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View Full Version : A Suggestion to the Recent Behavior

11-05-2013, 01:44 PM
It has come to my attention that lately the community has taken a turn for the worse and one post really tops the chart on how new players portray the integrity of the community. Long story short, it explained (as a guide) to literally trust no one. That's sad...
Quick fix to the issue? Ambassadors.
Being an ambassador of the time, I understand fully on what happened to the ambassadors long ago and the whole program was shutdown because of certain arising issues and lack of bodies to continue the function properly. BUT, I feel since there are plenty of extremely loyal (and still active) players among the community, the program doesn't have to be a bunch of people to run. In fact, I feel that the ambassador program's presence itself was enough to keep most of the community with hope that there are trustworthy people out in the game and you can come to them for questions about certain things. A couple people in the Ambassadors group would be perfect enough for this to be a visual difference in the community.
No application page.
No people begging to be accepted.
No crazy off-the-wall parties every week.
Just a simple program that clearly shows the few individuals hand picked by the sts staff that are well trusted enough to have an open door with any questions in game.

11-05-2013, 01:54 PM
Bro u play al?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2

11-05-2013, 01:58 PM
The ambassador program was what caused a lot of problems resulting in scamming. Having an exclusive position makes other players jealous which does not reflect kindly on STS. STS also cannot be sure that once a player becomes an ambassador, that they will stay helpful and kind since the power of corruption is so unknown.

While it may make some intelligible players try to achieve the position, the number of people accepted is only a fraction of the amount of people who don't care how the act in a free mobile mmo.

As for the community, it's been like this since release, especially since the PvP release. You would be blind if you haven't seen a large group of players acting poorly in in past 7-10 months.

I do agree, though, that replacing the Ambassador program with the "Arcane Insiders" program. All they did was move announcement posts for AL to a separate forum along with a few word games and puzzles. Basically, they replaced something for every game with something that neglects every game they have besides AL.

I'll save the rest of the points I have for the inevitable argument to come.

11-05-2013, 02:16 PM
The ambassador program was what caused a lot of problems resulting in scamming. Having an exclusive position makes other players jealous which does not reflect kindly on STS. STS also cannot be sure that once a player becomes an ambassador, that they will stay helpful and kind since the power of corruption is so unknown.

This is why i mentioned to keeping the program small in size and you CANNOT request to be apart of the team unless hand picked by the staff. When I say small, I mean like 10 people MAX. There are plenty of very well trusted people (5 i can think of on the top of my head) that are active in AL, take apart of reports, and help out on the forums on a constant basis; so it's inevitable that they can be considered a "counselor" in game. Also, more than likely the players picked will pretty much already have everything they can ever need in game because of the time they've put into playing; so what would "becoming corrupt" ever benefit them besides a ban hammer to the face and lose of respect from their years of build up? I highly doubt anyone of that much dedication would throw it away.

11-05-2013, 02:17 PM
Bro u play al?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2

yeah lol I'm always bouncing around merching and such. I'm level 14 so I don't go very far :P

11-05-2013, 02:18 PM
These programs bring out a lot of people's worst parts of their personality.

Trust me, I would know. Honestly, I'm glad that they did away with the GoA and AoA.

11-05-2013, 02:21 PM
I'll save the rest of the points I have for the inevitable argument to come.

Also, if you were expecting an argument, you're in the wrong place my friend. This thread was open for "thoughts", not an intense discussion on why some players feel that nobody can be trusted in the world.

11-05-2013, 02:23 PM
These programs bring out a lot of people's worst parts of their personality.

Trust me, I would know. Honestly, I'm glad that they did away with the GoA and AoA.

I see. Maybe my perspective on things are very different. I saw alot of positive feedback whenever I logged in with the players around me. Maybe it was different for others.

11-05-2013, 02:32 PM
Like the idea. I would completely support if all the bugs were worked out.

11-05-2013, 02:36 PM
I see. Maybe my perspective on things are very different. I saw alot of positive feedback whenever I logged in with the players around me. Maybe it was different for others.

It works initially... until the players in the program also get bored. Then, they turn into trolls.

11-05-2013, 02:52 PM
Long story short, it explained (as a guide) to literally trust no one. That's sad...

Are you referring to my guide? If so, you missed the point. I didn't literally say to trust no one. I said I trust people. I also said that you should be comfortable saying no...I think many of the times people lend gold or items and feel uncomfortable doing so but feel bad saying no.

As far as an ambassador program...we had guardians of alterra in PL (I couldn't quite understand what you wrote but I think you are saying you're aware of that program?) and I think it created a lot of phony posting and random guides coming up as people made an effort to be chosen as the next GOA.

I trust people. Some here know my full name and could come kidnap me if they wanted to. But...here's thing. Just like in real life...if I ask someone to hold my purse full of money without knowing them well enough to contact them if they steal my stuff, I made a stupid decision and it's one of those life lessons that are pretty difficult. But I don't rage.

11-05-2013, 03:03 PM
Ihave, it's great to hear your ideas about how to improve the community... but (you knew I was gonna say that!)

I think it is very important for young people to learn, here rather than in the real world, that you CAN'T trust people just because they act friendly. So, no. I disagree. I think that post about how to say "No" was true.

An Ambassador program that was exclusively hand-picked, etc. like you described just sounds to me like yet another excuse for elitist attitudes. The Guardian program was SUPPOSED to inspire better behavior by encouraging community spirit with a reward and a title. The result simply was that some people wanted it just to have it, just to be elite. And then a guardian endorsed the honesty of someone who greatly overcharged a noob for an item. Booted. And another posted on a competing website that his Guardian account was for sale. Booted. And a third accused STG of bait-and-switch in a user review. Adois! And lastly, a young man who I thought was and is very dedicated expressed his desire to be a Guardian. Well that resulted in a campaign against him. When he was admitted as an Ambassador, the personal attacks increased. They suspended the whole thing.

