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View Full Version : What is the easiest Elite map?

10-29-2013, 08:28 AM
I am now lvl 35 after a few weeks of playing and found out I can now do Elite maps. However the first time I tried this I got my @ss kicked - I was alone and I sort of expected this.

But now I am getting near to lvl 36, have better equipment, more gold (so can buy more potions) and now might want to make a serious attempt at it. But what is a good place to start?

I might ask some guildies to join me when I have a go for it (not going solo 8-/ Elite is hard).

10-29-2013, 08:39 AM
Well.. I would assume Elite Forest in the Brackenbridge campaign would be the easiest :)

10-29-2013, 08:42 AM
What is your class? I would not recommend to do elites solo if you are a warrior, because even the easiest ones take forever.

Yes, definitely form a party of your guildies, that's what guilds are normally for.

You can visit our public group forum with some useful links to get you started:

Elite Runners Forum (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/group.php?groupid=908)

10-29-2013, 08:50 AM
Elite Brack Forest. Kettle Runs!

10-29-2013, 08:52 AM

Been reading the Elite gear distribution guide and it does give some good hints on where to start first (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?111152-Guide-Legendary-Elite-Gear-Distribution).

Off course the better drops are very tempting but I think the more tempting it is the harder the map will be.

Thank you for the link to the check the Elite runners forum. Will do a bit of reading there first.

10-29-2013, 10:18 AM
You should run with a group. Soloing elite maps aren't much beneficial - the pots cost will greatly outweigh the gold you might get back from a run - which would usually make you run at a loss.

I'd recommend joining some good Elite guilds. They will help you learn the basics of elite running and get a good party together so you'll get to save on those pots! Elite Runners is an excellent choice - I am a mage and therefore a total noob at playing with my tank, but the Runners have really got me improving! - you'll get a good head start with them.

Like the others said before me, Forest is a good choice: it is a short map, and relatively easy, and the boss has a chance to drop Kettle which, last I checked, drops for around 100k. As you improve in your class skills, you can move up to harder maps with greater loots...farming Malison at Rook's Nest is a good example.

What class are you? I'll give you a quick tut on running those maps as a mage if you're one :p

10-29-2013, 10:27 AM
best place to farm end game is in arena. read up on some of the arena guides so u know what to do. u can get 5 drops in 10-12 min with a pug and 5-8 min with pro group.

10-29-2013, 10:39 AM
best place to farm end game is in arena. read up on some of the arena guides so u know what to do. u can get 5 drops in 10-12 min with a pug and 5-8 min with pro group.

And please take a sack of platinum with You! XD

10-29-2013, 10:39 AM
Yep I'm a mage.

Oh and talking about plat - I do not have it (well have some but I am saving my free plat offers for the 70 plat offer which gives you more place for items etc).

10-29-2013, 01:52 PM
I'd recommend elite rooks' nest. Its a long run but you won't be running alone because more pugs run this map than any other elite maps so it'll save you pots. You may want to join a guild who likes running elite maps for more efficient runs.

10-29-2013, 02:03 PM
if u don't have plat then get with a good group. i have a list of players i can run arena with and none of us die. u need to be geared tho and know what ur doing. When i say geared I'd recommend at least full architect.

Edit: the only thing really worth farming for, in my opinion (and i may be wrong), is elite gold puzzleboxes. Yeah, u could spend hours farming for malison or kettle but i don't think that's the best use of ur time. If u want a consistent income then u need to get those elite golds and arena is the best (and easiest) place to do that. U can spend 20 min fighting through a regular elite map and get 1 chance at a boss drop or you can spend less time than that and get 5 drops. In my experience you'll die less often in arena because ur not dealing with a pile of mobs.

10-29-2013, 10:10 PM
Elite Ferrix :D

Just soloed him right now. Took 20 mins, lolololol

10-30-2013, 01:34 AM
Elite mage mine or brackeridge forest.
The drops still has good price atm.

Arena is in fact the fastest and best drop atm.and its fun too.you need good party.also its a good place to practise your agility,teamwork etc.

10-30-2013, 05:15 AM
Elite Ferrix :D

Just soloed him right now. Took 20 mins, lolololol

I hope an archon ring or phylon dropped but otherwise I'm sure it was fun.

10-30-2013, 07:37 AM
I hope an archon ring or phylon dropped but otherwise I'm sure it was fun.

I saw "Your Elixir just re-rolled for better loot", and then I was disappoint. It was a veggie re-roll.

But all in all, it was fun. Its good practice and tests your own ability to see how far you can go.

Also 2 manned Elite Oltgar Keep yesterday with a non-mythic warrior, that was fun too!

10-30-2013, 08:21 AM
I saw "Your Elixir just re-rolled for better loot", and then I was disappoint. It was a veggie re-roll.

But all in all, it was fun. Its good practice and tests your own ability to see how far you can go.

Also 2 manned Elite Oltgar Keep yesterday with a non-mythic warrior, that was fun too!
