View Full Version : Hey guys

11-14-2013, 09:18 PM
Hello all so I've been playing PL for 3 years total now and have enjoyed it very much, and I played AL when it first came out at 16 cap but didn't enjoy it too much because I had been playing PL and it was still getting good updates (not so much anymore lol) and recently I have been getting a little tiresome of it and so I decided to re-download AL and I actually like it now.

I am ready to get serious into it, I just hit L:20 today and was wondering if anyone of high stature, knowledge base could help me out! I would like to know some money tips because atm I have about 10k to my name and things are starting to get quite expensive gear wise, as well as how to level fast, if you can help me level and just some general tips because those are the most important to know in my opinion. Ty ;)

11-14-2013, 09:38 PM
Hello there! I have a mage toon, Lv. 22-24, I forget the exact level, but I wouldn't mind running a few maps/leveling up with you.

If you're interested, feel free to send a friend request to my toon. IGN: Instanthumour

11-14-2013, 09:41 PM
Yeah sure thing just sent one! My IGN is Geaux btw which is mage and Geauxx is my warrior soon to be leveled