View Full Version : I just tested it last night and its not wprking correctly...

11-10-2010, 03:42 PM
Okay so you know when you have to pay the little gold fee for how long you want your item to be posted on the shop list right? Well I usually buy the 4 hour pack and then I check to see if its up there and it is but it gives me 3 hours left but the lowest one is 4 hours but it only gives me 3 hours to start with!? Then it just goes down from there.

Fix please!? I feel ripped, one that I sold my cosmo wand for 25k -.-
2nd the time management..

P.S: I was typing really fast and on the iPad. Major Skillz.. rofl..

11-10-2010, 03:54 PM
Maybe it rounds down, so that 3:59 is 3 hours. under 1 hour is X minutes. Are you sure it didn't actually give you 4 hours?

Myself, I wasted about 3K playing with the interface before I realize they were taking my gold, then I stopped and will not use it any more.

11-10-2010, 04:01 PM
Definitely, this is a problem. I put 4 hours, and it was up after 3. I am an hour ahead of STS, wonder if this is related (though most likely not, probably just a code issue). Are other people getting the full 4 hours, less or more for an item that does not sell?

11-10-2010, 04:18 PM
Yes. I believe it is rounding down, and your listing should be there for the full duration. We will put this on the list to fix. Thanks!

11-10-2010, 04:45 PM
A different data type will take more bytes. I am sure this is why they have never modified it with the mana regeneration or health regeneration fields. They are trying to reduce bandwidth in every way possible.

11-10-2010, 08:13 PM
Go me! 2 Dev replies Im on a roll this week :P