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View Full Version : Essences Drop Rate

11-19-2013, 09:08 PM
Current Knowledge/Opinions:As we all know essence drop rates have significantly decreased from the debute of the event. The effect being that gem prices have slightly risen and you can no longer gather enough essences to craft 1-3 gems every hour.

I, for one, thought the previous drop rate was healthy. Gems, due to their minimal individual stat increase, should be about as expensive as a locked crate or less since gems can be used by anyone, unlike locks, it would seem rational to have many more essences drop than locks.

The Major Flaw with the Debute of Crafting:
All mob drops were increased.
*This caused, as a result, more epics to drop. Therefore, the odds of rerolling an epic were much higher (this is why archons and locks were dropping like crazy).

Possible Solutions:

1) Decrease the amount of essences required for gems.

Positives: Solves the issue of low essence drop rates making gems overly difficult to harvest.

Negatives: Plat sales from essences will decrease (this is entirely from STG's point of view).

2) Slightly (I stress slightly) increase item drop rates and make essences a rare, as opposed to an epic, item.

Positives: Slighlty more archon rings will drop, and essences will surely drop more often. Overall gold dropped from normal game play increases (this benefits low level players and elite runners the most).

Negatives: Locks will drop more often, further diminishing their value. There may still be a lower essence drop rate than desirable.


Feel free to post your own suggestions.

11-19-2013, 09:24 PM
I agree. With the number of gems needed to get a superior bond and the fact that even epic items can be upgraded, the essence should have a higher drop rate.

11-19-2013, 09:26 PM
With the very recent patch, the essences have already gone down in drop rate. I'm not sure they reroll to locks still (awaiting a response from a mod), but you know that they are only 6k ea now and dropping in price still. This is soon making it to where locks are not necessary to farm for money. I farmed 11 yesterday (I open 1 and sell 10), and in 2 days the price went from the neutral 10k to 6k. The essences should stay how they are in terms of crafting and looting. And also, locks shouldn't reroll from essence, because it drops lots of money making techniques. That's that.

11-19-2013, 09:27 PM
This nerf to the essence drop rate is pretty bad compared to before which is a reasonable drop rate given the fact you have to have at least 10 of each essence to craft them. And then you would have to wait 8 hours if you aren't using plat to finish up the gem.

11-19-2013, 11:49 PM
Also what I noticed:

Before the patch the drops of essences where more inclined toward your class. Means: Mages dropped more glacier than blood and fire, Warriors more blood than glacier and fire and so on.

Funny thing now: after the patch its exactly the other way around: Mages drop more fire and blood than glacier and so forth.

I dont really mind, since I have 3 chars, each one of every class. So that the drop rate of the different types doesnt really bother me. But it surely will have an effect on the economy (more gems in rotation=lower prices).

I talked to my guildies, everybody is experiencing the same.

But what is with those one-char players?

My question is: Is this intentional, STS, Devs?

11-19-2013, 11:56 PM
Yes the decrease in essence drops is noticeable now. I did 5 runs and not even one. Almost makes it not worth while to farm anymore. Oh well, nothing good lasts forever :(

11-20-2013, 02:12 AM
I'm no programming expert but I would expect there should be a way to make essences alone drop more often? Or maybe simply introduce a map where they exclusively drop.

The side effect of crates is one thing but also all the crap that is picked up, during my essence farming the last two days I simply avoided using my pet at all due to all the crap picked up.

11-20-2013, 02:56 AM
yussss keep lowering it.


11-20-2013, 03:08 AM
i like to lower it ... so it will give more value

11-20-2013, 03:25 AM
It's either:
1. Lower drop rate of essence to complete 10 essences (This I think would be boring) or
2. Increase required essences to 100 with a normal drop rate
3. Add an auxiliary gem which can affect enemies only for PVE (curse, poison, bleed, stun, etc)

1. Gems' value would not decrease significantly.
2. Diversity of Gems can never be wrong.

11-20-2013, 03:32 AM

I agree. With the number of gems needed to get a superior bond and the fact that even epic items can be upgraded, the essence should have a higher drop rate.

n this:

This nerf to the essence drop rate is pretty bad compared to before which is a reasonable drop rate given the fact you have to have at least 10 of each essence to craft them. And then you would have to wait 8 hours if you aren't using plat to finish up the gem.

