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View Full Version : Some ideas to maek the, game betetr and attrack new players

11-13-2010, 12:57 PM
Hello my name is michael i have been playing pocket legend on my ipod touch for about almost a mounth now. i am a level 20 warrior and have bought 13 dollars of platinum to buy some gear and all the maps. I am starting to get bored of the game and i would like to share my ideas with you guys and maby you could use them :)

You should be able to buy animals to ride on. while you are on your munt you should be able to have like a bow or a sword so you can cut throught your eneimes on your horse. This maby would also lead to a mini game were you would be i think its caled jousting. so you would be able to rush each other with long javlins and se who wins. I think the mounts should be 5 platinum because its not to high and then everyobe could have a chance of getting them.

* The wastelands
The wasteland would be a large open valley where new players and veterans could play together in one place. In the wastelands there would be rouges,theifs and out laws. so its kinda like the wild west. and you could just free roam this place killing animals and hunting wanted theifs and getting a reward so it would be like finding a boss killign it and getting a reward. There would be differnt sections for differnt level players . so one setion would be 10-15 then 15-20 then 20-25 then 25 to 30 then 40 to 50. in thsi place everyoen wouldt be in a party you would have to invite people into your group then go about hunting anaimals and theifs. Also if you made this place you could have events like horse races and other stuff. i think the watelands shoudl be like 20 platinum because its a big place and would be LOADS of fun. if you amde this i would play alot again. Please make this :) i think it would be a real good thing for the game and you would make loads of money

*Event system
i suggested the event system in the watslands idea but i will go more in it. The event system would be where you could talk to a NPC and make an event for a certain dungon or towne (ex. someones birth day, pvp comp etc) and people would get prizs and other fun things and it would be really fun. You wouldnt make events for free. When you walk up to the NPC you would chose the place then you would chose type of minis goign on in your event (pvp comp, party etc) Then you would have to pay like 3-5 platinum or maby more. If you are the creator of the event Then you would have the option to call a vote to boot a player form, the event square basically while thers and event going on everyone can come to the town and do there business but if you coem to the towne and liek spam the event and troll the party memebers could call a vote to all ignoor you so you wouldnt see any messages that they said.

Please consider These ideas i think they would make the game much better. PLEASE

* sorry for the bad spelling i was in a hurry and i am not the best typer in the world :p

11-13-2010, 12:58 PM
i mispelled in the title lol sorry

11-13-2010, 01:05 PM
mounts=gay. wastelands=COOL!! wastelands would be a good idea. i think it would take a lotta data, though. and get less xp.

11-13-2010, 01:35 PM
Ok i think mounts would be cool but maby you could just have liek a pet that would follow you in your journey and maby help you by attackign other enimies

11-13-2010, 01:36 PM
Why mounts are gay what do you think?

11-13-2010, 01:39 PM
Bear on a horse= gay
Archer on a horse=gay
enchantress that looks like a woman on a horse=gay
(unless the mount is like a cerberus=awesome

11-13-2010, 01:42 PM
ok lol maby it dosent have to be a horse maby for bears its a certain inda creature that wold look cool what do you think the animals shoudl be for each class?

11-13-2010, 01:42 PM
devs please to the watelands please please please its a good ideas and would maek you lots of money please!!!!!!

11-13-2010, 02:23 PM
Mounts as horses looks gay on all games.... the mounts should be lige cerberus'es/tigers/a car :D

11-13-2010, 03:52 PM
wasteland like fallout 3 with radioactive mobs an crazy stuff like that based in future