View Full Version : Guide: Gaining Riches (Beginners Guide)

11-18-2013, 12:12 PM
As title says, ill be explaining on how to get rich. Even though there are different threads already about this, there are different methods as well. here goes:

If you are just starting out, dont focus on getting rich yet, just Level up and get used to the game.

1st method: Hoarding, This method takes some patience and knowledge of merching. Hoarding is basically gathering lots of the same items and selling it in the future for a higher price in merching terms. Example: Hoarding grimm eggs, at 700k each and buy a couple of them, then selling them few months later at 2-3m. really good way but it takes patience. Locked crates can be good for hoarding. They sell at 10k each but when new mythics come out for expansion,event etc.. then it will rise to 12k-15k so an easy 2k-5k profit from each locked.

2nd Method: Merching, this is similiar to hoarding. Merching is when you buy items at a low price and selling them at a higher price. An item that has demand and less quantity sells at a high price and quickly. Twink items,vanities,eggs are good to merch (mythics,arcane are good to merch but recommened after getting used to AL). Eggs are good to merch because they are consumable which means once they open, its gone, cant sell anymore. Discontiuned eggs are super good to merch and hoard. If you plan on merching, its better to buy off people than auction since buying off people is likely cheaper. when selling, sell in auction to maxmize your gold profit. Merching does take patiences and lots of merchers have profit loss so dont worry if some of your items lose profit if they drop. Study the prices each day and determine you buy/sell prices.

3rd Method: Farming, Farming takes patience as well, a lepre amulet or luck elixir is recommended and essential for accumlating wealth. Best thing to farm is crates. in 3rd level of brackenridge. if you are looking to farm quickly then farm jarl, if you have time, farm jarl and thunk one-eye since he drops chests and crates as well. Try having a daily routine when farming like Farming an hour per day, or farming 2 lockeds per day, etc... Farming eggs can be good but wont drop as much as locked crates, farming bael and mother spider is a good spot to farm. Farming takes time unless you have a good party to run with and having some sort of luck, lepre or elixirs.

Update: Farm locked crates and essences! they are dropping like crazy, this glitch will be fixed so buy them at 7k each and farm them!

Hope this guide helps and may luck be upon you all :)

11-18-2013, 12:40 PM
Cant give a +1 at the moment, will do it later

11-19-2013, 11:39 AM

11-19-2013, 11:43 AM
nice guide, this is really helpful