is a terrible idea!! Most arcane scams are done this way. Building trust. Scammer is eager to loan you gold or items of moderate value, build a trusting relationship. Then when finally he is handed something b I g enough like a maul or 50m or whatever the case....BAM!! Game over! and you rage quit.

10-31-2013, 07:36 AM
Shall we make a list of people not to trust?

1. me
2. killzonee

10-31-2013, 08:21 AM
Shall we make a list of people not to trust?

1. me
2. killzonee

someone succesfully scammed 87m from officers of a certain guild for a Midas Touch Achievement just recently. I hope the devs take action on this coz it will not end. Scammers think they are tolerated, and more people will just resolve to scamming than earn it the hard way. IP Ban a scammer and make it known as an example so that people will not follow.

10-31-2013, 08:38 AM
someone succesfully scammed 87m from officers of a certain guild for a Midas Touch Achievement just recently. I hope the devs take action on this coz it will not end. Scammers think they are tolerated, and more people will just resolve to scamming than earn it the hard way. IP Ban a scammer and make it known as an example so that people will not follow.

Say no to gold achievements. Does it give you any benefit? No!

It's all risk and no reward for you. Why would you do it?

10-31-2013, 08:44 AM
someone succesfully scammed 87m from officers of a certain guild for a Midas Touch Achievement just recently. I hope the devs take action on this coz it will not end. Scammers think they are tolerated, and more people will just resolve to scamming than earn it the hard way. IP Ban a scammer and make it known as an example so that people will not follow.

I partly agree. The people scamming should be banned. But to be frank, I think the people giving the money away are at as much fault as the scammer. Not saying they should get banned, but I don't pitty them.

10-31-2013, 08:51 AM
someone succesfully scammed 87m from officers of a certain guild for a Midas Touch Achievement just recently. I hope the devs take action on this coz it will not end. Scammers think they are tolerated, and more people will just resolve to scamming than earn it the hard way. IP Ban a scammer and make it known as an example so that people will not follow.

You can't use IP address, it is so easily spoofed/changed.

Best approach is a Device ID ban, but even that can be changed if someone knows what they are doing and has ROOT access on their device.

10-31-2013, 09:18 AM
wow he even admitted to have used u Queen...

Yes, he did :(

Some even removed me from friends list, because he smuggled his toon into guild where I am an officer :)

10-31-2013, 09:33 AM
I didn't use you. I would never do anything to hurt you guys, That's why I never did anything bad to you ;) You help me achieve alot.

10-31-2013, 12:45 PM
I partly agree. The people scamming should be banned. But to be frank, I think the people giving the money away are at as much fault as the scammer. Not saying they should get banned, but I don't pitty them.

They wanted to help a friend, a guildie. Whats bad on that? The scammer just use the goodness of this ppl and thats really sad...

10-31-2013, 12:56 PM
DO NOT help with gold achievements unless you are ready to let go of that much gold :) Way too many scammers nowadays. Once you trade that money, its gone. STS wont and can not just get it back, would affect the ones who aren't even involved.

For example, x scams from y, then x spends that money on items which he buys from z (z doesn't know anything about the scam). Now, z has the money which was scammed. Would it be fair to z if STS takes away his money and give back to y? Would it be fair if it happened to you?? Just make sure you give your valuables to real close and good people. Learn to say NO when someone asks to borrow your Arcane or Mythic weapons. Learn to say NO when someone wants gold AP. See the next person's reputation, past trade history, etc. before trusting him with something that matters to you.

10-31-2013, 01:15 PM
They wanted to help a friend, a guildie. Whats bad on that? The scammer just use the goodness of this ppl and thats really sad...

Well, other than the whole point of the achievement, I don't think it's "wrong" per se to lend gold. And I don't think they should be banned. But people should understand that when you hand money away its a one way trade. If they give it back, they are just nice people :)

When I "loan" money to friends, you can ask (actually, you can't, because nobody I've loaned money to plays anymore lol), I never ask for it back. If they give it back, I'll take it.

10-31-2013, 02:00 PM
Yeah.. Great article Jonnnyy :)

I have three pepole who i trust in this game..

And i am sure, they would never take my items.

