View Full Version : Invisible players

11-10-2010, 07:14 PM
Invisible players

I was playing PvP last night and I was on the blue team… everything was fine but after a few mins of playing my opponents who were on the red team all became invisible !!??

I can see their red circles on the floor and the buffs but the characters were invisible and I could not target on them?????

I can see my team mates fighting them but I could not see them nor fight. Is this like the “pot bug” where I see players using pots but actually they are not??

Thx, Inching

11-10-2010, 07:40 PM
First I've heard of it. Was it TDM or CTF? What happened just prior to the issue? Do you have any more details?


11-10-2010, 09:19 PM
Yea this is getting kinda ridonkulious.

11-10-2010, 09:44 PM
First I've heard of it. Was it TDM or CTF? What happened just prior to the issue? Do you have any more details?


it was TDM and prior to that i was jsut playing a 3 vs 3 game as per normal ..... I joined 5 mins and after that when I respawned I proceeded to find the enemy and I only saw my team mate fighting a circle on the ground... thinking I was lagging (but I had a green ping) I ran up to them and tried to target something but failed... I actually dont think they saw me also to be honest...

So to your question, prior to that I was playing a 1000 snowball quest and got bored.. so i clicked "quick play" and selected the PvP. After playing PvP for 5mins, my eneamies turned invisable.

11-10-2010, 11:25 PM
Inching, I got the same problem. I respawned after got killed, then trying to find the other team. Once I ran up to them, they were invisible but I used all my skills/spells and killed someone...no idea how that happened. I tho i was lagging!