11-20-2013, 03:49 AM
Think about it we will have to regem almost all the gems over and over to try for superior bond. They need to be easy to find so we can do just that otherwise people will lose interest in geming anything other than just their personal gear if essences are too hard to find. The wait times itself for upgrading is already a deterrent from geming items add to that a low drop rate of essence and it will be a scarcely used system which i do not think would be good for anyone.This update is clearly intended to keep people logging on more often, between the bards update and crafting update. STS wants people to do their daily bards quest everyday and farm essences everyday, high drop rates on essences will do just that make them too low and people will not farm essences and therefore not craft or upgrade. As far as the value of gems in cs they will never be too high because u can buy one gem for 10 plat, 10 plat converts to 10k if u bought gold using plat so therefore u cannot expect gems to be extremely valuable in cs. Keep the essences flowing at a healthy drop rate and all will be well in the land of arlor :)

11-20-2013, 03:53 AM
I'm no programming expert but I would expect there should be a way to make essences alone drop more often? Or maybe simply introduce a map where they exclusively drop.

Yes, like take Palm Rock Island for an example.

11-20-2013, 03:56 AM
did you guys tried to farm today?

did not essence drop rate is lowered?

11-20-2013, 04:48 AM
I already couldn't find enough gems to craft when the crafting n upgarde system became available in AL...now it's practically impossible to craft gems -.-

11-20-2013, 07:05 AM
i like to lower it ... so it will give more value

Lets say it takes just 15 resockets of a gem to get a superior bond.


30+150+150+(150)=330 (480) essences

Nevermind the time it takes to upgrade. Also factor in that you need specific types. Not just any essence.

By the time the items are upgraded the legendary items will be obsolete.

11-20-2013, 07:13 AM
Had crafting been introduced last year with the games debut the drop rate wouldn't be a problem. What I'm saying is crafting has only been out for a couple days. How can we say not being able make a gem every couple hours isn't enough. A lot of people have some sort of end game armor and will be Gemming them up and before long most of their gear will gemmed and working towards superior bonds. Many people will be selling gems so those looking to upgrade will have the oppertunity. Just give it some time to smooth out, a couple days is hard to give good feedback

11-20-2013, 07:48 AM
this is dumb. im not farming. im just doing free offers and buying them with plat. if it takes an hour to get 10 essenses of a type, not worth my time.

11-20-2013, 07:56 AM
They need to lower the amount of loot in the areas I reroll off crates and other objects still! Not mobs inanimate objects!

11-20-2013, 08:01 AM
this is dumb. im not farming. im just doing free offers and buying them with plat. if it takes an hour to get 10 essenses of a type, not worth my time.

It takes probably more time to find them now.

11-20-2013, 08:06 AM
Farming wasn't ever made to be easy they call it farming for a reason guys to each and everyone in this comment section and whoever else reads this its made so you and your friends can party up and hunt rare loot originally intended for non platinum users as a way to make their gold to be able to buy things that they couldn't normally afford now locks are barely worth it and we need a huge event not just a weekend thing a week long event to bring lock prices off their knees!

11-20-2013, 08:18 AM
Farming wasn't ever made to be easy they call it farming for a reason guys to each and everyone in this comment section and whoever else reads this its made so you and your friends can party up and hunt rare loot originally intended for non platinum users as a way to make their gold to be able to buy things that they couldn't normally afford now locks are barely worth it and we need a huge event not just a weekend thing a week long event to bring lock prices off their knees!

Weekend events are better... U saw it at the halloween event, their pirces didn't raise but they dropped

11-20-2013, 09:48 AM
well this morning i got 1 essense in 5 runs with combo elix from klaas. 5 RUNS=1 ESSENSE 1 ESSENSEx10=1GEM=50 RUNS. and u get all different kinds of gems so who knows how long.