But.. As Jon said, Better to be carefull even with those, who we know.


Next thing is gold scammin.. Someone said about 87 m scam.. That hurt alot i belive..

But no worries.. Sts won't do anything against it... not whole sts.. but suppourt. The guys, who should be our rescue..

I submitted scam for 5 m.. AND i proved it.. (My Bestfriends Emma, and Jon helped me with that case THXXX)

But sts said 'we can't regive You gold, but we will take any nessesary reactions against scammers'

Month passed after case.. Scammer is still on my friendlist... And he seems to be good..

GJ suppourt.


The moral is.. (Take this as trenchant joke ofc) Better to be scammer in this game.. Earn millions in while, from pepole who worked year for it.


I don't know about You all, but i feel unsafely now..

Good there are discussions like that, which have point to minimalize numbers of scams as much as possible.


I have one sentence now,

You can count only on Yourself and, if You have, on Bestfriends.

Other things are silence.


10-31-2013, 05:15 PM
Well, other than the whole point of the achievement, I don't think it's "wrong" per se to lend gold. And I don't think they should be banned. But people should understand that when you hand money away its a one way trade. If they give it back, they are just nice people :)

When I "loan" money to friends, you can ask (actually, you can't, because nobody I've loaned money to plays anymore lol), I never ask for it back. If they give it back, I'll take it.

I was just reacting on that "no pity" for them. most of the achievements r designed to get with friends, group of ppl, u cant just run elite maps alone or? :)

10-31-2013, 06:16 PM
Next thing is gold scammin.. Someone said about 87 m scam.. That hurt alot i belive..

But no worries.. Sts won't do anything against it... not whole sts.. but suppourt. The guys, who should be our rescue..

I submitted scam for 5 m.. AND i proved it.. (My Bestfriends Emma, and Jon helped me with that case THXXX)

But sts said 'we can't regive You gold, but we will take any nessesary reactions against scammers'

Month passed after case.. Scammer is still on my friendlist... And he seems to be good..

GJ suppourt.


The moral is.. (Take this as trenchant joke ofc) Better to be scammer in this game.. Earn millions in while, from pepole who worked year

If this is what they tell us, then scammers will roam arlor!

10-31-2013, 06:35 PM
If this is what they tell us, then scammers will roam arlor!

They already do.

Do NOT lend out gold that you are not expecting to lose.

10-31-2013, 06:38 PM
I partly agree. The people scamming should be banned. But to be frank, I think the people giving the money away are at as much fault as the scammer. Not saying they should get banned, but I don't pitty them.

I'm sorry but I don't agree man, I don't think people should be blamed for trusting as much as you blame someone for scamming. Sure, letting someone hold 87m was kind of..ehh. But on these type of scams, I do feel bad for the people giving them. A little for their gold, and more for losing one more person to trust.

Sent from under my bed.

10-31-2013, 08:12 PM
I was just reacting on that "no pity" for them. most of the achievements r designed to get with friends, group of ppl, u cant just run elite maps alone or? :)

Some are... Like the archenemies. And some aren't... Like the arcane and mythic achievements.

I don't pity in the sense that they lost their money. Hopefully they learn from it. I DO pity then four the reason stig have through. Sometimes these could be real friendships and emotions that are broken. So that I understand.

I guess I really just mean it in terms of losing their money.

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10-31-2013, 10:58 PM
i miss my old guild ... sad it disbanded after crates were introduced

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

10-31-2013, 10:59 PM
i miss my old guild ... sad it disbanded after crates were introduced. i trusted many friends there

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

11-01-2013, 04:38 AM
well there is a mistake on what he is saying but it also might be true so your saying beware of low levels with expensive items but what if its a low level twink and has very very expensive items and has very good pvp records
so im correcting the post a bit hope you people see this but there are some people that wear expensive items but are low levels so still beware they might not be twinks. Bye

11-01-2013, 04:39 AM
great hope you will not be bitten by spiders or any other bugs down there parnasofication

11-01-2013, 08:19 AM
great hope you will not be bitten by spiders or any other bugs down there parnasofication

No complains if I can be spiderman.

Sent from under my bed.