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View Full Version : Hey Devs, Please Bring Back The Rush!

11-09-2010, 10:49 PM
Hey Devs,
I just wanted to say I am a loyal member of this game and I would really appreciate it if you guys could bring back the rush, as I did not see a problem with it and if anyone who did could just make a password protected game.

The reason I am asking this is because I as well as many other people live hectic lives, but still like to enjoy games such as Pocket Legends. Many people however do not have the time to commit for 2 or more hours a day in order to get the gear and the position that they desire ingame. Rushing lets one get this gear quick and those who opt not to go this route can always make password protect games as I have mentioned to stop rushing in their game. I would appreciate it if you would listen since I am pretty sure I am not the only one that feels this way about the update. Other than that, I love the update and already bought capture the flag (which is great). I plan on buying the other stuff as soon as I buy another Itunes Gift Card :).

11-09-2010, 11:01 PM
Hey Devs,
I just wanted to say I am a loyal member of this game and I would really appreciate it if you guys could bring back the rush, as I did not see a problem with it and if anyone who did could just make a password protected game.

It should be the other way around. Those who want to rush should make a password protected game. Public games should not allow rushing.

11-09-2010, 11:03 PM
That works for me, Doesn't matter as long as I get to rush :).

11-09-2010, 11:25 PM
1.5 sounds great...except this...I can see some of the older player will leave the game because of this.

11-09-2010, 11:40 PM
i dont know how long the players on this thread have played the game, but i can tell you from experience that the "golden age" of pocket legends was during the The lost Expedition period. The rush wasn't possible before the Swamps, and even during the swamps boss hunting wasn't quite the same as the current rushing system.

That period of the game was probably the most enjoyable, and nerfing the rush until they are able to naturally make rushing impossible is one of the best aspects of the 1.5 update. I appreciate that the change is jolt for players who haven't experienced the game any other way, but give it a shot and let them tweak the drops.

11-10-2010, 12:13 AM

I hope you can respect that the golden age for pocket legends is was in fact when alien oasis dropped IMHO. The player base double and continued to grow as the game picked up speed and became more of an action rpg... It is not that now, and the speed of a single game is no longer a liesure activity but instead a chore.

I do not enjoy chores

11-10-2010, 12:40 AM
The rush is gone guys, you can leave the corpse to rest now :)

11-10-2010, 12:58 AM
The game has become boring now.

11-10-2010, 01:20 AM
Door is that way.

11-10-2010, 01:35 AM
Door is that way.

Yeah, that's fair. After all the money and time I've invested in it, I should leave just because I don't like the changes? I'm not the only one upset here, and we're all paying customers.

11-10-2010, 02:48 AM
True, my apologies, I think I just hit my negative limit, not fair on you, so sorry.

11-10-2010, 02:50 AM
OMG i was shocked reading that rushs are no more possible :-O


It wastes to much time to kill mobs... :(((

11-10-2010, 02:59 AM
I am one of the first peoples to play this game and I am now happy that you can't rush no more, now you can play the game how you are supposed to play, not just turn on the game kill few bosses than call it a day. So suck it up. Go play like we played back in the day.

11-10-2010, 06:35 AM
I was called in a few times to clear just the boss. Makes me wonder whether that will become more frequent.

And Victory Lap hasn't changed that much BTW. You don't have to clear all; just a few.

11-10-2010, 08:19 AM
I was doing victory lap today, and you have to clear like half of the mobs before OL will spawn. Used to be a 5 mins run, now it takes 20-25 mins...

Fyrce, how many did you killed to spawn the boss?

Also, it is hard enough to find gears you need and it is almost impossible to buy it since the price is so high. By killing the rush, the price will go ever higher...Personally, I dont think it is doing any good.

11-10-2010, 02:07 PM
Hi Range, I don't want to be negative on your thread. I do appreciate all the help you've given me. But I think it best to wait and see. I think more people get to play this way, and the complants about being booted seem to have stopped. Now people are just glad if you respawn instead of run away and everyone is welcome. I know that you were not like those others who booted people that couldn't rush, and for that, thanks. But other people were booting level 50 birds and mages. I think this way is more fair. So hang on. It might not be a bad thing.

