View Full Version : Auction house: shortcut to search for an item in your inventory

11-07-2013, 07:36 PM
I don't merch that much, but when I do, I find it somewhat inconvenient.

Here is why:
I play on the iPad 2 sometimes my iPhone. For every item I want to sell I have to do the following steps:
1) Click on the auction house guy
2) Type in the name of my item - sometimes I can get away with just the first letters, but more often than not I have to type in a full name (because different types of the same item vary dramatically in cost e.g. same item "of Fatality" will go for a different price than the same item "of Assault" or "of Brutality"
3) Have to type in a level twice - same number for the min and max, again because level 35 items sell for a different price than the same item at level 36
4) Click on the right slot (weapon, hat, etc)
5) Uncheck the "Usable Only" checkbox if I am not selling a sorceror item.

As you can see, its quite a lot of steps just to check for prices on ONE item. Then I actually have to click on the item and set the price and list it (that part is pretty convenient).

I wish we had some sort of shortcut that allowed you to search for all listings for a selected item in your inventory. Or maybe even an autofill when you type the item name? The typing of the item name on a virtual keyboard is by far the most inconvenient step.

Thanks! If others have found a better way to list items please let me know!

11-07-2013, 08:58 PM
I've found it works pretty fine if you just type a part (that is distinctive) of the item name and add the suffix (fatality & the likes).
Example: hell cro force, will give hellish crown of force.
Mali for Malison.
Phin for Dauphin.

Works for most things...except for a few, like architect helm...since that's the name for every classes.
But tect works as shorthand for archtiect (arch will show archon great helm).

Pretty much: get some shorthand going. Or get some hot Swype action going. You'll get a better processor in the deal, too. ;)