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View Full Version : Controls delay

11-19-2013, 08:35 AM
When I play more than 30 minutes, I notice delayed response of the control buttons and keyboard buttons.
1. example of problem: When I want to write message: "Hello world" I have to:
click on "H" -> wait 1-2 sec -> click on "e" -> wait 1-2 sec and so on... when I don't wait, the message will look like: "Hlwl".
2. example: I have to wait 1-2 sec between click on attack.
I noticed, that this happened after approximately 30 min farming (I mean killing minions and looting items). Death or change map donīt help.
The only think that help is restart my phone.
I play on HTC EVO 3D, Android 4.0.3
no other running applications.

If anyone have the same experience, and solved it, Iīll be very happy with his answers.

PS: Itīs posible to change controls for chrome verzion? If my problem will not be resolved, I have to play on chrome, but controls location doesnīt satisfy me.

Thank you for your answer

11-19-2013, 01:58 PM
I have this issue as well on a Samsung device. The only thing that works for me is to reboot the phone periodically. Long times inbetween reboots also lead to chat disconnects for me. I now make sure to reboot my phone every two to three days.