11-20-2013, 09:56 AM
I totally agree with the insanely high drop rate of loots but STS really shouldn't have made the drop rate of essence really that LOW. I can agree if STS lessen the drop rate of essence but not this LOW. Drop rate of essence right now is as low as the chance of getting an arcane item. I think STS should increase it a little higher compared to what we have right now.

11-20-2013, 10:06 AM
I totally agree with the insanely high drop rate of loots but STS really shouldn't have made the drop rate of essence really that LOW. I can agree if STS lessen the drop rate of essence but not this LOW. Drop rate of essence right now is as low as the chance of getting an arcane item. I think STS should increase it a little higher compared to what we have right now.

ok maybe not arcane low....... rofl

11-20-2013, 10:23 AM
Please read my original post. This thread seems too extreme (both for and against) whether a change In drop rates is required.

Please reference my conservative "possible solutions" outlined.

11-20-2013, 10:29 AM
It takes probably more time to find them now.

i like the drop rate for the essence, plus the market is saturated with gems and on its 3rd day prices are 18k

11-20-2013, 11:14 AM
Current Knowledge/Opinions:
Possible Solutions:

1) Decrease the amount of essences required for gems.

2) Slightly (I stress slightly) increase item drop rates and make essences a rare, as opposed to an epic, item.


Feel free to post your own suggestions.

I think these two suggestions are making an assumption that the gem drop rate would only increase if the entire item drop rate increased. And that might not be entirely correct.

The reason for increased essence drop was because whites/greens were rerolling into essences along with the standard essence drops. They have now dialed back the entire item drop rate. We are getting the same amount of straight essence drops as before but missing out on those extra rerolls to essences.

From what Sam said before, it seems they can change the drop rate of the essences themselves irregardless of the overall drop rate as he said the team would monitor the situation and change it as necessary. He can correct me if this is wrong.

"Aaarrgg, we're watching essence drop rate and the value of gems closely over the coming days and weeks. We will be tuning accordingly."

But I completely agree for you that the overall drop rate of essences prior to the update was perfect. Now if they release unique essences/gems, then I wouldn't mind those being very rare. But as a first go, I agree with you on the prior drop rate

11-20-2013, 11:35 AM
i'm' not upgrading or farming any more until the drop rate is increased. this is ridiculous. Once again, the drop rates appear to be on a timer. U get several a run when you first start playing then the more you play the less you get. The same thing was observed with vanities in DL, if you didn't get one in the first 30 min you were on you may as well log off.

11-20-2013, 01:11 PM
I think the previous drop rate was fine, time taken vs selling price was reasonable. But now unless prices increase its harder to justify the time but still getting gold requires work so maybe its right that that it takes time..

11-20-2013, 01:20 PM
I didnt really read any of the previous posts as im on my phone. So ill go straight to replying my opinions and stuff.

~The drop rate previously was fine tbh. Gems shouldnt be 50k+ anyways. its good that they are cycling around 20-25k currently.

My suggestion. Put the drop rate back to what it was a few days ago. But tweak it by doing the following:
Do not allow essences to have a option to reroll into a crate. Thus preserving peoples crates so people don't complain about that.

Increase the drop rate of normal maps, Not elite. Thus preserving archons rarity and preventing another apocalypse of complaints.

If the previous drop rate was too "generous" (Which is really wasnt tbh. you still have to wait 8 hours to sell/use it to gem.) Then increase it a little bit from what it is now. Because STS. I just ran multiple maps (brackenridge and windmoor harbor since they got most breakables) And i barely got enough essences to make 3 gems. This is lame lol. As it stands I have not gemmed my gear nor will I until i can actually farm it without spending a day just to get 2 gems.

Well theres my opinions.

11-20-2013, 04:39 PM
I think these two suggestions are making an assumption that the gem drop rate would only increase if the entire item drop rate increased.

1) Did you even read suggestion #1...

2) Essences are, by nature an epic item. By doing thus they are part if the overall loot table. Obviously, the easy solution (the easy one tends to be the implimented one) is to decrease the rarity of essences from an epic to a rare item.

3) I haven't suggested making essences a whole new class of items, but I am it opossed to this (if it is at all possible).

