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View Full Version : No More Pinks?

05-02-2010, 10:46 AM
Is it just me, or are pinks nearly impossible to get with the new update?! It's rare now to even see a purple, but pinks have been nearly eliminated! I know they may have dropped a bit frequently before, but I think they don't drop nearly frequently enough now. Ten runthroughs of Kings forest, both solo and with a group, and only two purple showed up at all, only one of them for me!

05-02-2010, 10:56 AM
Yes, the drop rate of legendary items has been nerfed, as far as I know.

Seems fitting though, considering these are the RARE items. Were a bit too common a week ago.

05-02-2010, 11:08 AM
Yes, the drop rate of legendary items has been nerfed, as far as I know.

Seems fitting though, considering these are the RARE items. Were a bit too common a week ago.

That also basically screws all the new people. A week ago everyone farmed the hell out of the dungeons and got every pink in the world, so they all have the items. However, the new players have barely any chance of getting one.

05-02-2010, 11:19 AM
That also basically screws all the new people. A week ago everyone farmed the hell out of the dungeons and got every pink in the world, so they all have the items. However, the new players have barely any chance of getting one.

Unfortunately so. And as people have been taking to hanging out in the townes trading "super rare legendariesss for cheap green itemss", these new players get scammed out of even the most cheapest of items. Granted, there has been warnings of this gifting, however many of the players of PL don't frequent the forums. A problem that needs to be solved. Better to have a trade option in which you can trade an item for nothing instead of this gifting where if you wish to trade you must do it with friends that you trust.

05-06-2010, 05:30 PM
After playing LE three days over the weekend and only seeing whites and a few oranges drop, I've lost
all interest in PL. They've killed the most exciting aspect of the game. Pleeeese go back to original.


05-06-2010, 05:39 PM
Saw a pink just now in the swamp and found one this morning. It's way harder but not impossible. Hoping secure trade comes quick so I can trade my pinks for what I need.

As for newbies not having a chance, the old pinks will be obsolete pretty soon and everyone will be on the same footing.

05-06-2010, 05:56 PM
Ok, look. I am going to break down exactly why they made the pinks much more difficult to obtain.

First of all the drop rates were broken. There is no game where the BEST gear for the respective level is so easily obtainable. So, to fix the problem the DEV's had to make the loot much harder to obtain and therefore much more valuable. (Business Lesson, Supply and Demand) More Supply (Lots of Pinks) = Low Demand (Everyone has it) the DEV's want Low Supply so a High Demand. Loot and Armor alone should not be the only enjoyable reason to play the game.

Enjoy the game, enjoy the zone, and enjoy the PVP once its here.

05-06-2010, 06:36 PM
I dont beleave they should have nerfed drop rates so hard when there is no secure trade, and gold is worthless because you cant trade it.

05-06-2010, 06:48 PM
I dont beleave they should have nerfed drop rates so hard when there is no secure trade, and gold is worthless because you cant trade it.

I agree Voxed.

05-06-2010, 07:29 PM
The drop rate nerf is exacerbated by the fact that the greys and whites, and often times yellows and greens, from the ancient swamp are inferior to purples and pinks from the Lost expedition. With the exception to the extra armor on yellow and green armors, the stats simply don't compare and the damage is often lower as well.
The result is that you either find a purple or pink, or everything else with the exception of a few green items, is trash loot.
Pinks should be very rare, but a level 29 pink shouldn't always be better than a level 35 green.
The real culprit is lack of itemization, not the rarity of purples and pinks.

05-07-2010, 05:37 PM
I dont care what color it is, I just want to find SOMETHING that will help my character. That's what drove me to level before the update. It seemed like there was always something dropped that was just beyond my level to provide incentive. Now, after the update, I've made over 20 runs through LE and not even seen, much less received, anything but white, orange and green trash. I long for the good old days (2 weeks ago). LE should be dropping level 31-35 goods regularly to provide incentive to purchase the swamps. Until then, I'll give it a rest.

05-07-2010, 10:09 PM
The drop rate is horrile...
It makes no fun at all.

05-07-2010, 10:19 PM
Just add in more rare items like black items gold/yellow items, etc... This would probably solve the problem, also make more items in general. And keep the drop rates for the old items. See my thread "New Ideas and All Ideas" for more detail. (I'm on my iPod right now so it's kind of hard to link it)

05-07-2010, 10:27 PM
It'll all work out through time. Why? Because the devs respond to our feedbacks and have a lot of updates based on them everyday!