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View Full Version : A Bet system in pvp...

11-09-2013, 04:24 AM
How about a bet system in pvp?
My idea: everybody can bet to a pvp fight (and the fighters too),this could be a good way to earn gold
Youre thougts?

11-10-2013, 12:32 AM
Plain crazy. I like it!!

11-10-2013, 01:13 AM
Good idea, for this, you need a 1v1 arena system with spectator mode.

11-10-2013, 02:14 AM
Good idea, for this, you need a 1v1 arena system with spectator mode.

I mean: like a overview with all pvp rooms and players ,where u can bet the kills,flags,etc
I think you can make a lot of with this system
If 100 players set 5 k to a fighter there are 500k
And if the high class is pvping there would be 10-20k possible...

11-10-2013, 06:59 AM
I like it, only thing is you would need a room for betters only because in most regular rooms not everyone fights >_<

11-10-2013, 07:15 AM
This would be way to easily abused. Ppl would just multi account on one of their own chars and simply out-level the opp in order to bet on themselves and rake in hoards of gold with little risk. Opens up a whole new scamming strategy for already corrupt players.

The only way I could see this possibly working is if this was:

1) under constant surveillance from stg staff.

2) had ABSOLUTELY no way of logging from multiple accounts simultaneously from different IP addresses.

3) was impossible to fight any other way than 1on1 with identical level chars... Possibly banning pets as well to avoid plat pet buyers from overwhelming a player who can't afford to plat play the game.

And even then there are still a multitude of ways to cheat a betting system...

You know how ppl give "+1" when in favor of something? Well I give this -1000000

11-10-2013, 07:29 AM
This is an absolutely terrible idea. There are way to many ways of cheating a betting system on this game. Ppl would just use PvP scams already occurring in order to rake in cash with minimal risk. Plus you would also have ppl logging in from multiple accounts and ip's simultaneously to PvP themselves for guaranteed wins.

(>*w*)> rawr...

11-10-2013, 07:37 AM
I like it, only thing is you would need a room for betters only because in most regular rooms not everyone fights >_<

Easy to do,
you choose pvp on your map then appears a window :

1.Join PvP
Ps. every player gets a few procent of the amount on his name ..

11-10-2013, 02:44 PM
betting is a terrible idea.

if it was imposed.

max should be 50k

11-12-2013, 11:27 PM
Its not that hard to keep the bet and wager off game via pms without having to adding on to the system.the current pvp atmosphere has bigger issue whereby it has lost its core ctf gameplay.more should try to champion the cause to restore a good ctf.

If im not wrong but those who are keen to suggest this must be pro.lets dish out additional elements that can easily be abusive or prey on others we already have many of that.