11-20-2013, 04:43 PM
For those who aren't checking the cs like a child watching the puppy in the window: blood gems are up 9k from 7:30am EST.

Glacial gems have trended down, and fire gems have trended (ever so slightly) up.


I think its rediculous enough I have to wait 24hours just for the second gem, but spending 40k per gem (in theory this figure will increase) is frustratingly wallet thinning.

I believe 5-10k is the healthy price per gem.

11-20-2013, 04:59 PM
For those who aren't checking the cs like a child watching the puppy in the window: blood gems are up 9k from 7:30am EST.

Glacial gems have trended down, and fire gems have trended (ever so slightly) up.


I think its rediculous enough I have to wait 24hours just for the second gem, but spending 40k per gem (in theory this figure will increase) is frustratingly wallet thinning.

I believe 5-10k is the healthy price per gem.

I agree. Also, stashing essences would be GREAT. I have many alts that I play on. Having essences all spread out is prettttttty annoying.

11-20-2013, 05:05 PM
1) Did you even read suggestion #1...

2) Essences are, by nature an epic item. By doing thus they are part if the overall loot table. Obviously, the easy solution (the easy one tends to be the implimented one) is to decrease the rarity of essences from an epic to a rare item.

3) I haven't suggested making essences a whole new class of items, but I am it opossed to this (if it is at all possible).

I'm just trying to add some constructive feedback. I always appreciate what you share on the forums Crow :)

1) Yes i did. Your suggestion is made on the assumption that they can't change the drop rate of essences by themselves. Hence they would need to instead decrease the amount of essences per gem
3)This is my assumption based on what Sam has shared:
"Essence drop chance should be in the same ballpark. The way essences were being dropped had to change to fix this overall issue, so there is some room for variance, but the team tuned it back to be about where they were previously.

As always, after playing, we invite your constructive feedback. Thanks!"

So I think the devs do have that ability to tweak it more simply. I can again be completely wrong.

I think this is a minor issue we disagree on. I completely agree that rates should increase.

11-20-2013, 05:28 PM
Keep in mind STS is selling 10 essences for 10 plat. Based on that price, I'd say that if plat was the only way to acquire them, the price on the market in gold would become somewhere around 15-20k. Then once you buy those, you would still need to craft them into a gem which takes many hours.

If STS hopes to sell any of these for plat, then they need to keep the rarity of essences dropping in check. Because if they are too common then who would spend plat to buy them?

Over the past 48 hours we have seen the price of gems drop all the way down to around 25k. If it drops much lower then nobody is going to be interesting in buying them for plat, so I would expect STS to make sure the price stays higher if they hope to make any sales.

11-20-2013, 05:31 PM
Keep in mind STS is selling 10 essences for 10 plat. Based on that price, I'd say that if plat was the only way to acquire them, the price on the market in gold would become somewhere around 15-20k. Then once you buy those, you would still need to craft them into a gem which takes many hours.

If STS hopes to sell any of these for plat, then they need to keep the rarity of essences dropping in check. Because if they are too common then who would spend plat to buy them?

Over the past 48 hours we have seen the price of gems drop all the way down to around 25k. If it drops much lower then nobody is going to be interesting in buying them for plat, so I would expect STS to make sure the price stays higher if they hope to make any sales.

Or... they can make it cost less in the store.

11-20-2013, 05:38 PM
If STS hopes to sell any of these for plat, then they need to keep the rarity of essences dropping in check. Because if they are too common then who would spend plat to buy them?

Most of the plat will be made by paying to not wait 2-3 days as you will be without your gear for that period of time.. Or retrying to get a superior bond. Farming these is relatively easy and they are cheap in cs. I don't expect many people to buy them for 10 plat. I know people who have already paid plat to create superior bonds. This is where they make their money, not on the purchases of essences. Its more expensive to finish the upgrade then it is to buy 10 essences.