11-10-2010, 02:39 PM
The thing people need to understand is that from the games perspective Rushing is CHEATING. It's not a smart play style or tactic. Do you drive your buggy to the green and then start the hole from there in golf? The game is meant to be played from start to end, just like a golf hole. If people want rushing I think this may be an alternative:

Change victory lap to just be bosses and their minions rather than the whole corridors and such up to them. Make it just boss fights.
Let's say the drop rate for Wraith Armour is 3.5% from map 3. Make it at 0.17% for Vic Lap. That way with the same time spent, either clearing or boss fighting you get around the same chance.

11-10-2010, 02:58 PM
I agree. Now with the rush nerfed, there are too many mobs in Victory Lap.

11-10-2010, 03:09 PM
The mobs are not really a problem for me, but if developers would not bring back the rush, I would appreciate if they could increase the drop rate for the rift, cosmos, and void. Etc. I only need the cosmos set now :) I got everything else before the rush collapsed. I am thinking a kafara isis bear decked out with a keeper staff will own in capture the flag, considering all your slashes are aoe, and when you have the flag you get stronger, so you basically are unstoppable :)

11-10-2010, 03:22 PM
I was vary much against rushing, not for the rush part..
but from all the good items being controlled by these groups who have the nerve to try and sell it to me for 850k.

Since 1.5
I have found that with a good group ("good" being the word) clearing the mobs that stand in the direct path to the boss takes no time, and those should be the only ones necessary to spawn the bosses. All the halls that end with nothing, let the nubs clear for xp.

Or I propose that any locked rushing games be limited in drop types. Just giving huge amounts of money instead. Letting the (non rushed) get the good drops (cause they worked harder for them) Let the rushers come with the cash, to buy from the non rushers.

Personally I would be ok rushing for say 35k and little chance of getting good pinks, than I am not rushing, taking a huge amount of time just to get junk purps that I could never sell for 35k

11-10-2010, 04:03 PM
I was vary much against rushing, not for the rush part..
but from all the good items being controlled by these groups who have the nerve to try and sell it to me for 850k.

Since 1.5
I have found that with a good group ("good" being the word) clearing the mobs that stand in the direct path to the boss takes no time, and those should be the only ones necessary to spawn the bosses. All the halls that end with nothing, let the nubs clear for xp.

Or I propose that any locked rushing games be limited in drop types. Just giving huge amounts of money instead. Letting the (non rushed) get the good drops (cause they worked harder for them) Let the rushers come with the cash, to buy from the non rushers.

Personally I would be ok rushing for say 35k and little chance of getting good pinks, than I am not rushing, taking a huge amount of time just to get junk purps that I could never sell for 35k

I think peoples are forced into rushing, because everything is so expensive and takes three times longer to find items you need without rushing. Then eventually, players just give up because it is too frustrating to play for two week and can’t find anything you need. Then, it will jack up the price even higher. As a result, less and less happier player…the way I see it.

11-10-2010, 06:27 PM
guys face it the rush sucked... you held a direction on a d-pad for 1 minute then button mashed for 30 seconds. now think about that, does it sound like fun?

rush- easier, no fun
no rush - more challenging, more fun

if you only have a short time to play, then there's many other things you can do. pvp, selling items, and farming for on lower levels are still quick things to do. ao3 is best suited when you have some time on your hands.

11-10-2010, 11:07 PM
Yeah, actually there are more to the game than farming. But with players with limited game time, we would like to enjoy the game fully as well since we are paying for it. And able to find some nice items like everyone else, that's not too much to ask. You are right that rushing isn't fun, and without rushing price will go off the roof. Which means some players can never afford it, then eventually they will say "the xxxx with it" and play something else. Just my two cents.

11-11-2010, 05:35 PM
the devs should make a button when making a game to pick rush or no rush like check a box to rush or uncheck for no rush

11-11-2010, 05:37 PM
well lemme explain better u check box to make bosses already respawned iin beginning or uncheck box to make it where have to kill all mobs to get to boss therefore everyone is happy

11-11-2010, 06:40 PM
First of all, where are the Devs to comment on why they made the changes, if there's a thread or link,please let me know. As a paying customer, we should be able to play the game how we want, rush or no rush, it's up to us. Dev's should let us know why.

