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View Full Version : A new idea to consider for the inventory....

11-13-2013, 09:23 AM
when you go into inventory there is a feature that allows you to save certain gear which i find to be the most useful feature ever :D thanks for that! but i would also like to see it upgraded to include pets.... this wold be an awesome feature as i use a different pets for pvp, boss fights and mobs/crowd control. it would save time having to come out of inventory to find the pet i need ;) also i would like to see a feature that allows players to 'lock' or 'hide' certain items so that they cannot be liquidised by accident... i like to use epic gears for personal reasons (lol) and i usually clear out my inventory of common, rare and epic items and i do this quite fast sometimes not bothering to look properly. this has caused me to liquidise some of the more valuable epics.....

just an idea i would like to see, no biggie ;)

11-13-2013, 09:28 AM
+1 to the idea to include pets and skills in the loadouts

Too many deaths when switching on Chrome.

11-13-2013, 09:32 AM
+1 from me too. Good idea.

11-13-2013, 09:37 AM
I would love this. With over 60 armor sets and weapons ive collected it would be nice to not take 5 mins to clear my inventory.

11-13-2013, 10:05 AM
+1. Yes.

11-13-2013, 10:14 AM
I can dig it

11-13-2013, 11:58 AM
Ive thought of posting the suggestion of a way to not accidently liquidate items but never got to it so I'm glad someone else did. Maybe somewhere when viewing an item there could be a lock button so it removes the sell button on the ui. This should include not allowing to stash or trade until the item is unlocked.

11-13-2013, 02:49 PM
All I want is to load out builds. As a non plat users I don't have the luxury of changing from my PvE to my PvP spec at whim.

11-13-2013, 02:57 PM
I completely agree with Crow... How about a 1 time plat fee to buy a new slot for loadouts so you dont have to respec to go from pve to pvp or multiple pve builds for different maps. Been wanting that since day 1...

11-13-2013, 03:03 PM
All I want is to load out builds. As a non plat users I don't have the luxury of changing from my PvE to my PvP spec at whim.

skill loadout would be a nice addition to my suggestion actually :) this would be mostly aimed at those players with more than 4 skills such as myself....

btw when you say build loadout what do you mean? (sorry if its a silly question, not sure if its the same as skill loadout) :/

11-13-2013, 03:06 PM

11-13-2013, 06:38 PM
I agree with the OP on adding pets and with Crowsfoot about build loadout.

11-13-2013, 09:53 PM
skill loadout would be a nice addition to my suggestion actually :) this would be mostly aimed at those players with more than 4 skills such as myself....

btw when you say build loadout what do you mean? (sorry if its a silly question, not sure if its the same as skill loadout) :/
I use two different specs ("builds") in general. I hate having to switch between the two so I usually stick to my PvE spec and tank PvP hoping wm crits so I land a kill or two.

I understand that STS doesn't want use switching between specs a lot (like: one for tanking, one for bosses, one for pvp, one for crate farming, etc). However I really only want two, and I would even pay plat for that second slot (assumes STS is now paying attention).

Charge 50-100 plat for that second spec slot, make it require 5-10 plat to respec the second build load out and it doesn't level with you (we will be required to pay another 5-10 plat every level cap).

I don't buy plat, but ,trust me, I would do a lot if trials for this luxury. I have fantastic builds I have tested from the free respec weekend but I don't have the abillity to use the pvp one often (I have used it once since the free respec weekend).

11-14-2013, 01:33 PM
I use two different specs ("builds") in general. I hate having to switch between the two so I usually stick to my PvE spec and tank PvP hoping wm crits so I land a kill or two.

I understand that STS doesn't want use switching between specs a lot (like: one for tanking, one for bosses, one for pvp, one for crate farming, etc). However I really only want two, and I would even pay plat for that second slot (assumes STS is now paying attention).

Charge 50-100 plat for that second spec slot, make it require 5-10 plat to respec the second build load out and it doesn't level with you (we will be required to pay another 5-10 plat every level cap).

I don't buy plat, but ,trust me, I would do a lot if trials for this luxury. I have fantastic builds I have tested from the free respec weekend but I don't have the abillity to use the pvp one often (I have used it once since the free respec weekend).

hmmmmm yes yes! this is perfect ;) build loadout would be an idea for the skill menu.
skill/pet loadout could go in the inventory to save time while fighting and shouldnt require plat to switch between skills.

11-14-2013, 01:40 PM
on the subject of builds/skills i think there should be 2 types of respecs... one for skills and another for stat points

11-14-2013, 02:45 PM
i suggested this 10 months ago. A lot of people agreed then also. No action taken.

11-14-2013, 03:04 PM
We are aware of the desire, but it hasn't bubbled to the top of the "omg, that will make the game so awesome we gotta do it _now_" list.

Thanks very much for your feedback!

11-14-2013, 03:09 PM
We are aware of the desire, but it hasn't bubbled to the top of the "omg, that will make the game so awesome we gotta do it _now_" list.

Thanks very much for your feedback!

that's because ur looking from a dev point of view. From a player point of view it does illicit that reaction. :)
speaking for myself it would def have me playing more. A lot of times I log in to do runs and no one is on. Before shuyal I'd always run pve with a pvp build. When no one was on I'd jump into pvp. Shuyal elites and the arena are a lot harder now and can't be run with my pvp build. I'm unwilling to spend 5 plats every time I want to change. My personal play time has been greatly reduced this season. Now I log in, if no one is on to run elites with I just log out instead of going to pvp.

This is from a rogues point of view. Pve builds have never been usable in pvp for mages or warriors. I'm sure if we had separate pvp/pve skill slot you would see an increase in time players spend in game.

11-14-2013, 03:12 PM
Fair 'nuff, thanks very much for the feedback.

We know we have to do work to address skills and player power in the next expansion. As in, what will people spend more points on. Hopefully in the work we do to address that issue we can cram in some skill loadout goodness. No promises, just sayin' that we hear you!

11-14-2013, 03:18 PM
Don't forget about the stash :p.. Everytime I buy eggs I stash them so I don't accidentally hatch