11-20-2013, 06:08 PM
Not trying to be mean, but I want to point out that you said:

I think these two suggestions are making an assumption that the gem drop rate would only increase if the entire item drop rate increased.
But later said:

Your suggestion is made on the assumption that they can't change the drop rate of essences by themselves.
Therefore I am both saying they can "only increase the drop rate and that "they can't change the drop rate."

Neither of which is true, I have no idea what limitations STS has and therefore tried to give two polar solutions.

My #1 biggest frustration is people telling me what I am thinking. Tell me what you think and I asure you I will tell you what I think.

11-20-2013, 06:51 PM
I can confirm that for the moment nothing can reroll into an essence, and an essence can no longer reroll into a Crate, or anything else.

As with any new system, things take time to settle. We are listening, watching, and waiting to see how the dust settles before tweaking any more for the moment. Essence drop rates are one of those concerns, but it's too early to tell and there is a lot of mixed reactions. A lot of mixed reactions probably stem from the unreasonably bountiful quantities of Essences that were dropping on launch compared to the most recent update that addressed the issue.

We're listening, but we can't justify sweeping changes to drop rates and the like without some more time to let the system settle in.

Thanks for all the feedback!

11-20-2013, 09:30 PM
I can confirm that for the moment nothing can reroll into an essence, and an essence can no longer reroll into a Crate, or anything else.

As with any new system, things take time to settle. We are listening, watching, and waiting to see how the dust settles before tweaking any more for the moment. Essence drop rates are one of those concerns, but it's too early to tell and there is a lot of mixed reactions. A lot of mixed reactions probably stem from the unreasonably bountiful quantities of Essences that were dropping on launch compared to the most recent update that addressed the issue.

We're listening, but we can't justify sweeping changes to drop rates and the like without some more time to let the system settle in.

Thanks for all the feedback!

Good to know.

Ps: can we get more in depth descriptions of patches on the forum? The reiteration of what the news tab tells me seems to be a major waste of the forum.

Example: knowing that essences have become their own class of items would have saved me a lot of time on basing my current opinions.

Obviously, you can't give us every crumb of knowledge. However, the knowledge you have just shared was a major change (IMO).

11-20-2013, 10:25 PM
You guys are very funny ... when essence drops were easily available ... you guys complained that it is too easy and things are easier to get and etc ...

Now they have changed it to lower rate, you are complaining that you can not farm enough essence!

I always believe that this game should make it easy to play and not for some fanatics player/guilds whom loved to farm 24/7 non stop like a zombie.

Personally it does not affect me because I have plats!!!

11-21-2013, 12:41 AM
You guys are very funny ... when essence drops were easily available ... you guys complained that it is too easy and things are easier to get and etc ...

Now they have changed it to lower rate, you are complaining that you can not farm enough essence!

I always believe that this game should make it easy to play and not for some fanatics player/guilds whom loved to farm 24/7 non stop like a zombie.

Personally it does not affect me because I have plats!!!

Woot party for you bro!!!

Most likely, the people complaining before are not now (even though i dont really remember anyone complaining about essences before).

In any case, from my running this evening, i dont think the drop rate is all that much different than before. I still got 20+ essences in the hour I played.

11-21-2013, 12:42 AM
You guys are very funny ... when essence drops were easily available ... you guys complained that it is too easy and things are easier to get and etc ...

Now they have changed it to lower rate, you are complaining that you can not farm enough essence!

I always believe that this game should make it easy to play and not for some fanatics player/guilds whom loved to farm 24/7 non stop like a zombie.

Personally it does not affect me because I have plats!!!

Please don't generlize so broadly. I would challenge you to find a post where I complained about drop rates being to high on essences. Of course, the archon ring and locked crates drop rates were absurd.