That said, Spacetime is really missing the boat here. The "nerf" of rush should have been accompanied by a slew of new, high lvl quests that yeild good rewards, not some item you are need to be lvl 50 to get but you can use at lvl 30(black ice weapons, thousand pelts/snowballs for example). This game get's you with the quests and game play up through lvl 35 or so, then the quests are gone and it's just gameplay, get cash, loot weapons. Dev's, add some high level quests that are appropriate for lvl 50 and yeild good rewards.

Also, add a mana regen effect to the mages party buffs, that will help them alot.

11-11-2010, 06:52 PM
I agree. The ao3 quests are WEAK -- 100 gold for killing a boss????

11-11-2010, 07:12 PM
Ehh, i usually dont disagree with you. but i have to on this one.

Example: Swamps

No one rushed, they COULDNT rush, if people had gear, it meant somthing. Most of us preferred to farm our own gear, as it was fun to have teamwork. IT TOOK SKILL

Ao2: Rushing really kicked off, the most id seen was in this period, no one cleared, it was get to 45 in 3 hrs, then suck at the game and rush.

Ao3: Void and and all that stuff, are so common to see, its ridiculous, even with the nerfed rush there are PLENTY of these out there, no need for people to say they cant find gear.

Summary: The myna gen was in effect, nerfed along with this update. Oldies have an advantage over You desert dwellers xD

11-11-2010, 08:21 PM
They should bring back the Rush! then all things will be normal again. The game is currently chaotic and uncontrollable. It even added Diablerie's death toll from 15 to 73! Wanna know why? cause lousy Bastet respawns just when my Buffs go off, this gets very frustrating. And twink, i never rush, i like clearing dungeons and having fun. I'll do rushing only once in awhile to add fun for the team :)

P/s: whats the Definition of "Myna Gen"?

11-11-2010, 08:29 PM
Keep the rush OFF. The grotesque exploitation of the player community by the few greedy JERKS is over thanks to the consignment shop and elimination of rushing. The game is BETTER without it. I am all for people having opinions and such but I have to throw some $.02 in here too.

Rushing was only good for the greedy people who think that the point of this game is to become play money millionaires at the expense of exploiting other players and trying to sucker people into used-car-salesman sales pitches. If they threaten to leave and then leave, so be it. Make sure the door doesn't hit you folks in the arses.

11-11-2010, 08:35 PM
You think it's better now that Wraith, power armor and cosmos robes can now only be found at absurd prices? And it's those same people who got rich before the update who are now making it next-to-impossible for other, not-so-lucky players to get equipment. Just take a quick look at the trader's forum for an example.

I think the end of the rush coupled with the consignment shop threw the whole economy into fritz. Now the common pinks are worthless and the most desirable rares are nearly impossible to find.

11-11-2010, 08:40 PM
Keep the rush OFF. The grotesque exploitation of the player community by the few greedy JERKS is over thanks to the consignment shop and elimination of rushing. The game is BETTER without it. I am all for people having opinions and such but I have to throw some $.02 in here too.

Rushing was only good for the greedy people who think that the point of this game is to become play money millionaires at the expense of exploiting other players and trying to sucker people into used-car-salesman sales pitches. If they threaten to leave and then leave, so be it. Make sure the door doesn't hit you folks in the arses.

I kinda agree with you, but is it possible to have the bosses NOT to spawn suddenly? its really frustrating me.

You think it's better now that Wraith, power armor and cosmos robes can now only be found at absurd prices? And it's those same people who got rich before the update who are now making it next-to-impossible for other, not-so-lucky players to get equipment. Just take a quick look at the trader's forum for an example.

I think the end of the rush coupled with the consignment shop threw the whole economy into fritz. Now the common pinks are worthless and the most desirable rares are nearly impossible to find.

Agreed, but once everyone gets what they need, prices will drop due to over supply. But overall i agree that the Rush should be brought back. I usually realise games get boring because of too much updates, for example RuneScape, it was fun before they added so many new things to Members. and PL will be cool if it was like last time, plain cool and nice, just add more campaigns thats all. The more is not always the Merrier.

