View Full Version : Hello, quick question

11-10-2010, 02:07 PM
Hi folks,

I'm new to the game, just downloaded and tested out a few things on my Droid. Looks like a fun game, though I only played the tutorial for each class so far.

So here's my first question... what's considered to be the best soloing class? I'm guessing the Bear. I'm not planning to avoid groups or anything, but I do like to play in short spurts of time so it would be optimal for me to be able to solo content.


11-10-2010, 09:22 PM
Soloing is quite difficult. It involves many deaths.

I would say that are all alike

Boss wise, a good bear can solo ao3 bosses with no pot.
Birds can solo with pot.
Mages, idk. Squishy as they are. I doubt it.

11-10-2010, 09:50 PM
all calsses can solo all maps until the swamps which is lvl 35 so u have nothing to worry about if ur just starting out.

pick a class you like the play style of and consider soloing second.

11-11-2010, 08:37 AM
Thanks for the replies, guys. I started a Bear, and I'm having a lot of fun so far. I think I am going to take all three classes up to the no-platinum level cap and figure it out from there.

My first impressions are very favorable. I'll be honest - I come into this game with a lot of expectations after playing WoW for about 5 years. It probably isn't fair to compare, since they are clearly different games, but I'm very happy with the similar feel so far. I'm also very impressed with the performance - I was playing with a weak 3G signal on my Droid X, and the game ran incredibly smoothly.