View Full Version : Please nerf the yellow aliens :)

11-10-2010, 12:20 PM
The yellows were given high armor to make it so people couldn't rush, but because they were susceptible to stunning, the bears found they could just stomp and run past. And that is why the rush took over AO3.

Now the rush has been nerfed. It is no longer necessary to have so much armor on the yellow aliens.

Please balance the nerf of the rush by nerfing the yellow aliens.

Thanks!!! Love the nerf! yay!

11-10-2010, 12:54 PM
Actually have to disagree here. As much as I hate them yellow aliens, they have been encouraging team play. If combos are used and everyone attacks the same one, then moves to the next, they are quite easy to kill.

11-10-2010, 01:01 PM
Actually have to disagree here. As much as I hate them yellow aliens, they have been encouraging team play. If combos are used and everyone attacks the same one, then moves to the next, they are quite easy to kill.

I agree with Fluff.

If you take away the Yellows the rush will partially come back, what I mean by that is with a bear and 1 or 2 dex birds you can destroy the blue aliens without breaking a sweat. The yellows are the ones that always make me work for my kills. It encourages communication and organized team play. I've seen an effecient team rush into a mob of 4 or 6 yellows without talking anything over, only to find them all dead in under 15 seconds.

If you take yellows out AO3 would be too easy. 1 Tank, 2/3 Dex Birdies, and 1 Mage could clear most AO3 stages with little to no pots.

I hate them but in all honesty it makes AO3... well... AO3.

11-10-2010, 01:51 PM
It's just... too many deaths. I am glad to have more deaths just to nerf the rush, but it would be nice to reduce the number by at least half.

Also, the Alien Snipers and Alien Lorekeepers accomplish that, don't they Fluff?

11-10-2010, 03:25 PM
Also, the Alien Snipers and Alien Lorekeepers accomplish that, don't they Fluff?

No reason to kill these two ...

11-10-2010, 04:20 PM
Ah, the fine line between pvp vs runners..... Gotta luv this!!!!! Happen to agree with the need for them to stay...... Does make it a bitt challenging if your concerned with pvp stats....but then again you can always create another for that.

11-10-2010, 04:41 PM
Rusalio, good to meet you. Let me pose a rhetorical question: have you played in map 3 since the nerf? The number of yellow aliens in map 3 exceeds that of map 4 or map 5. Go look. I kid you not. There are too many. You die too many times... unless you take that tank. Tanks have no trouble with yellow aliens. The yellows wipe the rest of us and then gang up on the tanks. I have gone back to find the tanks whittling away, chugging health pots. That's an imbalance right there.

11-10-2010, 06:22 PM
omg everyone just wants finish level the quickest way so they can get the best loot? what happened to having fun????? Yeloow aliens are what make it fun and challenging. sure we'll all get better loot if we nerf them, but that just takes away the challenge.

11-10-2010, 07:31 PM
Why does everyone think that tanks don't chug health pots? I buy health pots a thousand at a time and restock every couple days. If you're pulling all the enemies to attack you, there is plenty of damage taken. But I prefer chugging pots to dying.

11-10-2010, 08:02 PM
i like that they nerfed the rush, but they really should make the yellow aliens have about 1/4th the health they currently have...and take down the trio's damage...i hate getting 1-hit-koed by a sniper...or even a yellow!

11-10-2010, 08:04 PM
Hi Snake, Yes I have played and OH THE DEATHS on 3 and the various words that turn the air purple...LOL. To me it’s a matter of perspective. When I play. in my opinion, it’s mandatory to run with a minimum of 2 bears on A03. Yes potting or chugging pots is required and can get quite expensive. I do consider that map in particular overkill, however it delivers its own dose of in game dynamics, particularly the social rhetoric and dialoguing. This level is extremely annoying and funny at times, especially if you have folks like crazey around to provide slapstick. Like everyone else I buy pots in bulk. I can only account for my experence, however given my circle of peeps I run with, if I die it’s because I am not chugging quick enough or LMAO because of the dialog that is taking place. I’m a player, not a farmer specifically, so that may play into my view of things here. Hope this make sense.

To me the imbalance lay in ones desire to PVP for Stats and recognition vs. those that play for the fun of it. Weather or not one chooses to balance a team to save their stats is secondary. For those of the mindset of stats, its simple, don't play levels where ya know you will get cleaned.

In all I agree and IDC either way, they are tough and have plenty of armor, so POT or get balanced team. Not everything can be equal and needs a good mix. This is a little over, but not that much.

11-10-2010, 08:09 PM
i like that they nerfed the rush, but they really should make the yellow aliens have about 1/4th the health they currently have...and take down the trio's damage...i hate getting 1-hit-koed by a sniper...or even a yellow!

I beg to differ, think of ao1 and 2 like a break from swamps, now, we should have to prove ourselves. A well working team can take down the yellow aliens. Heck, last night, I was me with a lv 48, 43, 49, and a 46 (tank (me) 3 mages (43,46,49) and an archer (48)) and we killed the yellow aliens, and the keeper, and king mynas. The yellow aliens are an obstacle, so, we need to tackle them, not give up after a try or two. Remember swamp days? That was 10X harder before the nerf, and we figured out how to do it then, now we need to do the same. Think how easy ao3 would be if they nerfed the yellow aliens, those are our only worthy opponents.

11-11-2010, 07:39 PM
someone should make a sticky for those tactics

11-11-2010, 08:40 PM
Nope. All interesting points, but I still think the yellow aliens have too much armor. This game is meant to be played in bite-sized pieces. It is "pocket" legends. If you read what the devs have said in interviews, you will understand that I'm not just saying this because I want it that way. I am talking about the balance.

No, I don't want things to be too easy, and yes a group of level 50s in space suits (with 30 more armor points than level 50s without space suits), can rip right through them.

But most players do not have space suits and teams of players level 45- 49 should also be able to play this game.

The existence of the space suits unbalanced things one way, and people rushed. The weakness of anything that is not a space suit imbalances things the opposite way, since this is such a gear-based game. The yellow aliens failed to stop the rush. They no longer have a purpose. Especially in map 3 the devs should reconsider how much armor these dudes have.

I know we can debuff them for a few seconds, but people still die way too many times. Once or twice in a level, OK. But ten times? Come on. I do not charge in too deep. They come at me in groups of three and four yellow aliens at once. I'm a dex bird. I don't have a chance.