11-12-2010, 07:54 AM
Thelaw, how long do you think it will take for everyone to get gears they need without Rushing? Took me a week rushing to get one piece of my armor, which is none-stop rushing OL for 2 hours each day with 5 mins run. That's 24 runs a day, and took me 168 times to get one piece of armor. Now without rushing, the avarage time to kill OL tripled to 15 mins.

At least, Dev. team should increase the drop rate if we cant rush anymore.

11-12-2010, 09:48 AM
The worst is the levels besides victory lap. I've been told by seasoned players that keeper and tpaxx in victory lap don't drop rare loot, only the ones in level 2 &'3 do. But we tried level 2 tpaxx last night -- it made us clear down to 14 aliens (we left someone waiting in the room to tell us exactly when he spawned)!!! It took so long to clear that board that we couldn't even keep a full team in there from beginning to end. Had at least 4-5 ppl swap before we were done. And them we all got junk. You think I'm ever going to try that again? This game has become a slow, boring chore without the rush. How can anyone who was used to rushing before actually like it this way? I haven't met many people in-game that do.

11-14-2010, 05:13 PM
Yeah, that's fair. After all the money and time I've invested in it, I should leave just because I don't like the changes? I'm not the only one upset here, and we're all paying customers.

Exactly, I paid cash, lots of it too. Now I should have some say in how I play. I don't expect the game to be built around me but this game is boring now. Its either I farm low lvl maps 24/7 to make the cash for gear. Or farm bosses and hope for a miracle.

11-14-2010, 05:36 PM
You think it's better now that Wraith, power armor and cosmos robes can now only be found at absurd prices? And it's those same people who got rich before the update who are now making it next-to-impossible for other, not-so-lucky players to get equipment. Just take a quick look at the trader's forum for an example.

I think the end of the rush coupled with the consignment shop threw the whole economy into fritz. Now the common pinks are worthless and the most desirable rares are nearly impossible to find.


Go farm kiddo, nothings gonna go your way, adjust, learn to farm, have fun.

11-14-2010, 05:40 PM
The worst is the levels besides victory lap. I've been told by seasoned players that keeper and tpaxx in victory lap don't drop rare loot, only the ones in level 2 &'3 do. But we tried level 2 tpaxx last night -- it made us clear down to 14 aliens (we left someone waiting in the room to tell us exactly when he spawned)!!! It took so long to clear that board that we couldn't even keep a full team in there from beginning to end. Had at least 4-5 ppl swap before we were done. And them we all got junk. You think I'm ever going to try that again? This game has become a slow, boring chore without the rush. How can anyone who was used to rushing before actually like it this way? I haven't met many people in-game that do.

Then your team sucked balls.
I just did 10+ runs, each run being under 5 minutes.

2 bird
2 elf
1 (doesnt matter)

All pot tank + damage pot (=3000 gp)

1 bird + 1 elf go north directly
1 bird + 1 elf + 1 guy go to the right

arrive at t'paxx and pots have not run out! meaning run is <5 minutes.
and t'paxx takes a maximum of 30 seconds to kill, with or without pots. he's a pussy.

About the cost of pots:
I have calculated that you earn at least 1000 gp per run by just killing the monsters.
I did not calculate the extra gp you get for selling all white/green/orange/purples dropped.
The total sum of money earned, at the least, would be 2000 gp per run.

So your two pots only cost you 1000 gp per run!

11-14-2010, 07:22 PM
i was just in a party where we killed keeper in victory lap and a force wing dropped on a lucky fellow.... so keeper still does drop rares in victory... but what was scary was the amount of envy and abuse this player got from the other teamates which resulted in them quitting...although i'm still relatively new to the game and especially the forums, i'm not sure about the direction of a game which is beginning to incite such ugliness in its players. But sometimes how can you blame anyone? Farming for hours through mobs and having the rare drop to someone else can be demoralizing.

11-14-2010, 07:33 PM
i vote yes to rush, yes to nerfing the yellows, and YES TO MAKING PINKS RARER

11-14-2010, 08:11 PM
My vote, if we got one, is to keep the rush nerfed. If rushers kept to their own groups and did their thing, I wouldn't complain about them, but they don't. In groups I was in they tried pressuring people who wanted to clear to go along with it. They whined and moaned and threw insults like confetti, finally leaving in a huff when they didn't get their way. Or they'd come into a group of lower level players, zoop past them and kill the boss. Not nice. That's what got me down on rushers and the rush.