It backfired!

Do we really want to go back down that road?

11-05-2013, 03:10 PM
Ok let's be realistic here. A lot of people are taking this community thing too seriously. Yes, we are friends here in the STS world. Yes, sometimes we even get to know each other outside of the game. I address some by their real names and they do to me as well. But the reality? This is still online. Anyone can get burned at any time with little to no real life repercussions. All it takes is for someone's mood to change or a passing thought of "Oh hey, that thing is worth 40 million!"

I don't think a panel of ambassadors is going to change that. For some of us, who are genuinely good natured, like a sense of community, and don't really care about titles and positions, yes it would be beneficial. But for the majority? I really doubt it.

11-05-2013, 03:22 PM
I'm kind of glad that I started foruming after the Ambassador and Guard/ian program have been shut down.

I do not write my threads and posts because I wanted a shield or title or anything else as reward, I forum because of the joy of helping people and the every days fun which always cracks me up here.

I don't believe in Karma, but, I'm always happy and more than satisfied when I noticed I successfully helped some one with anything, be it an advice on an issue or simply with my threads.
I don't want or ask for ANYTHING as reward and I won't request it. Ever.

With a title you will have responsibilities and I don't want them, silly Doc is, well ... too silly and immature and has a too huge ego to get rewarded with something.

11-05-2013, 03:27 PM
yeah lol I'm always bouncing around merching and such. I'm level 14 so I don't go very far :P

Same name?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2

11-05-2013, 03:45 PM
Also, if you were expecting an argument, you're in the wrong place my friend. This thread was open for "thoughts", not an intense discussion on why some players feel that nobody can be trusted in the world.

Arguing isn't hostile unless you make it that way, which neither of us shall do.

11-05-2013, 04:50 PM
Like the idea. I would completely support if all the bugs were worked out.

People are the bugs

11-05-2013, 06:09 PM
Are you referring to my guide? If so, you missed the point. I didn't literally say to trust no one. I said I trust people. I also said that you should be comfortable saying no...I think many of the times people lend gold or items and feel uncomfortable doing so but feel bad saying no.

As far as an ambassador program...we had guardians of alterra in PL (I couldn't quite understand what you wrote but I think you are saying you're aware of that program?) and I think it created a lot of phony posting and random guides coming up as people made an effort to be chosen as the next GOA.

I trust people. Some here know my full name and could come kidnap me if they wanted to. But...here's thing. Just like in real life...if I ask someone to hold my purse full of money without knowing them well enough to contact them if they steal my stuff, I made a stupid decision and it's one of those life lessons that are pretty difficult. But I don't rage.

No, It was not directed towards your thread.

Ihave, it's great to hear your ideas about how to improve the community... but (you knew I was gonna say that!)

I think it is very important for young people to learn, here rather than in the real world, that you CAN'T trust people just because they act friendly. So, no. I disagree. I think that post about how to say "No" was true.

An Ambassador program that was exclusively hand-picked, etc. like you described just sounds to me like yet another excuse for elitist attitudes. The Guardian program was SUPPOSED to inspire better behavior by encouraging community spirit with a reward and a title. The result simply was that some people wanted it just to have it, just to be elite. And then a guardian endorsed the honesty of someone who greatly overcharged a noob for an item. Booted. And another posted on a competing website that his Guardian account was for sale. Booted. And a third accused STG of bait-and-switch in a user review. Adois! And lastly, a young man who I thought was and is very dedicated expressed his desire to be a Guardian. Well that resulted in a campaign against him. When he was admitted as an Ambassador, the personal attacks increased. They suspended the whole thing.

It backfired!

Do we really want to go back down that road?

Unfortunately, my 'drama avoiding nature' didn't know about all that happening. I figured it was more of a not enough time to manage a side community kinda thing with a little bit of corruption on the side. It would make more sense as to why the entire thing was shut down and ignored to the extreme extent as it was.

Same name?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2

Yep yep. Ihavenokills and Levelone is the two account's im mostly on.

11-05-2013, 06:28 PM
People are the bugs

There were some people in the Ambassador programs that actually did help and did nothing wrong.

11-05-2013, 06:40 PM
There were some people in the Ambassador programs that actually did help and did nothing wrong.

Yeah, I saw a lot of good coming from most of the people apart of the ambassadors which is why I suggested it to come back but as what was said above about what happened, My mind has sort of changed on the subject.

11-05-2013, 07:12 PM
There were some people in the Ambassador programs that actually did help and did nothing wrong.

There were good people that helped. However, the bad outweighed the good in the regard.

If the community is truly awesome, then they don't need a program to act like they are. :)

11-06-2013, 02:52 AM
a bunch of ambassadors will turn the community like politics and corruption will start and taking side.
this wont help guys.

let sts do there job we help them by suggestions.

11-06-2013, 12:41 PM
So beautiful!

11-06-2013, 12:43 PM
I'm kind of glad that I started foruming after the Ambassador and Guard/ian program have been shut down.

I do not write my threads and posts because I wanted a shield or title or anything else as reward, I forum because of the joy of helping people and the every days fun which always cracks me up here.

I don't believe in Karma, but, I'm always happy and more than satisfied when I noticed I successfully helped some one with anything, be it an advice on an issue or simply with my threads.
I don't want or ask for ANYTHING as reward and I won't request it. Ever.

With a title you will have responsibilities and I don't want them, silly Doc is, well ... too silly and immature and has a too huge ego to get rewarded with something.