11-21-2013, 03:16 PM
Well i have come to the conclusion that with current drop rates as is. Given what we know about the very low chance of getting a super gem socketed 1/25 gems makes a super gem roughly. I will not be farming essences anymore, it is too time consuming and not rewarding enough. Now with that said i have all of my myth gear in the process of upgrading the third slot and since i don't pvp i don't need those super gems to keep up with other end gamers in tdm. I will collect essences only through my normal game play and not set out on farming essence runs, therefore my crafting slots will be rarely used. I will perhaps try for super gems with those few gems i've collected through normal game play and that is it. I liked the drop rate of essences with the initial release as it was exciting and felt like i was being rewarded for playing. I am sure most people felt the same way i did, excited and rewarded. My opinion is that collecting essences should be almost another form of a daily quest. Because it will keep people coming back everyday for a few hours to collect them. But with the current drop rate as low as it is, i am sure most people will follow suit with me. Eventually when the new shimmer of crafting has faded “essence runs” will cease to exist. Feeling like i was being rewarded for playing with an abundant flow of essences was a good feeling and i am sure many people would agree with me. Since I am not farming essences anymore and i cant run elites because my gear is being upgraded see you all in two days when my gear is done upgrading.

11-21-2013, 04:32 PM
Keep in mind STS is selling 10 essences for 10 plat. Based on that price, I'd say that if plat was the only way to acquire them, the price on the market in gold would become somewhere around 15-20k. Then once you buy those, you would still need to craft them into a gem which takes many hours.

If STS hopes to sell any of these for plat, then they need to keep the rarity of essences dropping in check. Because if they are too common then who would spend plat to buy them?

Over the past 48 hours we have seen the price of gems drop all the way down to around 25k. If it drops much lower then nobody is going to be interesting in buying them for plat, so I would expect STS to make sure the price stays higher if they hope to make any sales.

I think they need to decide if they want to make money by selling essences or by us bypassing the timer and do away with the other. I complete understand what ur saying and I agree that's what they are thinking but I'm starting to feel like the plat is more of a requirement now than it used to be. If I go to a restaurant I expect to be charged for my meal. I like to pay at the end of dinner tho instead of forking over (see what I did there?) cash to my waiter after every bite.

There's an amount of money I am happy to pay for entertainment. When I feel like the game is being designed to force me to pay more than I want is when I start spending my money somewhere else. An ideal example if PL. It was a great game until the mob and boss difficulty was designed so that u had to use thrashers to survive or contribute.

11-22-2013, 12:20 AM
Well i have come to the conclusion that with current drop rates as is, and given what we know about the very low chance of getting a super gem socketed 1/25 gems makes a super gem roughly. I will not be farming essences anymore, it is too time consuming and not rewarding enough. Now with that said i have all of my myth gear in the process of upgrading the third slot and since i dont pvp i dont need those super gems to keep up with other end gamers in tdm. I will collect essences only through my normal gameplay and not set out on farming essence runs, therefore my crafting slots will be rarely used. I will pherhaps try for super gems with those few gems i've collected through normal gameplay and that is it.I liked the drop rate of essences with the initial release as it was exciting and felt like i was being rewarded for playing and i am sure most people felt the same way i did, excited and rewarded.Many people have been complaining for a long time about how when they run elites they waste hundreds of pots only to get a green item in return. A high drop rate of essences solves those complaints because now you will have gotten between 1 and 5 essences per run every run and were rewarded for playing that map even if it wasnt with elite pink gear still rewarded none the less. My opinion is that collecting essences should be almost another form of a daily quest because it will keep people coming back everyday for a few hours to collect them. But with the current drop rate as low as it is i am sure most people will follow suit with me,eventually when the new sparkle of crafting has faded and not set out on farming essence runs. Feeling like i was being rewarded for playing with an abundant flow of essences was a good feeling and i am sure many people would agree with me. Since im not farming essences anymore and i cant run elites because my gear is being upgraded see you all in two days when my gear is done upgrading.

Sorry aarrgggggg;

nobody will read a such a long text without paragraphs but instead extra long sentences. You get stuck in the second sentence without beeing able to read further.

Make it easier for the reader. Use paragraphs. And short sentences. Thanks :)

11-22-2013, 01:02 AM
Sorry aarrgggggg;

nobody will read a such a long text without paragraphs but instead extra long sentences. You get stuck in the second sentence without beeing able to read further.

