View Full Version : why couldnt my guildies join me for elite krunch?

11-17-2013, 10:50 AM
OK so I'm lvl 23 and soloed mariner reef. I didn't lock the map or solo party. After killing boss krunch appears so I preceded to alert my guild and invite a few to help kill. Well no one could join. I tried different people. My phone battery ended up dieing so I lost out. Just would like to know how to get people in the map after he spawns so I don't miss out again. I know you can as I've had people invite me on other characters of mine.

11-17-2013, 11:36 AM
Once the main boss is dead, the map locks. Even though elite boss had spawned, the system registered the map was finished because you'd killed boss.

11-17-2013, 01:20 PM
so how have i been able to join others to kill bael and krunch after boss is dead?

11-17-2013, 03:21 PM
At one time, Bael and Krunch spawned w/o boss having to be killed.

I actually thought they said you're supposed to be able to join for Bael/Krunch, though… but I am not sure how that works or IF it works.

Yo, Sammy...

11-17-2013, 03:45 PM
Hmm good question. I stopped hunting them once I got AP so I'm not sure. Sorry!