As far as prices go, when farming was in its heyday, I wasn't exactly seeing Sunblessed bows going for 1000 gold. No matter what the supply, people will pay a high price to get an item. And honestly, you can play this game without being decked out in the rarest premium gear.

11-14-2010, 08:57 PM
i vote yes to rush, yes to nerfing the yellows, and YES TO MAKING PINKS RARER

what do u mean yellows?

11-14-2010, 09:50 PM
They should bring back the Rush! then all things will be normal again. The game is currently chaotic and uncontrollable. It even added Diablerie's death toll from 15 to 73! Wanna know why? cause lousy Bastet respawns just when my Buffs go off, this gets very frustrating. And twink, i never rush, i like clearing dungeons and having fun. I'll do rushing only once in awhile to add fun for the team :)

P/s: whats the Definition of "Myna Gen"?
does not compute.

And guys seriously, quit whining...
There are tons of drops in ao3, If you play victory lap for maybe an hour or 2 youll probably get a void/rift/cosmos.
Personally, I have been playing ao3 since a week or so after it came out, and I have only gotten 1 good drop, and you don't see me complaining.
Just deal with it's done and they're not changing it back. IMO the speed in which you kill the boss doesn't have much to do with the drops. example...
My miarge robe dropped after clearing gurgox and overlord mobs.
Ive seen 2 sunblessed shmitars dropped after clearing mynas, and have seen nothing dropped when rushing it.
Seen a gurgox eye drop after clearing gurgox mobs.

11-14-2010, 09:56 PM
The point is that the faster you can get to the boss, the more times you can kill it, hence more chances at getting loot within the same period of time. Duh.

11-14-2010, 09:59 PM
The point is that the faster you can get to the boss, the more times you can kill it, hence more chances at getting loot within the same period of time. Duh.
doesnt matter what the ****** reason is. its done. its over. DEAL WITH IT.

11-14-2010, 10:02 PM
I was simply explaining that the reason people like to rush has nothing to do with the chance of a rare from a rushed boss Vs a non-rushed boss. Smoae, I think you just like pissing all over anything I post.

11-14-2010, 10:08 PM
I was simply explaining that the reason people like to rush has nothing to do with the chance of a rare from a rushed boss Vs a non-rushed boss. Smoae, I think you just like pissing all over anything I post.
I was referring to everyone who is complaining here I just quoted you because you pointed out the reason why people rush which was required in my post to make my point.

11-14-2010, 10:11 PM
Weelll you only got 1 MIRAGE ROBES?! thats worth alot == I havent gotten a single rare one besides a Laser Wand and the Force Kite..

P/s: i think i was one of the first ones to get a Laser Wand. And clearing dungeons inprove drop rates.

11-14-2010, 10:13 PM
And clearing dungeons inprove drop rates.

How can you prove this?

11-14-2010, 10:25 PM
Go try it out, it worked for me.

11-14-2010, 10:32 PM
I've seen no rhyme or reason to the drops. Some days I'll get several rare drops, other days I'll get zip. My methods of playing don't change. So how do you know it wasn't just a coincidence? Do you get rare drops almost every time you clear?

11-14-2010, 10:39 PM
Well i NEVER get rare drops. but people who clear the dungeon with me always ends up with eithe Void/Cosmos/Rift gear. and I've only seen a single Force Kite dropped when I was rushing.

11-15-2010, 03:03 AM
Well i NEVER get rare drops. but people who clear the dungeon with me always ends up with eithe Void/Cosmos/Rift gear. and I've only seen a single Force Kite dropped when I was rushing.

doesnt matter if u rush or crush... loot is always random.. lesrider and me got same amount of good loots if rushing or crushing.. some day we get 1 loot... and some day like last friday we got 4 lots (power armor, mega blaster, scimitar, laser talon) did i forgot something Lesrider?
we do allways kill the amount we need... and we always did..

11-15-2010, 11:09 AM
My view here is that, it's a game, and should be played in that way.