Make it easier for the reader. Use paragraphs. And short sentences. Thanks :) Due'ly noted

11-22-2013, 01:17 AM
well i think drop rates is fine. i m lvling new char and everyday i can craft 5 gems. i also deleting some essance bcoz of 25 inventory.

farm locked and get essances also. i have also noticed that essance dont requie lepre or reroll exiler - its really good move by sts

11-22-2013, 01:53 AM
I believe the essence drop rate should be a but higher to increase the long term commitment from the players. As fars the price per gem in cs, u guys are crazy selling any gem for less than 35k. I realize this its higher than the conversion rate of plat to gold but keeping in mind the majority of players (at last in my guild or that I play with) are non plat users. Therefore, the time taken to create one is not worth it to sell since it takes considerably more time to farm a gem than a locked.

11-22-2013, 03:15 PM
So I spent an hour farming essences and got 5...

I'm running brankenridge and goldmines.

Based on this I am not enthralled with the reluctance to increase drop rates.

11-22-2013, 03:42 PM
So I spent an hour farming essences and got 5...

I'm running brankenridge and goldmines.

Based on this I am not enthralled with the reluctance to increase drop rates.

hmmm maybe shuyal has much better rates. I get 5 in about 2 runs of forest breach or shades

11-22-2013, 04:25 PM
hmmm maybe shuyal has much better rates. I get 5 in about 2 runs of forest breach or shades

Can confirm that.

And i didnt notice any change in drop rate since the drop change. But can be probably bc i never run with lepre on nor im now. So probably the players that run with feel the difference.

i think its fine. what only bothers me is that long crafting time of 2nd and 3rd gem.

11-22-2013, 05:23 PM
Guys, do we want no challenge at all? I thought the rate was too high for essences. I think the current rate is fine.

Try running harder maps, I find I get more essences that way. I get 2-3 on average for each Shuyal map I run.

11-22-2013, 06:16 PM
hmmm maybe shuyal has much better rates. I get 5 in about 2 runs of forest breach or shades

Like other sts games, the drops seem to be in bunches. I'll get 3 in my first run but the longer I play the less they drop. Try playing for an hour straight and see if u have similar results. I'd be curious to know if others see the same thing or if it's just my imagination.

11-22-2013, 06:36 PM
Like other sts games, the drops seem to be in bunches. I'll get 3 in my first run but the longer I play the less they drop. Try playing for an hour straight and see if u have similar results. I'd be curious to know if others see the same thing or if it's just my imagination.

Yeah I did this last night. Over the course of about an hour I got around 25 essences.

Today, some runs I get none. Some runs I get five. I haven't done a run yet though where I didn't see any drop. Seems like every run at least someone gets a bunch.

It's weird though, maybe on my first few runs I get none. Then they start dropping. I've crafted four gems since yesterday.

11-22-2013, 06:42 PM
O.o I can't even get one gem since the update.

11-22-2013, 07:52 PM
O.o I can't even get one gem since the update.

Try running shuyal

11-22-2013, 08:16 PM
Try running shuyal

I was just going to ask if u we're running Shuyal. Haha. I guess the devs hate me. :(

11-23-2013, 12:54 AM
There is no map where essences drop more often than in other maps. Its purely based on luck and the available minion-loot droppers. There are maps that have a little bit less than other maps (say jarl vs. shuyal undim fields for instance), but this makes not much difference. Sometimes I get 2 essences throuh a single map, sometimes none... But it looks like the drop rate is like crates with lepre and luck elix. Two to three per thirty minutes average.

11-23-2013, 01:06 AM
i think the ''gems'' need be ''DROP'' and ''crafting'' i think this is for Armors/weapon/accesory/potions not for a ''stone'' first game i see with that and take 2 days to put stone on ur ''weapon'' LOL

11-23-2013, 02:44 AM
My crafting station still have no production, it's taking ages to find resources as my time are really limited, hopefully there will be more upgraded pinks, etc. in Cs, prices will always be competitive. Enjoy the new system. :-)

11-24-2013, 12:42 AM
My crafting station still have no production, it's taking ages to find resources as my time are really limited, hopefully there will be more upgraded pinks, etc. in Cs, prices will always be competitive. Enjoy the new system. :-)

Then just buy 'em. 10 plat a bunch.