View Full Version : Point Of Pvp/Flag Ap?

11-08-2013, 04:55 PM
Point Of The Pvp/Flag Achievement Point.

Note:All Of This Was In My Opinion.

Ive Been Wondering Why Was Those two Achievement points Was Made.
All I've understand Im seeing is People Kill Farming (When I Mean This People Getting Two Devices And just killing with no Skill At All)Or Flagging.

In Pocket Legends I Don't Mind The 1K Kills As It Is Pretty Easy To gain With A Good Amount Of Time.There is only One Flag Ap which Takes A few Minutes to Gain.The Title Was Enforcer and All you needed was 10 Flags.
Enough With Pl.

Ive been Watching and Most Games Im seeing Rogues/Warriors Flagging.
I've been flagging a bit myself (Toon is Deleted)only about 20-25 Flags and noticed it Takes and Average 2-3Min To Take It Back To Your Base.It Made Me Confused.Would An Average Person Flag Till 10k.In My opinion No but When people get Motivated They Can Do Anything.Leaving Out Two Options of How They Got It.Using Bots (Trust Me I Encountered A Few) Flagging (These People Normally say "Don't Kill Me")

Another problem Is The Warmonger Title. People Are Just Kill Farming To Get On Leader-boards Or For The Title
10K Is Pretty Alot IMO.I Know A Solution But It Probably won't Be Implemented.
The idea was Simply to Give a Warning ( Like A Pm) If They Do Not Use skills or Move they Will Be booted

Another Idea:Remove The Title

Thank You Who ever Reads

Your Sincerely


11-08-2013, 06:04 PM
Yea, it's meant to be achieved the real way & giving the very most end game players a goal to work towards. But everyone will take the easiest route to get the points quicker to get on the board.

11-08-2013, 06:47 PM
The only reason why people are kill-farming is because they are done with all the other achievements.

The only two APs that take considerable time to earn is the Warmonger and 10k Flags. Those two APs are basically what controls who stays on the Top Players Leaderboards.

One way to reduce the lousy kill-farming is to implement so many new APs that it would take a lot of time to earn it all. When there is so many APs, players will have to decide which path of APs they will work on. This will create more player diversity instead of player clones, since more people with different skills can land a spot on the Leaderboards.

11-09-2013, 04:04 AM
I'd like to see if there's two more AP
50k Pve Kills
100k Pve Kills

11-09-2013, 04:28 AM
Please take a look at my idea: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?122918-Suggestion-Add-quot-Won-Games-quot-counter-to-CTF-an-TD
I agree that CTF should not be used for flag and kill farming but for playing the actual game of CTF.

11-09-2013, 07:00 AM
Gonna test on a on 15 matched on my sorc (idc about kd on that) on CTF to see how much flagged

11-09-2013, 07:54 AM
i used to play ctf constantly in another Mmo I played, but the people actually played ctf... This game PvP is exactly as you describe it. Buncha people farming those aps, and they get FURIOUS if you even suggest playing a proper match as it will interfere with their farming. Its ridiculous, and turns off anyone who may be interested in actual PvP like myself.

I dont PvP in this game very often. Its absurd as it is.

11-09-2013, 12:50 PM
Maybe another option is to disable kill count in CTF? 2 APS, two arenas, y allow farming to keep people from playing as intended? Farmers can move to tdm and flaggers can flag

11-09-2013, 07:52 PM
I agree wholeheartedly...I haven't pvped at all because of all this "no flagging" or "no killing" rules people seem to have come up with. Seems pointless to even have the ctf arena if no one actually plays it the way it was meant to be. I have an idea for that though...give the option to have a max 20 min march limit or something, at the end whoever had the most of the flags wins. This way no one can bot kills, or at least makes it harder to, and it keeps the arena fresh so you're not joining maps where there's only flagging or only fighting.

I can say I would pvp if it was played the right way, but I personally view the ap for pvp worthless because of this issue and have NO intention of bothering with them unless pvp is fixed. I don't even want the aps really, it'd just be nice to pvp between farming and actually have a legit match.