Rush was only an advantage to those who can, what about those who can't?

And when they rush, get the purps, what about the others? They would just have to farm their arses to raise hundreds of thousands of gold, because these "rushers" control about every singe purp available.

Most of the people I see calling to get the "rushing" back into the game are in the high 45s or 50s. So where is the "balance" in that?

If the Devs removed it or you guys term it as a "nerf", they already provided ample explanation why, and from how I see things, they aren;t going to put it back into the game.

"Rushing" is imba, IMHO.

11-15-2010, 11:33 AM
Saying rushing isn't fair because level 50s are the only ones who can do it is like saying it's not fair that someone who finished school and got their degree got the job over someone who didn't finish school. Rushing used to be the reward for leveling up, practicing and getting good enough at the game (and maybe gear) to rush past mobs that would have killed you beforehand. I had no problem clearing maps before I could handle rushing. In fact, I would make a game and announce it in the beginning what we were doing so that anyone who wanted to rush could leave then. I still announce in the beginning what the plan is, if any new people joined since our last run.

I think what people are confusing with unfairness is simply a lack of communication. If you just talk to people and tell them what you plan to do, you'll find likeminded people and be able to play the game he way you want. Well, that was before the new update, at least. Crushing the rush basically forces people to slow down, who would otherwise have been able to get the job done quicker. All because some people who aren't skilled enough yet to rush, complained.

But now those of us who want it to go back to the way it was, are being called the whiners lol. It's the whiners that got the rush crushed in the first place!

11-15-2010, 02:10 PM
Hey Devs, Please Bring Back The Rush!

No thanks, doors for cheaters is that way -->

Instead of bringing back the rush, increase the drop of pinks. For example the overlord should drop only pinks. You get the idea...

11-15-2010, 02:59 PM
Saying rushing isn't fair because level 50s are the only ones who can do it is like saying it's not fair that someone who finished school and got their degree got the job over someone who didn't finish school.

-This is a game, we should talk to it about that way

Rushing used to be the reward for leveling up, practicing and getting good enough at the game (and maybe gear) to rush past mobs that would have killed you beforehand. I had no problem clearing maps before I could handle rushing.

-And with that, only level 50s would get pinks, and what would happen to the others then?

In fact, I would make a game and announce it in the beginning what we were doing so that anyone who wanted to rush could leave then. I still announce in the beginning what the plan is, if any new people joined since our last run.

I think what people are confusing with unfairness is simply a lack of communication. If you just talk to people and tell them what you plan to do, you'll find likeminded people and be able to play the game he way you want. Well, that was before the new update, at least. Crushing the rush basically forces people to slow down, who would otherwise have been able to get the job done quicker. All because some people who aren't skilled enough yet to rush, complained.

-Its an MMO with RPG elements, not an action game (like side-scrollers or platform games)

But now those of us who want it to go back to the way it was, are being called the whiners lol. It's the whiners that got the rush crushed in the first place!

-I guess the Devs have already made the change, and I don't see in the foreseeable future that this will be put back in the game. Like they say, it beats the purpose of how they made the game.

What I would recommend is just let it go, and play the game the way you do, with or without the update or changes.

Besides, it's just a game :)

11-15-2010, 03:23 PM
Why would only lvl 50s get pinks with rushing? It didn't change the likelihood of other (non-rushing) players getting rare loot, it only gave the person doing it more chances to get it in the time they were playing. All that killing the rush did is drive ip prices on things that are now too time-consuming to farm, like the Wraith. So for those who might not have the best luck farming, well now they have to pay top dollar for those items they need. And it's still going to be easier for a team of lvl 50s to farm something than a team of lvl 45s or whatever. That's how it works. Why should it be as easy for lower levels to achieve something as it is for a higher level. Again, I think more of the complaints about the rush came from people who were just jealous they couldn't successfully rush themselves.

And the devs welcome feedback, and who knows -- if the changes are scaring away long-time players (some have already disappeared), perhaps the debs will change their mind and, at least find a compromise that would make everyone happy.

11-15-2010, 03:42 PM
Bottom line is, it's already been changed.

If, and if the Devs decide to come up with a compromise, I'm sure its to balance the game.

Like i said, learn to move on, it's only a game.