View Full Version : PVP room

11-18-2013, 12:26 AM
Hi everyone. I've been playing this game for around 6 months now. I know im still new to this game. But this is just my little opinion for STS admin to consider.

I really like to play pvp but currently I havent started playing it yet because I think im not strong enough to play pvp yet, and I dont think I will ever get strong enough to play it since most of those pvp players, they own mythic or arcane item which seem impossible for a non plat player to own one. I used to join pvp room which is full of mythic player. I dont stand a chance. And I think other non plat player also feel the same.

So what I want is that, please STS let the player create a room which the creator will be the admin of the room. He can set the title of the room to indicate what kind of player they want to join. Example: Non Mythic PvP room or Mythic PvP room etc... the admin of the room can kick other player who is not obey the rule of the room. Player cannot change pet or their equipment when the pvp start.

Please give me some feedback.



11-18-2013, 02:15 PM
I agree with you matey ;) someone posted a thread about creating item classed pvp battles.... Eg only legendary or mythic items only ;) but I don't think the devs will consider this :/ try try farming arena ;) every elite golden puzzlebox is 100k or so... Get 10 and you've made a million :D then u can be a pvp monster =D

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11-18-2013, 09:36 PM
believe me, it's useless to bring it here... but i agree with you...

11-20-2013, 10:04 AM
believe me, it's useless to bring it here... but i agree with you...

weve yes dude we have tried to get them to make a 1v1 room, or like even it out, but its not happening. heres what i want.
1. a 1v1 room
2. a 2v2 room
3. a 5v5 room
4. more guild halls
5. bigger guild halls
6. officers room
7. masters palace (for main officers and master of guilds)
9. real ctf
10. monthly/weekly leaderboards

thats what i want.

11-20-2013, 03:23 PM
You can try 1 vs 1. Maybe you can win. Good luck :))

11-21-2013, 04:44 PM
Well keep in mind we are running on a mobile based mmorpg, im sure they can replicate pc mmorpg functions to AL but with limitations, and im not sure about this host game thing.

11-22-2013, 11:38 AM
hope STS team will think about this.

11-22-2013, 03:33 PM
Yes cool advice , But IMO the private room created must be for anyone u invite personally so u can have friendly 1v1 or any thing u wanna have :))

11-22-2013, 06:39 PM
yep, i think its time to separate non-myhtic from mythic. a non-mythic player realy can enjoy pvp with mythic players.
I played my tank as part mythic(helm only), sure i can tank but i rarely get any kills.
i better play on twink levels were top gears are legendary and most are using it.

11-23-2013, 12:56 AM
Well, the person who create the pvp room can manage how many people can join. Example: if he want 1v1, then just put 2 players when he create the room. He can even put 4 players and up to 10 players (5v5).